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Reed Markstein

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  1. I would also be willing to do $100 every 4 weeks, as that saves some PayPal fees. A renter could move between the two plans as desired.
  2. Most of the scripts that automatically eject users who have low account ages can also be configured to allow people with payment info on file to stay. It's rare for griefers to set up a Pay Pal or credit card method. If you haven't try buying something on Marketplace or buying a few L$. If you still get booted somewhere, send an IM to the place's owner to look for the payment flag on your account and reconsider. Sorry you're having the bad experience. A few bad apples ruin it for everybody.
  3. That doesn't look like the official Second Life viewer. You would be best off asking about it in a forum for users of that viewer, or at least naming the viewer you're using.
  4. You should contact the creator personally if you want to learn about refund options (if any). But usually these rezzers include an option to de-rez and re-rez the item. This lets you move the rezzer, then rez a fresh version that hasn't been corrupted that way. Usually that kind of corruption is a result of trying to move it through a parcel where you don't have rez/movement rights, or off the edge of the world.
  5. Homestead Sim for rent: $26/week (US Dollars) The name is currently "Basket." You can rename it for a one time fee of $36 on top of your rent. This is the same fee Linden Lab charges me, plus $1 for PayPal fees. You get full estate manager rights for yourself and any friends you request. You are able to restart the sim, sublet parcels, change maturity, and otherwise exercise full control. This is a standard Homestead sim with 3,750 prims. There are no islands next door, so you can do as you please with sim surrounds and borders. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Basket/155/140/21 Payment is with a PayPal subscription. Your lease terminates on the first missed renewal date unless you contact me first. I'll offer prorated refunds on the day of your choice if I have more than a week's advance notice. Feel free to contact me via IM in Second Life: Search for "Reed Marketsin" or paste this into SL chat and click it: secondlife:///app/agent/69dea6b5-433d-41f1-9748-bc099efab85a/about
  6. Any time you see crazy pricing, there's a good chance the owner is willing to negotiate downward. Assume they're just setting a high starting volley.
  7. LL used to allow people to report extortion plots if the ratio was high enough. This was mostly because people would get a 16m chunk of land in the corner of another parcel and put ugly stuff inside to try and force the sale. I think the ratio was anything over L$100/meter? If you run across a parcel you really want and think someone is being difficult on purpose, you might ask if it still applies.
  8. Yup, use a support ticket. Also, if you keep it very brief with only the details needed and point out that you already have enough tier, it helps. Then you can avoid back-and-forth questions.
  9. I use the same trick as Pussycat when shopping for furniture and houses. I make a hollow rectangle that's as big as the land, or as big as the room I want to decorate, wear that on avatar center, and walk around the showrooms to see what will fit. You could even take a top-down picture and map that on a prim if you wanted to fit your existing floorplan.
  10. For what it's worth, if someone did offer an account for sale with grandfathered land attached and someone took them up on the offer, they would have no protection if it turned out the account was actually stolen from someone else. Many scams are based on buyers doing something they already know they shouldn't be doing. It cuts them off from help.
  11. I've seen a few people do this, and where it hasn't been ugly, I haven't seen it returned. I would make sure it's phantom if it's not a high bridge, and I would make sure you keep a copy ready to re-rez just in case it gets returned. If you do see it get returned by a Linden, I'd contact the Linden who returned it before re-rezzing to see if they had a particular concern.
  12. The important thing to do here is - once both of you are in the group, you open the land panel, pick the "General" tab, "Set" the group, click "Deed to Group," "Owner makes contribution with deed," and lastly click the "Deed" button. As long as you take these steps, your tier usage will never spike up. The best part is you even get a 10% bonus on tier when you use a group. You'll both have enough left over that you could get another 48 meters between the two of you. This can be nice if you want a mini parcel on another sim for store boxes or experiments.
  13. As long as the two parcels have the same owner (individual or group), the operation won't change tier requirements. There isn't any temporary spike or anything.
  14. If you abandon your Linden Home, your land credit is immediately available for use on a mainland parcel. Likewise, if you get down to 0 meters of land holdings (including group donations) you can instantly claim another Linden Home. Moving back and forth is easy.
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