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SL21B Town Halls and Community Roundtable

Linden Lab


SL21B Town Halls - NoDate.png

The countdown to SL21B has begun as we are just days away from opening day! Along with the Live Music Events & Performances, we also have some special Town Hall events that will take place at the celebrations in front of live audiences. Watch them with everyone at the SL21B Aquatorium - the water stage!

Tuesday, June 25th at 1:30pm PT - Attend a Town Hall with the Product and Engineering teams at the SL21B Aquatorium. In attendance will be Senior VP of Product & Engineering Grumpity Linden, Director of Engineering Web & Platform Kali Linden, Director of Engineering Second Life Server & Viewer Signal Linden, Senior Product Manager Sntax Linden, and Product Manager Kyle Linden.

Wednesday, June 26th at 1:30pm PT - Attend a Town Hall with the Product Operations team at the SL21B Aquatorium. In attendance will be Senior VP of Product Operations & Marketing Patch Linden, Support Operations Manager Keira Linden, Product Operations Manager Derrick Linden, and Creative Producer Izzy Linden.

Thursday, June 27th at 1:30pm PT - Attend a Town Hall at the SL21B Aquatorium with the Founder of Second Life Philip Linden interviewed by VP of Marketing Brett Linden. 

Friday, June 28th at 1:30pm PT - Attend a Town Hall at the SL21B Aquatorium with the Moles! The Moles are builders, scripters, and content creators employed by Linden Lab to work in the Linden Department of Public Works.  

Monday, July 1st at 11:30am PT - Attend our second Community Roundtable at the SL21B Aquatorium with Executive Chairman Oberwolf Linden and Senior VP of Product Operations & Marketing Patch Linden. Our Community Roundtables give you the opportunity to connect directly with our top executives, share your input, and discuss ideas on enhancing Second Life. This initiative represents another step in our efforts to improve our community interactions, ensuring that your voice is more directly heard and valued.

You have two more days left to submit your questions for these events!

Keep an eye on this blog for more information about SL21B coming soon!

Come celebrate 21 years of Second Life with us. We look forward to seeing you!


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