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Allie Ree

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Everything posted by Allie Ree

  1. About this time last year we discovered that sharing a MP link to Facebook is not formatting correctly. It was supposed to be on the fast track to get fixed. Both Grant and Brodskey knew where and what the problem was and said it was an easy fix. It sure would be nice if the "share" button worked like it should. Here is a good picture of before displaying the problem. Notice the XStreet listing displayed as it should, MP listings do not.
  2. I subscribe to the Merchants forum but missed the Dash Deal blog post either due to it being posted before I subscribed or it being posted in commerce. Either would do it. Point is, I would like to be part of that beta but the link you provided, and the link within that to apply, indicate that the application to participate is closed. Is there still an opportunity to get involved in this market test? I have mixed feelings about it. I think it might be splendidly successful, or it might cause shoppers to shop only Dash Deals. I think though, that it is more likely than not a potentially successful. Please let me know if it is still possible to apply and if so how. I gave some thought to the metrics you posted and wonder if the surge in Adult item sales is due to some merchants rating more items as Adult. My initial reaction to the maturity changes was to just rate everything Adult and not have to worry about it. I figure the shoppers will eventually figure out the best selection of items will be found with Adult settings on and the more of us that list our items as Adult the sooner that will happen. I haven't taken that pludge completely yet but have experimented some. Based on your metrics and my results I am giving it renewed consideration Allie Ree VGS Black Market
  3. This is going to be so confusing and anti-immersive. The only thing I think that might be worse would be the 2.1 sidebar.
  4. Excellent point. I have at least three alt accounts of roleplay characters that are "dead". I won't roleplay with them again. Their story is over. If i could change their identity aka user name, I would go out and buy them new clothes, new hair, new wardrobes, make new shapes and have a brand new character for a brand new story. Doing that with a display name and an original user name of the dead character still identifying the dead character is unappealing. Its not something I would use in roleplay. People who have tried to do it with titlers (which are less glorified display names) find that other roleplayers will react to who they used to be more often than not. Display names will confuse new players. Display names will make SL less immersive. Display names will make it possible to impersonate existing users. Your solutions don't address these issues. You might be listening but you don't seem to have an open mind when it comes to protecting the unique identity of existing user names. Many good suggestions and points have been made but they seem to hit this brick wall of an excuse that there wouldn't be enough names left if you protected our unique names. Add a middle initial or name and problem solved. Let new registrants use whatever last name they like as long as it doesn't duplicate an existing user name. There is no way that running out of names is a real reason for not protecting exisiting unique user names. Its just not realistic to believe that. And what if a name is a registered trademark? That hasn't been addressed and it is a big can of worms.
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