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Denim Robonaught

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Everything posted by Denim Robonaught

  1. I kept everything! And BOM is pretty much high(er) quality system clothes
  2. Well mostly started because of long tps or logins and taking forever to rez. So you go afk and get distracted by TV, go off to start dinner, actually go to eat, or even fall asleep because the tp takes so damn long. You should visit those HUBs and watch all the afk people who don't even know their sim was unavailable during restarts.
  3. And then we fall in that good old axiom where decisions are made of which RP is acceptable and which is not.
  4. Why? I still use my old system layers for BOM, as they became compatible again when BOM was released.
  5. I used RLV to have my kid on my arm, my back, to have them follow me, to tp them, or sometimes to ground them to their room.
  6. Well if you read it literately, it does say "creator obligated to add a modesty layer", and "*may* not be removed," not "*can not* be removed". which would imply that as long as you wear the modesty layer provided by a body or skin creator as part of any baked skin you are in order. I think that's an important distinction from all that has been said here.
  7. So basically any child avi's 10,000s of L$s worth of skins, and bodies are now completely useless because they can't be censored, unless they bring out special bodies that censor every baked skin. I'd call that punishment for being a child avi.
  8. Having an adult platform at 3000 meters and a residential area on the ground is not mixing content
  9. Don't get me wrong, I do support almost all the rules about child avies. Having said that, not allowing kids on adult sims is just a blanket rule to make everything easier. Like no more kids on any sims where weapons can be used.
  10. I mean, imagine having to wash your newly zooby baby with a bathingsuit on, or changing diapers with their underwear on >?<
  11. of course LL is afraid, otherwise they wouldn't blanket the entire subject.
  12. No? they just got forbidden access to a ton of islands, which aren't always fully adult.
  13. So half of my sim (sky) is adult, and half of it is residential. So now my kids can't even come home anymore without changing. Nice policy.
  14. Barushkya Unique sim with one protected (unblockable) border connecting to Blake sea's Bingo Strait, and an extra water access on the other side Close to 1/2 sim for sale 27264 SQM with 9360 prims(or more) Currently Price drop from 80 to 70L$ per SQM! Extra water can be created on the east side! Friendly neighbors and excellent for yachts Landscaping parts can be kept or updated if desired Price is negotiable. Extra land is also negotiable. Contact Denim Robonaught for info! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Barushkya/163/189/22 Photos below are only examples of how the land could be used now, most of the parcel has been cleared.
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