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Ryuu Radek

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Blog Comments posted by Ryuu Radek


         It has nothing to do with raunchy, sexual behavior. general/PG means just that. From my understanding, there are to be no mature behaviors. These include profanity, risque jokes or anything of that sort. Basically, when I am on a general sim, my guideline is.."Could I say/do that in church or in front of my highly religious and prusish grandmother?"

    That sorta take away others right to experience SL as the fantsey playland it was origonally intended to be. No longer can it be a world of our making, now it is the provance of the Puratianistic prudes who have made our RL country the sexually immature rhelm it is today.


         I dress appropriately and carry myself in that fashion. As for IM's, I have never made it a practice to entertain long conversations with those I can't see. Even among my friends, we'll go to their house, my house or a beach or club for any real conversation.

    One of the great things about SL is thatyou can meet people you wouldn't ordinarly meet IRL and do so in a safe environment. Honestly, how is seeing someones avi on your screen really like being with someone IRL? You may have the illusion of being "with" someone, but the reality is, you are indeed having a long conversation with someone you can't see.


      Maybe that's where my problem is. I very much treat SL as much like RL as is prudent and warranted. In RL, I don't make it a habit of finding names in a phone book, doing a Google search to learn about them and then call them on the phone and say :HI, let's be friends!!". I also really don't care to meet such people.


    This is another great thing about SL, we can find out some details about people before we approach them. maybe there is nothing real about them but the choices they make of what to put in their profiles does give some hint to their personalities. As for making your SL as close to your RL, that's totally up to you. Just don't force me to also.


    This brings up a few very valid questions.

    *What are you going to do about the "adult" profiles some residents have on Second Life (Nudity, adult language & situations, advertising for adult business, etc.) Are you planning on safeguarding them from reading adult profiles? Are you going to censor & force residents to change their profiles? (Which is a bad move for those who own adult businesses or work in the adult industry  & use their profiles to pass on information, etc.)

    I was under the impresion that all profiles where suposed to be PG/G for years, especialy because those profiles can already be seen on the web by anyone: http://world.secondlife.com/resident/80d55c5a-4400-4038-a6d2-f12f205d6754

    No profiles can't be seen on te web, not in their entirty. I just clicked on your profile and got only the bearest of information. To view the entire profile my viewer software launched and I had to log in. As for profile content being required to be G in nature, not at all. However, after the teens arrive, I expect that this will me announced and profiles will be screened and wipped clean if they are found to be out of compliance. I would expect a warning tothe resident would be sent as well with continued violations resulting in suspensionand or termination of accounts.

  3. Well this is clearly the beginning of the end of all adult content and sexual situations on SL. As has been pointed out, many profiles contain adult content and describe sexual situations. I believe that LL will indeed restrict what may be put into and censor profiles. Violation will likely result in immediate termination of the account, or it could be a simply erasure of the content and a warning sent to the resident.

    Sometime after profiles are "cleaned up", LL will start to comment how it is becoming difficult to protect kids form adult content and sexual situations and they will announce a plan to end the Adult rating for sims prohibiting any adult content or sexually explicit materials in SL completely. Once that is completed, LL will sell SL to a company who will tame it even more turning it into a Disneyland sort of VR World. At this point the adults will begin to leave SL and membership will eventually decline to the point SL becomes a worthless property. Accountants will advise the new owners to liquidate it (shut it down).

    Thanks LL, thank you for never realizing your true success was SL and corporations will never adopt the idea of using a virtual environment to host meetings and seminars as long as video conferencing and electronic whiteboards are cheap and highly effective.

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