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Cory Edo

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Everything posted by Cory Edo

  1. I've been using the Caspervend system since 2012 and this is fantastic news to me. Casper has always been absolutely wonderful to work with and has provided what is simply the backbone sales product for inworld commerce. He should be proud of what he's accomplished and I hope he knows how fundamental his work has been to launching and maintaining countless creators' businesses. The two fundamental parts of selling inworld for me have always been Firestorm and Caspertech - without either of them I wouldn't be counting my 15th year in business. Over the years I've occasionally begged Casper to add a monthly service fee for expedited customer service, or anything similar so I didn't feel guilty that I was still riding off a one-time vendor system purchase - I'm so happy for him that he's finally getting his financial due for all his hard (and seemingly often unpaid) work. But the biggest concern for me has been the fact that my business relies so heavily on Caspertech - if he decided to close up shop, I and many creators would be out of business overnight. That's a point of failure that loomed too large for LL to ignore, and I'm glad they didn't. I wasn't sure if they were developing their own system in-house or were working to purchase Caspertech, and it seems to be the latter. Fine with me and I know its in good hands. LL's history of letting residents lead the way in developing systems and then purchasing them to add them into the platform is smart on several levels, and its not the first time they've added new officially supported functionality and features to the grid in this fashion. The Lab purchasing Caspervend means no more worries that the main inworld vendor functionality is resting on a single individual's generosity and interest to maintain, and lowers the barrier to entry to new residents who now don't have to find and figure out a third party system just to get basic inworld vendor functionality. So good work LL, and thank you again to Casper - you really have been an irreplaceable part of my SL creator journey, and I couldn't have done it without you. Take a vacation please! You earned it!
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