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Voodoo Schnyder

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Posts posted by Voodoo Schnyder

  1. What is the project about:

    For those who don't know what a MMORPG is, you can consider World of Warcraft, DOTA, Aion online, as the most popular MMORPG around, if you have played any of these before, read on, (Massive Multiplayer Online Role playing Game). They consist of world of fighting where you use your hotkeys to fight with a set of skills, using bows, swords, daggers and even magic attacks.

    I want to bring that world into Second Life, where you have a combat system running, earning you experience points, levels, magic gear and weapons, rare gems, hallucinating player-vs-player skills on fighting raids. And for that, I need your scripting skills.

    The system needs to work this way, there is a combat system where all players are connected to, in the grid, they attach the combat system and that makes the user earn experience points per hour, they should be able to have base stats, like strength, dexterity, luck, fortitude, and have those stats enhanced each time they earn a new level, making a level 10 character, stronger than a 9. I need a terminal scripted where users can buy additional items from an item mall on the website, to make their characters stronger. And of course, I need a set of editable skills that are available to award to each fighter in the game, as a reward for leveling up, also, would need a set of extra scripts for enhance weapons and armors to make the user able to resist a fight longer, while wearing these scripted clothes along with level requirements.

    I can provide all the information you need, for skills, for terminals, how I want them to communicate and how they should work and connect with the user, I need only your help as advanced scripter, to help me get this started, while I design all the rest in Second Life. I'll pay gently for your time and hard work.

    You can contact me: If you think that you have the time during this summer to get in this project, drop me a line at ignitiongfx [a] hotmail dot com or, you can also send me a notecard to my avatar name: Voodoo Schnyder

    Only apply if you have experience and the skill set needed to make this work, beginner scripters aren't necessary at this time.


    Updated: Added graphics:



  2. I wasnt sure where to post this, hopefully its ok to post under this section.

    I had a update group for my store and I lost owner rights by leaving it in 2010 when I was closing it, in lates 2011 I came back and reopened it and wanted to be able toa access this group again, is there any way to do this? I've tried to submit a ticket but basic accounts dont seem to cover these type of questions :x So any pointers would be appreciated

  3. Avatar name: Voodoo Schnyder

    SL rez date: 31 - March - 2007

    RL age: 21 years old

    What can I do/have done before: I can design any multimedia medium that has to do with sound, graphics and video to bring them in-world and make anything that would catch your eye attention. I can build in-world, and I have built roleplay and mall sims before in second life. I have experience in traffic and sales management as well as designer skills.

    Design Portfolio: You can see my past design works such as logotypes, web sites, flyers, book covers and others alike in the following link: http://voidgfx.deviantart.com/gallery/

    You can also see my digital artwork I do as hobbie to enhance my skill set in the following link: http://ignition-chemistry.deviantart.com/gallery/

    In-world builds: You can see a example of a in-world built subway system I've done in the following link: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Texturethematic-Tokyo-Urban-Subway/3071223

    Traffic, sponsorship and profit solutions: I have managed a roleplay sim before on my own for sales and profit solutions with about 15,000L per week and with a traffic of 20,000. Also got several sponsorships agreements done for my project at the time that provided us with a free online database for SL combat purposes, free web hosting and domains.

    In-world store: I have a still running fashion business that was rather famous back in 2009, when it started, earning about 500$ USD per month, for during the first year. You can check my store portfolio at the following link: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/16716

    What am I expecting/Who am I:

    I have studied graphic and multimedia arts and my timezone is GMT, London/Lisbon timezone. I am looking for anything that I can be a part of, mostly companies that are in need for any sort of help in the fields refered above. IM me in world if interested in my services or you can also reach me at: ignitiongfx (at) hotmail (dot) com



  4. Looking for a builder to build a mainstore, must be talented and able to produce eye candy design with good knowledge to architecture is a plus. I can't post examples of stores I like here under the risk of a moderator flags the post as spam/advertising, so IM me in-world.

  5. I first started with a shop in SL and then grown to a combat zone and a egyptian club! Now both these things were really fun to build and set up, even got my combat zone featured in the destinations guide, but I'm afraid that after the destinations guide feature on the login screen for my combat zone, worn off, I think it won't be paying off the land it takes. (My shop is currently paying the combat zone and club, but I don't think, honestly that the combat zone is earning me much profit, same for the club.., the club is even worse, I added a mall but now I have to find renters for it, it's really a slow process and I have no experience in running clubs, I suppose I could find a team to run my club but I have zero experience.

    Should I just keep the store, shut down the club and combat zone and have a nice vacation with the family with the money I earn from the shop, instead of supporting these two entertainment zones I have, that don't earn me profit? What would you do if you were me?

  6. Need someone to advertise and host, pretty much run a club I set up, while I take care of the financial side, all you'd need would be to run it, so if you want to run your own club, IM me: Voodoo Schnyder

    sURL: Need someone to advertise and host, pretty much run a club I set up, while I take care of the financial side, all you'd need would be to run it, so if you want to run your own club, IM me: Voodoo Schnyder

  7. Egyptian and Indian themed club opening doors for new vendors at: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Thorium/43/192/1003

    We have a mall that was strategically put at the welcome area to make sure all traffic that comes in, takes a look at your shop!

    Just a friendly tip, our opening party is by May 1st and that's when most of the traffic will come in and have a look at your vendors. :)

    Our prices are 6L/prim. And the rental boxes are set at 50prims. (Just IM if you need more)

    IM Voodoo Schnyder, for any questions

  8. In 2009 I designed and managed a whole roleplay sim with a simple japanese styled mall at the landing point, it was a huge sucess, we had tentants like Super Possessed, Blitzed, SAKIDE and others.

    This time I wanted to develop a whole sim but focus in the mall instead, with the intend to profit and make money. I just need someone, or a few people to invest with, as I can't afford it all for starters. I'm looking to split the costs of a full sim and as well as the profits later on.

    I can also advertise it well and build. Reach me through IM if you are interested:

    Voodoo Schnyder (SL Name)

    ignitiongfx at hotmail dot com (email)

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