@Patch Linden @Casper Warden I read in the notecard sent out to residents inworld in Second Life Quote " You have the right to object to your data being transferred to Linden Research, Inc, by requesting the deletion
of your data prior to this transfer instead, if you wish. You can view information on the data that we hold on
your behalf, and request deletion, using our GDPR tool: https://gdpr.casperdns.com. If you have difficulty with
this tool for any reason, please email gdpr-legal@caspertech.co.uk with your request. In order to take effect
before the transfer, deletion requests must be activated by 5pm UK time on Monday, 19th of September.
Otherwise your data will be transferred to Linden Research, Inc, although you can still request that your data
is deleted by them afterwards."
If A Resident was to proceed with this Data deletion Action how will this affect the resident? Will Redeliveries of purchases still work? can one Still Access Casper products? Will one still be Able to use Casper products one is currently using inworld etc. ?