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Lucinda Bulloch

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Posts posted by Lucinda Bulloch

  1. LOL, still on very shaky ground, you have nothing to offer as to why, again you take things out of context, again missing the real points and adding your own disinformation, one thing is clear, your are not a pro, a pro is more concerned with facts and not ego.

    And NASA have no cred, they are a CIA/MOSSAD propaganda machine, any thing they say must be confirmed from a none us source.

  2. LOL, wow you could not go any deeper into misunderstanding it, LOL, you are not worth an answer, read it again, i never said any of that, you have twisted it to look like that, does make me wonder what your motives are.


    " I've been involved in active astronomy for a long time including night time and solar observing and have a very good understanding of it." is that making the tea?

  3. This is the problem with god, it is a object to judge, and all that follow him are the same they have this need to judge and wont listen till they can do that and i think you sum it up well with "It makes it a little hard to care what you're saying when I've just been called a fool", dont you agree?


    i was not refering to you i was expressing my view, it does not matter what you think, that is my view since a child, to say i judged you and called you a "fool" is a delusion to far, don't you agree?

  4. Yes, as we crossed the solar plane so there was a swarm of earthquakes in odd areas, i think you would prefer it to be solar wind, i have been watching earthquakes there, i fact in my port store is an earthquake monitor that reads the USGS site and displays live earthquakes as they happen, it converts them to locations in sl, lol, but click the top and it will show you RL ones and and adds them to judge a day by day movement of the earth, lol, really, here in sl, true blue yacht club in my port office, to the left above the drinks.

  5. Yes there are a few in the USA, what is interesting is how far south they are, one would expect them to be near the magnetic holes at the poles more and not drifting south till all in the north could hear them, so one has to wonder if the magnetic field around us already has holes.


    See them as tute sweets, like in chitty chitty bang bang, as the solar wind passes our field it sounds across the holes, so can sound musical, cos it is vibrating air in electro magnetic eddies made as it passes, so our magnetic field could look like a tute sweet now, full of holes and people under those holes can hear the solar wind passing above.

  6. Nukes are little worry when compared to the sizes of the flares, so far we have been lucky and most missed us, but they are getting stronger each time, we have just crossed the solar plane and are now in the same region as this dark body, so now have a greater chance of being hit, it is said this body will cross the solar plane at the end of the year, god knows what will happen then, almost all the planets could get blasted, but once it passes that point it will start heading away from us, so wont have anything more to worry about for a few 1000 years till it returns.

  7. Since the picture, I have found out more, the large black area is a cloud of iron oxide, it has a huge amount of iron and a large magnetic field, in fact it could be the largest we have ever seen on any large planet, it seems to pass our sun in a very large orbit, it may pass as close to the sun as Jupiter, that would mean that it wont come anywhere near us to hit, but if its field is as strong as some think then it will draw a lot of matter from the sun as it passes meaning it will also grow, so therefore one day in the future it will grow enough to ignite and blow of its cloud and shine like a small second sun, so way in the future we could have 2 suns, one bright and one as bright as moon light, the current size of what ever is in the cloud is about 4 times the size of Jupiter.

  8. It is not a disaster, and will be survivable, I don't know what you have been told, but that's OK, only math's exist in my world and this can be calculated, the sounds will show the direction it is coming from, it is a long way away, I have a picture of it, it has 7 moons, so will sound like some of the things in your book, but they are not angels, they are small moons, that's all, I don't think any will hit, I think our main concerns is the solar flares, I don't know if you know this but our grid depends on huge transformers, these take 2 years to build and only 3 companies in the world make them, should a flare knock out all our transformers then it could take up to a 100 years to repair them all, now I know the US and UK gov are installing switches to short all the transformers, so they think there is something to worry about.



    PS: thats no internet for a 100 years, most of you will never have electricity again in your live time.

  9. Hi, to the person that IMed me, yes they will be at night or early evening or morning as you face away from the sun and you pick up the stream as it curves round the earth and out on its paths, this implies that it is electro magnetic, imagine your self in a place were as the main current passes it creates eddies above you, and these eddies are spinning at the frequencies you can hear.

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