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Doc Carling

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Posts posted by Doc Carling

  1. On 5/1/2021 at 6:12 PM, BelindaN said:

    My Rezz day today................THREE YEARS IN! and still sane................

    I treated myself to a new studio set up to celebrate. Today was my first shot with it.

    Thankyou forumites for tolerating my evolving vanity.............. 😇




  2. 1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Wow.  I've been doing pics for friends for years.  Never ever had all those issues. Anyhow,  that's completely irrelevant to the initial post. Wonder if maybe it's you and not them.   I've seen plenty of people here on the employment section and the wanted section asking for a photographer.  None have stipulated a price they are willing to pay.  Not how it's done.  You get photographers to reply with samples of their work and a price list.    I guess I assumed anyone would know that.

    It would be like asking "how much does that cost?". And the other person replies, "How much do you have?".   


    Friends? Who talks about friends. Friends I photograph for free at any time. You not?

  3. 1 hour ago, BrookeRanger said:

    WOW, imagine that! So many accusing me here of not wanting to pay, me being this or that, them wanting me to post how much I will pay in public, blah blah.
    In the entire day, not a single one has showed me a portfolio of couples photos in a romantic setting. Not one has experience in what I am looking for...

    But before I go any further... how much we are willing to pay?...   Oh, it is OK.... I understand!

    PS: If you qualify, IM me. I leave this post for now because it is not suiting my needs. Good luck to all

    Sorry, my latest reply wasn't addressed to you. Actually the situation for SL photographers isn't easy. However, that doesn't belong in your thread. I deleted it as off topic.

  4. 1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Wow.  I've been doing pics for friends for years.  Never ever had all those issues. Anyhow,  that's completely irrelevant to the initial post. Wonder if maybe it's you and not them.   I've seen plenty of people here on the employment section and the wanted section asking for a photographer.  None have stipulated a price they are willing to pay.  Not how it's done.  You get photographers to reply with samples of their work and a price list.    I guess I assumed anyone would know that.

    It would be like asking "how much does that cost?". And the other person replies, "How much do you have?".   


    I edited my post.

  5. 4 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    It WAS in the wrong sub forum.  The post will get more interest here in the employment section.  More people look here on an average day.

    FWIW, this photo took about 15 minutes, no post editing.



    Well, you are a true artist. Good luck. :)

    • Confused 1
  6. 7 hours ago, BrookeRanger said:

    I pay what they are worth. Based on their portfolio and ability. Ridiculous to post that in a public forum!
    I am looking for quality first. Whoever is only looking for money first, can move on.

    And why do you think that your post didn't get any response? Photographers which are able to create couple pictures aren't rare in SL. If they don't react on your post, well, that must have a reason? Wouldn't you agree? As for me, to create a good looking picture inclusively photo shooting and post editing costs me 2 - 3 hours. I don't want to be greedy.  I ask for 3 USD per hour. Total 9 USD or about 2400 L$ per picture. I don't have a problem to say that in public. lol  Though I don't take custom orders at the moment anyway.

    • Confused 1
  7. 1 hour ago, FairreLilette said:

    It would be nice, if after almost 20 years, we could put larger photos on MP.  It is pretty out-dated and for the dial-up era. 

    No need, if you have a blog or use a web service to save your original pictures online. Then you can put the pictures which you uploaded to SL in the box and a download link too, where people can get the original pictures. That's what I'm planing to do. I tried to list  download links only. Linden removed it. I don't know exactly why. I guess to list just third party links for sale violates the market TOS.

  8. On 4/28/2021 at 8:17 PM, BrookeRanger said:

    Are you, or can you recommend a photographer who does awesome couples images? I am looking for a romantic and/or magickal background and poses. Show me your work, IM me...

    Nice to read what you are looking for. Would be nice as well, if you tell interested photographers what you are willing to pay for "awesome" images. :)

    • Confused 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

    Doesn't do much good if it's in your desk at home and you aren't and need it. Or do you carry it with you every where you go? Is that safe? 

    Maybe I just think about things too much.

    I drive home and get the stick. What's the alternative? To use passwords which are easy to remember but also easy to hack? Well, there is a pro and contra for everything. It's up to everyone to decide for themselves how they keep their passwords safe.

  10. 10 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

    It's a good idea, until you can't remember the answers you gave. Then it's a horrible idea and you lose your account. 

    I saved all login datas on a separate USB stick and keep it in my desk. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, Chris Nova said:

    Oooook. Let me stop you right there. No self respecting actual graphic artist is going to use the marketplace for their work (why I mentioned flickr). The marketplace does not need a category for pictures taken in SL due to dramatically low image quality (also why I mentioned flickr). 

    I dont know of ANY actual graphic artist that uses the marketplace. They all have facebook and in-world professional studios and all of them use Photoshop or Brush. 

    Then again, I appreciate good quality. 

    Well, if you think so. Thanks for your input.

  12. On 4/28/2021 at 11:44 AM, BelindaN said:

    Paranoia filter activated.

    Given that this is a security question on some sites, I'm not saying.

    Oh I could lie I suppose.

    Not saying is cleaner.

    Paranoia filter deactivated.

    What @Ceka Cianci said.  It is much more safe too choose an answer that's totally different from the question. Example: Your mothers maiden name? Answer: I hate Kitty cat food. Now even when they have your mothers maiden name,  it is useless. Anyway, many people believe they must add a honest answer to their security question. In think it's a kind of conditional reflex. When I started on web, I did it too.


    18 minutes ago, Chris Nova said:

    However, I did try to find these pictures and only found frames, studios, backdrops, etc. Not actual pictures taken in-world individually for sale. 

    Here you have the reason why we need an own category for SL pictures to avoid that they get mixed with a million other pictures.

    • Haha 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Chris Nova said:

    Nobody does that lol. People sell their photo services via fb and use flickr as a portfilio. I dont know why youre confused 😂 

    This thread is about the market place. And the market place is sorted by categories.  I said I'm missing a category where photographers or graphic artists can list and offer for sale only pictures made in SL. Right now one can list those pictures only in the same categories which offer real life photos and real life porn as well. I have no idea why you mention Flickr in this context. Couldn't be more off topic.

    • Haha 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Naaaaaow that MP is cloudy.. LL can leverage the host platform and integrate new, better, top 'o the line search including keywords!!

    I'm excited just imagining it!!!1!

    Before a company invests money and work they reflect about what's the benefit. A top of the line search engine makes the life for buyers easier. But why should it result in more buyers?

  16. 4 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    I think the idea is that a group member can ask for items in group chat, the items being just about anything. And if someone has an item they can share, they share it. Also members could offer items in group chat.

    Ah, I understand.  Sounds like an interesting idea. I'm always in need for buildings which I can use a picture gallery.

    • Like 1
  17. 18 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

    there are rules

    there are rules. Is just that Linden rely on shoppers to flag items that are non-compliant for their Linden attention, and not many people do this

    That's a good point. Perhaps the flag option would be more used if buyers could add a short description what's wrong in their opinon.

    • Like 4
  18. What ist the best way to describe yourself and what you are looking for, if you are searching for a partner or friend? What is a no go? Ways to increase the chance that a post gets positive attention?

    My advice, don't post a wall of text that presents you as victim to arouse pity. Many readers probably show compassion. But you can bet, they aren't interested to become your therapist because they have already enough to deal with their own isssues and problems.


    • Like 1
  19. 1 minute ago, Chris Nova said:

    You do realize the search algorithym includes sellers names, right? So if the seller is called 'beardeddude07" but sells furniture, anyone searching for beards is going to see his stuff too. 

    Yes. Some shops have even entire sentences as shop names using popular keywords.

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