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Jesica Dragovar

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Posts posted by Jesica Dragovar

  1. I put my halloween stuff out Oct 1st and I'll be putting my thanksgiving decocrations out Monday, I'm NOT putting up  christmas decorations until Nov 25th (although I AM anxious to put out my Plantpets poinsettia)


    oh I did however put holiday music on my parcel's radio already

  2. well october is done so time to put the scary away, and break out the cold weather gear 


    I just finished reconverting my house back to normal



    and after



    in the meantime my eye is turned to the SFL......go Broncos!


  3. Pamela Galli wrote:

    It seems like a lot of people come here -- I am assuming they are very young -- who are puzzled and dismayed to find that in SL no one wants to hand them money, or give them a job when they have no skills, or make everything free (for them if not for everyone


    I've gotten so much of these, one of the worst was someone who was ONE DAY old, joined a product support group I'm in, and randomly IMed me, then TPed me to the main store


    me: "anything I can help you with?"

    them: "I like [this product], a lot and I really want it"

    me: "yeah it is pretty nice, I have  [similar product] myself and I use it a lot"

    them: "I don't have any money"

    me: "yeah well you're new yet, you'll get some in time, if all else fails you can purchase Lindens, but there's always plenty of jobs in SL"

    them: "I don't want a job, so are you gonna buy [product] for me or not?"


  4. I've had plenty of "hey that would be cool" ideas nothing serious


    1. be able to map facial expressions and hand movements to your avatar with a Kinect

    2. if you've used Google earth you know how it zooms out from your current location, pans across the globe and then flies in to the new location when you go to a new address, I think it'd be cool if SL had an animation screen like that when you TP rather than the current black screen with a load bar

    3. find a way to increase prim count and decrease costs for sims

    4. Viewer 1 had head tracking capability when using a head mounted display like Vuzix VR glasses, bring that back

    5, bring back an imbedded ability to record video, recording around HUDs with a screen recorder software is a pain

    6 less something I'd like to see Linden Labs do but I'd love to see some vendors do, is more partnership between well known items, imagine catching a fish in 7seas and being able to add it to a cooking HUD to convert it into food like for Spellfire or something

    I have other ideas too that I can't remember off the top of my head

  5. Raven1 Short wrote:

    I think that's a big part of SL. Be what you want to be. If you wish to have a part of your RL with you, then you should. I find it honorable actually that you want to make it part of your SL. It's like an honor badge for what you have endured.

    Does that make sense?

    it makes perfect sense

  6. it's a mixed bag for me, my normal avatar does not have the disabilties I have in RL because I go to SL to escape them, for lack of a better word


    however I did build avatars that are incarnations of myself as I was growing up (less for RP purposes and more for photo purposes) and I did incorporate my disabilities into them



  7. Dresden Ceriano wrote:

    Perrie Juran wrote:

    Venus Petrov Wrote:

    You would make it all about the penii.

    You mean that it isn't?

    Isn't it always?


    pretty much, there's an actual theory about how technology isn't considered officially caught on until someone uses it for sex, I can't think of the name of the theory or look it up right now cause I can't be bothered to do it, but it's out there 

  8. Venus Petrov wrote:


    I have blocked the occasional person.  Once it was a n00b who I had briefly assisted and wanted to call me 'mom' and refused  'no thank you' as a response. 


    I think I met this same person!   not only did not take 'no thank you' as a response but did not take "hell no, that's creepy as **bleep**" as a response



    that said I rarely block people unless I absolutely HAVE to, although a quick way to earn that block from is the people who think it's their duty to stream their crappy music of choice over voice chat so everyone can listen to it


    other than that if I don't wanna talk to you, and you're on the same sim (in the general vicinity as me I just give short, apathetic responses while putting my facial expression hud to Angry Face it usually gets the point across

  9. lemonmoog99 wrote:

    Great first step guys!

    SL - Please now figure out how to animate these 'atoms' in an equally realistic fashion.

    Then maybe mix in a little 'marker-less non-destructive re-targeted motion-tracking' for good measure...


     real time mapping of your facial expressions (and hand movements would be awesome too) onto your avatar would be awesome, I've read articles about people working on this but haven't seen any results yet


    lemonmoog99 wrote:

    ...and most importantly, the ability to look down and feel like we own the virtual 'avatar' we inhabit, within this gloriously realistic 3D animated world.

    Not asking too much am I?

    I've already done this dozens of times, I have a Vuzix Head Mounted Display  and despite the small snag that they no longer support motion tracking past Viewer version 1, using it and going into Mouselook (especially with the "be able to see your own avatar in mouselook" option turned on)  can IMMEDIATELY bring me into this sensation/headspace, couple it with the afformentioned facial expression/hand motion mapping and could you imagine just how much voice chat alone would leap ahead?


    hell, if we wanna get REALLY fancy, imagine if SL  offered plugins to use these interesting technologies here as well as what has already been discussed?  SL could arguably be considered 1) the movie/science fiction grade virtual reality we've read about/watched on screen for years or 2) a viable alternitive for real reality lol

  10. Randall Ahren wrote:

    Is getting burned out on SL such a bad thing? Is life in the real world so empty that there is no better way to spend these moments except in a virtual world? Wouldn't it be better to get out of the apartment? Get some exercise. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Do some actual work at a real job. Perhaps it's time for the OP to reclaim his humanity before he becomes another statistic.

    I can't speak for everyone but well for a lot of us, and I have noticed a lot,  SL does seem to cater to the people who have health problems in RL and so can't do a lot of those things 


    using myself as an example, I'd love to go out and "get some exercise" but as I have among other things a severe spinal deformity which leaves me in constant pain,  doing fun things like jogging, playing sports, driving, ect are things I can only accomplish in Second Life (and rest assured shopping and sex make up about 3% of the activities I do in SL) I do have a real job, however luckily as I can telecommute and work from home (and set my own hours) it leaves me the ability to do my RL job and my SL job at the same time (and no my SL job does not involve pole dancing or escorting) 


    your post may have been meant in earnest but it does come across as a bit patronizing

  11. I know I'm only a 2 year-er but the way I do SL sort of keeps the excitement up 


    first off, as Venus said, the always changing landscape tends to keep things exciting, Mesh is a good example, it's still in its infancy stages right now but the sheer curiosity of "what will people do with this" keeps me looking around the corner


    now one thing I do with SL seems to run contrary with the nature of SL but it does tend to extend the excitement a bit, I only tend to do certain activities at certain times of the year, I mean SURE you can go scuba diving or ice skating at any time, and do both in the same day, but when I limit my scuba diving to the summer months and ice skating to the winter months, I start to look forward to them all the more (as everyone's jumping in on halloween right now, I am too but at the same time I'm really looking forward to November 1st where I can change my outfits to cozy sweaters grab a cup of hot cider and spend my time walking around the Aero Pines and Upstate New York sims watching the leaves change and start looking forward to the Macy's Parade sim starting up)


    I think what burns out people on SL is part of what makes it awesome, the ability to gratify your adventures right here and now, we just gotta pace ourselves

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