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Billysue Bluebird

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  1. He was a friend, I used to have a little skybox demo store there in 2010 or so . im sorry
  2. strange thing i just noticed. most people comenting here are arround my sl age. ID BE OLDER BUT LINDENS DELETED MY WHOLE HOUSEHOLDS SL ACCOUNTS IN 2009 AND SAID I COPYBOTED! IVE ALWAYS WANTED TO ASK THEM WHO THEN MADE THE THINGS ?I STARTED IN 2006
  3. my best selling seems to have changed for the first time since being completly wrong for months. Ive been only selling things ive never sold in 10 years. now my skybox wich ive sold several thousands of for 1l shows near top. but i still feel like im just starting over trying to biuld sales from 0. I dont understand why they have relavent by default ive never searched by relavant amazon doesnt have relavant.
  4. Best selling.. I figured it out. It only shows 104 pages of results if you have set to show 96 items per page. I looked threw all 104 pages and my skybox wich is 1linden and i've sold 5,500+ of, is not there! so ill never sell anymore! because its not there! but it shows alot of things id never buy and doesnt look like have sold much if any. I went from sometimes being on page 1.... too............ not shown. I feel like they reset the Best selling list too day 1. If thats the case it would take maybee 200 years to get my sales to where they were before with no advertizing and the amount of items on marketplace now.
  5. It's the Best selling List thats ruining my sales, i'ts all wrong! My best selling things shows wrong and I dont sell them anymore.
  6. Yes if you have a good store and you sell 500 different houses, change the name of all 500 houses to just "House" I bet you would make alot of money
  7. I can't even find my items on Marketplace anymore!
  8. They should rename both Best selling and relevance "Random"
  9. Quietly Biulds a nest and looks for a mate on the B*** **** Grid*
  10. this week I sold 10 freebies one day and then basicly nothing since, I used to average sell 10_15 each day and i do not ever advertize so i think that makes me a good indicator of MP performance. just curuis for info and im not a necro something or other like jes that guy that caled me one is "ill f*ck you up I have alts"
  11. hi if you would look closely at my first post you see im replying to someone that instead of posting a new thread found this one. my sales have again been halted again for days and now in 5 hours ive sold 7 things(this very day). people want to know info like this. im guessing your the kind of person that if i rezzed a cage from 2006 and you TPed into it you would assume i caged you and im deciding you also would report me a also just decided you ruined SL
  12. chirps... my sales are still slow and not normal
  13. Re: SLM Sales haulted for almost a week now. Options Reply to Billysue Bluebird - view message ‎05-22-2013 07:03 PM You probably didn't notice, but this discussion was from last August. ...Dres hi Dres... it is none of your bussiness if i noticed when the discussion was .
  14. what does that have to do with anything about the subject
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