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Nedria Cyr

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Everything posted by Nedria Cyr

  1. WE'RE HIRING! Exodus Rock Club is now hiring both rockin' DJs and sassy Hosts! Come be a part of the awesome family here at the best rock club on the Grid! Applications can be found at the doorway to the club building, or from any of the staff working! :) In a virtual world where clubs often open and close within a matter of months, Exodus has been rocking the grid for FIVE years, so you know we're doing something right! Visit us today!
  2. WE'RE HIRING! Exodus Rock Club is now hiring both rockin' DJs and sassy Hosts! Come be a part of the awesome family here at the best rock club on the Grid! Applications can be found at the doorway to the club building, or from any of the staff working! :) In a virtual world where clubs often open and close within a matter of months, Exodus has been rocking the grid for FIVE years, so you know we're doing something right! Visit us today!
  3. WE'RE HIRING! Exodus Rock Club is now hiring both rockin' DJs and sassy Hosts! Come be a part of the awesome family here at the best rock club on the Grid! Applications can be found at the doorway to the club building, or from any of the staff working! :) In a virtual world where clubs often open and close within a matter of months, Exodus has been rocking the grid for FIVE years, so you know we're doing something right! Visit us today!
  4. WE'RE HIRING! Exodus Rock Club is now hiring both rockin' DJs and sassy Hosts! Come be a part of the awesome family here at the best rock club on the Grid! Applications can be found at the doorway to the club building, or from any of the staff working! :) In a virtual world where clubs often open and close within a matter of months, Exodus has been rocking the grid for FIVE years, so you know we're doing something right! Visit us today!
  5. WE'RE HIRING! Exodus Rock Club is now hiring both rockin' DJs and sassy Hosts! Come be a part of the awesome family here at the best rock club on the Grid! Applications can be found at the entrance or from any of the staff working! :) In a virtual world where clubs often open and close within a matter of months, Exodus has been rocking the grid for FIVE years, so you know we're doing something right! Visit us today!
  6. WE'RE HIRING! Exodus Rock Club is now hiring both rockin' DJs and sassy Hosts! Come be a part of the awesome family here at the best rock club on the Grid! Applications can be found at the entrance or from any of the staff working! :) In a virtual world where clubs often open and close within a matter of months, Exodus has been rocking the grid for FIVE years, so you know we're doing something right! Visit us today!
  7. WE'RE HIRING! Exodus Rock Club is now hiring both rockin' DJs and sassy Hosts! Come be a part of the awesome family here at the best rock club on the Grid! Applications can be found at the entrance or from any of the staff working! :) In a virtual world where clubs often open and close within a matter of months, Exodus has been rocking the grid for FIVE years, so you know we're doing something right! Visit us today!
  8. WE'RE HIRING! Exodus Rock Club is now hiring both rockin' DJs and sassy Hosts! Come be a part of the awesome family here at the best rock club on the Grid! Applications can be found at the entrance or from any of the staff working! :) In a virtual world where clubs often open and close within a matter of months, Exodus has been rocking the grid for FIVE years, so you know we're doing something right! Visit us today!
  9. WE'RE HIRING! Exodus Rock Club is now hiring both rockin' DJs and sassy Hosts! Come be a part of the awesome family here at the best rock club on the Grid! Applications can be found at the entrance or from any of the staff working! :) In a virtual world where clubs often open and close within a matter of months, Exodus has been rocking the grid for FIVE years, so you know we're doing something right! Visit us today!
  10. Hi Stephi, I just wrote about this to someone else in another post, but I thought I'd extend it to you too since you said you enjoy building and scripting a lot, and it might be a good way to make some new friends. Ghanima Uriza, Dragon Fang, and myself were talking on Plurk one day about how we needed more building-buddies... people who also create (whether in-world or in external programs) and who enjoy having someone else around who is also creating... someone you can chat with occasionally, maybe exchange ideas and feedback, AFK with, even just sit for hours on end in silence while you all work. That day The Fellowship of Buddy Builders group was formed. The group is currently open-enrollment, and open to all. One of our group members has generously donated some land in the sim he lives in to use as a group Sandbox / Hangout / Headquarters. He needs to be asked for an invite to his land group as well if you want to use that space.. it's open to all Buddy Builders. If you'd like to join The Fellowship of Buddy Builders group, copy and paste the following in local chat in-world: secondlife:///app/group/98012b8e-aba1-8996-5870-cc1892fd443b/about Alternately, I can also send you an invite if you just IM me, Nedria Cyr. Welcome back to SL!
  11. Hi Lyric, Ghanima Uriza, Dragon Fang, and myself were talking on Plurk one day about how we needed more building-buddies... people who also create (whether in-world or in external programs) and who enjoy having someone else around who is also creating... someone you can chat with occasionally, maybe exchange ideas and feedback, AFK with, even just sit for hours on end in silence while you all work. That day The Fellowship of Buddy Builders group was formed. The group is currently open-enrollment, and open to all. One of our group members has generously donated some land in the sim he lives in to use as a group Sandbox / Hangout / Headquarters. He needs to be asked for an invite to his land group as well if you want to use that space.. it's open to all Buddy Builders. If you'd like to join The Fellowship of Buddy Builders group, copy and paste the following in local chat in-world: secondlife:///app/group/98012b8e-aba1-8996-5870-cc1892fd443b/about Alternately, I can also send you an invite if you just IM me, Nedria Cyr. Take care!
  12. "compensation for his time and effort" the whole 3 minutes it takes to jot down what shape, skin, hair and tatts the model was wearing? As a merchant myself i would happily give the style cards for free." Agreed. I consider it a compliment if someone likes the way my avatar or a friends or an alts looks in a picture, and I'll gladly tell them where I got something, because it helps support other creators - and I'd hope they'd be willing to do the same for me should they wear something of mine in their ads. Now if SL was my one and only job and I was just so busy that I couldn't be bothered to answer such "insignificant questions that I get asked all the time", then I would create style cards and send them for free to anyone that asked. I wouldn't consider it an insult if they didn't want to buy the product the ad was for - as not everyone is going to like everthing I make. Also by taking a moment to help someone by sending them a notecard, you're showing a good merchant attitude, and they'll likely remember that in the future and come back to your shop again - or better yet, recommend you to someone who will buy your things. It only takes but a moment to make a good impression, and negative ones spread much faster than nice.
  13. As both a new member to the group of folks trying to help visitors at the Zindra sandbox, as well as a frequent user of the sandbox myself, I can't tell you how frustrating it is when you enter the sandbox only to see the following - and know that there isn't a thing you can do about it except file an AR and HOPE someone decides to read it and take action. I don't care as much about the ability to ban as I do about all of the help staff having the ability to return objects to griefers. That in itsself would be a huge improvement. We were blessed when LL finally came and made a parceled off section for the landing point that the general public can't rez on, as that helped a lot in preventing griefers from targetting the landing point - that being said, there's still a dire need for more to be done. 7/27/2012 - 10:26PM PDT - Garbage Bag Attack - This one was Aside from creating a huge amount of lag and covering 3/4 of the sandbox, - this one left 0 prims left for anyone to build. http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/7614/garbagebagattackatzindr.jpg 08/06/2012 - 12:44AM PDT - Spinning Prims & Particles - This one left about 3000 prims to build with, but who could build or even move with the massive amount of lag it created. http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/696/spinningprimparticleatt.jpg
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