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Harlow Heslop

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Posts posted by Harlow Heslop

  1. Truth has some of the best customer service in all of Second Life IMO.  I'm certain it's just some sort of technical error in miscommunication.  Is it something that he has listed in his profile? A failed delivery?  I believe he has a redelivery terminal set up at his store, or if he has the answer to your question listed somewhere obvious he may not feel the need to respond.  Hopefully your issue is solved soon! :) I've always had fantastic responses when I need TRUTH customer service help! <3 

  2. It's more than likely just a way for them to ensure that noone will steal, copybot, or try and alter their product.  With the increase in copybotting (or so it seems) lately, I can't say I blame them much!  It would be nice if there was a way though to make it so the product you are demoing is much easier to see and still ensure that the designer will not be stolen from.  I definitely can understand your frustrations.  I'm sure it's also really frustrating for designers who spend countless hours on an item, only to have people somehow use the demo instead of the actual product, or have it stolen from them! :( 

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