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Jordyn McGregor

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Everything posted by Jordyn McGregor

  1. Check out the ones from Solicit at Lyfe of Style. Although they may not be high enough if you want really high, you cannot argue with the price!
  2. Wow some bloggers charge designers to blog their stuff? All these years I have been doing it wrong!!!! My two lindens... 1. Look around the feeds/Flickr and look for bloggers who fit the style of your stuff and send a NC asking if they would be interested in blogging your stuff. They can only say no, right? 2. Check out the Blogging SL site. It has a directory of bloggers with their blog URLs so you can have a look and see if you like their work etc. Some have review policies, check those out too. 3. Also check out Seraphim to see what events are going on and if you think your items would fit in, approach the event organiser about how to become part of it. Some events have applications at their event site or on their websites. 4. As for shows - no idea on that sorry! Good Luck!!!
  3. Every so often on some of my mesh outfits, i am noticing a line running from them (see pic). I am using Firestorm Is it a setting I have messed up or is mesh just picking on me lately???
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