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Ariel Vuissent

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Posts posted by Ariel Vuissent

  1. Mesh objects require appliers in order for skins and clothing to show up on them. This is true for mesh bodies, heads, and various body parts, including your breasts. (Which is not a disallowed word, by the way.)

    Sinful Needs breasts work with Lola Tango appliers. There was a time when lots of creators were making those appliers, so they're not terribly hard to get a hold of. They probably WON'T work with much in the way of mesh clothing, but look for system clothing with Tango appliers and you should be fine. Once you get the appliers, wear the clothing normally, ADD the applier to your screen, and click. If I recall correctly, SN breasts ask which layer you'd like to apply the item on - tattoo, bra, or top. It doesn't matter which you choose, unless you'd like to layer your clothing, in which case Tattoo is the bottom layer, Bra appears over, and Top appears over that.

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  2. There are TONS of mods for the kemono, including a number of chest mods. The good news: Most Kemono mods work with any kemono skin applier you buy, so when you find the chest mod that suits you, it should do just fine with the default skins or your chosen skin applier. The bad news: Kemono chest (and other body) mods do NOT work with clothing by default, so I would take a look at what clothing is available for the different chest mods, especially if you're a clothes horse like me!

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  3. Unless that person was using some form of deformer or other specialized item, they probably just messed around with the shape sliders, like everyone else. There are four sliders (that I recall) that have significant influence on that aspect - the height slider itself, leg length, hip length, and torso length. Starting with the short shape already linked may help; otherwise, you can fiddle on your own. Those aren't the only sliders you'll need, of course - the others will have influence on getting the proportions reasonable, once you've got the height you want.

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  4. There's a button in the avatar menu (the first tab of the top menu), under Avatar Health, that says something along the lines of "Stop all avatar animations." Press that. It should unstick any animations that may have gotten stuck. This often happens when you tp while still sitting down, by the way. It's best to stand, then tp. 

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  5. Demo everything. 

    Mesh Body Addicts is a fantastic resource; she has loads of reviews for loads of bodies, including those that aren't among the few most popular brands. Grab demos from a bunch of stores, head somewhere quiet, hop on a pose stands, and start trying them on. When you do, remember to play with your shape sliders; just because a body isn't quite right when you try it on doesn't mean you can't get it to something right for you by manipulating sliders. 

    At a quick glance, the ABAR EBody seems like it might work for you; the blog says it's very similar to the system body. I don't have it, so I can't say anything from personal experience. I've also heard good things about Tonic; the Fine Beauty option might be worth a look. There are several others than looked like they may suit your needs, so I'd grab a demo of every body that has a slim option and try them all. Keep in mind, when perusing the blog, that you can change your shape under the body to make it look different, so just because you don't like the pictures on the blog doesn't mean it isn't worth a shot. (Barring the specialty bodies, such as the Dev body that's designed for a body-builder look or the Brazilia body that's made VERY curvy.)

    One downside to buying outside of the few "top" brands is, of course, clothing available, so also look at HUDs, alpha cuts, and how your mesh clothing fits.

  6. I'll bet Lure probably has body appliers, since they have head appliers. If you grab one of those and apply it, you should get a pretty much perfect match. 

    You might want to save the tint you have now into your body HUD, though, so you don't have to go through the tinting process again if you decide to switch back to your system head.

  7. You can check yourself via a proportion guideline. Your legs should take up half your height, so rez a cube. Color it (I use red), make it partially transparent, drag it onto yourself, and position and stretch it so it reaches from the very top of your (hairless) head, down to your crotch. Duplicate this cube (shift and drag the position arrows, I believe),color it something else (I use blue), and position it so the top touches but doesn't overlap the bottom of the first. It should reach down to the soles of your (flat and shoe-less) feet. You should not have to resize the second object; they should be the same size. If, in order to reach from the soles of your feet to the top of your head, one cube has to be much different in size from the other, you're out of proportion. 

    An easier way to test if your shape is the issue, of course, is to simply change something about it and try sitting on a piece of furniture you know causes issues. If the situation improves (or worsens), there's the problem. If not, change it back and try changing something else. 

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  8. You can just take off the mesh feet while you wear these shoes. You don't really need to wear both together if your shoes have feet built in. 

    Check to see if the shoes have a resizer - it's usually activated simply by clicking them. If they do, you can try sizing them down a bit. However, if you're trying to wear them over top of your mesh feet, making them smaller may make your feet poke through, which is one reason I recommend taking off the feet. If they don't, and they're not rigged mesh, you can attempt to resize them manually. MAKE A COPY FIRST. Then right click and edit. If they are no-copy, I don't suggest this.


  9. Although I haven't been to Slink in quite some time, I believe they do have hands in static poses, still? I'm not sure if you can purchase individual poses anymore, but I would hope the non-bento version is still available for those who don't or can't use bento. 

    If what you mean is that those poses aren't satisfactory, you could try the Fate hand poser. It's available on the marketplace, and while I've not yet fiddled much with it, it allows you to adjust your bento hands into a nearly endless number of static poses. You could play with that and the slink bento hands to find a pose that you like. 

  10. If your skin has appliers for your chosen head, the Maitreya body, AND Slink feet, you'll be fine. All appliers will probably be sold separately. 

    If your skin DOESN'T sell appliers for all three of those things, at least one will have to be matched manually. The good news is, you'll only have to do it once. The bad news is, it can be a royal pain. However, thus far I've found that most places that sell skins for Maitreya also have Slink appliers, since Slink came first. 

  11. You can ask questions inworld in the Maitreya Lara Friends group (I think that's what it's called; there's a group joiner on the wall in the Maitreya main store) or in the Mesh Body Addicts group. They're both full of some super friendly people who are generally happy to lend a hand. 

    I have yet to find a really great, full tutorial. The MBA blog has a quick one, but doesn't (to my memory) answer all of your questions. This one seems decent, though I haven't watched it all the way through yet. There is a part, where she's talking about layers, where she mentions that you can't wear a tattoo with other layers, and that's where the mask mode comes in. Here's a great explanation of what mask mode does

    Playing around with things is really the best way to learn. Click a bunch of buttons and see what they do! You won't break it, and if you do, you can get a redelivery and try again. (Avoid clicking the "Remove Scripts" button, though.) If you want more help, as I said, those inworld groups are invaluable resources, or toss me an IM and if/when I'm on, while I'm no expert, I can try to lend a hand. :P

  12. I created an alt to give this a shot, with Skell's challenge included...and gave up after grabbing the free-under-30-days skin from PF. 

    There's a reason even the decent freebie places even have mostly mesh now. I DID revisit the Freebie Galaxy I remember from the OLD old days, and let's just say it hasn't changed a bit, in a BAD way. 

    If I hadn't just completely cleaned my inventory and deleted ALL of my old clothes and most of my old hair, though, I would give it a try without the added challenges. Honestly, though...I love my mesh stuff and hate the thought of wandering around without, anymore, so I'll just stick around in my all-mesh avi!

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