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Ariel Vuissent

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Posts posted by Ariel Vuissent

  1. 18 hours ago, Mariposa Rayna said:

    obviously now there's BOM. Lots of pretty skins for Genus at this point. But where is customer service? My eyeballs have to be adjusted every few minutes. It's annoying as all get out.


    The group is pretty good for customer service. You may not always get an "official" rep, but there's usually someone knowledgeable floating around to help out with advice and whatnot. The more specific you can be, of course, the better.

    That being said, the Genus eyes were buggy from the start, and I don't think they've ever been fully fixed, although they come MILES from the original beta test. 

  2. Pretty sure my Maitreya body has one. Helpful tip, though: if your body doesn't, grab a demo from just about any other mesh body. It'll probably have a fully functioning body alpha layer in it. Drag it from the demo folder into your mesh body folder and delete the demo folder. (It shouldn't matter if the demo is for a male or female body; an alpha layer is an alpha layer.)

    You may also have one in your library. 


  3. I was curious about this recently when I got my first BOM head skin and realized it wasn't on the skin layer. The skin maker created an FAQ specifically for this, and here's what it says, directly from their website:


    The best way to create HEAD skins is to do it on the system tattoo layer! Because there are several mesh bodies around in Second Life, DeeTaleZ is offering skins for, its impossible for us to create our HEAD skins on system skin layer.

    Because the system skin layer needs head and body texture to work, we would have to create 864  (!!!) system skin layers for each offered Skin in the store, if we want to offer you the full range of existing body skins we have, and that is what we want also with BOM!

    Calculation example to make clear what that means:

    We have every HEAD skin available in 6 Skintones, each with 6 different brows options on skin. That means we have to create (6×6)  36 system tattoo layers for HEAD skin.

    Now that we have 4 Mesh Bodies we offer skins for, each in 2 Versions (chubby and default, the freckles version was not considered here), each with 3 different breast options (small, big and natural breasts) we have (4x2x3) 24 BODY skin textures for every Skintone. This means that we have to add the 24 BODY textures to every single one of the 36 HEAD textures, that is (36×24) 864 system skin layers for every skin product we offer. Even if we would do the brows not on skin texture, we would have to create (6×24) 144 skin system layers plus 30 system tattoo layers for the brows (also here the BODY freckles version was not considered)….. So you see this cant be the way to do it!

    The system tattoo layer is the best way for us to offer our HEAD skins! You can use it in combination with makeups and addons that are also created on tattoo layer very easy by sorting the layers (moving them “up” or “down” on your Avatar) in “edit outfit” menu! With BOM there is no alpha glitch and you can use up to 42 layers!

    The BODY skins will be on system skin layer, separate available in the Body section!


    ETA: While, in theory, they might not have to make a version for every body, since a single BOM skin would work with all BOM-ready bodies, the mapping is slightly different for each body in different areas, such as fingers and toes. I noticed this using with two different bodies, particularly that the shadowing for the underside of the breasts didn't line up properly using the same BOM skin on each. Using a skin made specifically for each body, both BOM skins, things lined up perfectly.

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  4. The one thing that keeps me from wearing my LAQ head full time is the animations. I just don't care for them, compared to other brands. The head I have doesn't play well with third party animations like Vista's full body and face AO's, but I think some LAQ heads do. Mine (Lulu, I think) just ends up looking kind of stroppy. But it's a really gorgeous head with probably my favorite eyes, and after the 1 time 3000L HUD purchase everything is pretty cheap, really. 

  5. I'm assuming by "charter" you mean "character," and further assuming that you're attempting to replicate your imvu avatar in second life. Since none of us know what your imvu avatar looks like, we can't help you very much. Take a look at various threads talking about mesh bodies and heads, peruse some fashion blogs (strawberry singh's is a good one), and try the mesh body addicts group inworld for a view of what's out there. Without more specifics, that's all I can offer. 

  6. The shadow around the beard looks like an alpha, which is probably there for the illusion of tiny hairs so your beard doesn't look like a solid lump on your face. That "alpha halo" is normal.

    (I'm guessing, here, as a non-beard-wearing lady; but this same effect occurs with a lot of hair, etc., so that's what it appears to be to me. Someone else can probably explain better. )

  7. We don't know what you're trying to use. It sounds like a product you purchased, so it might help us to know which product. The easiest and fastest way to learn how to use a specific product, however, is to read any and all instructions it came with. Then, if you're still confused,  ask the product creator or their inworld support group, if they have one.

    In general, however, a HUD is a clickable display that attaches to your screen - not directly to your avatar, like clothing. Only you can see or interact with it, but, depending what it's for, others can see/hear its effects. You need to find it in your inventory and ADD (not wear) it. Hopefully it came with an instruction notecard, which you should read to understand how it works.

    If this isn't the information you needed, your question needs to be much more specific.

  8. A bit, here and there. My avi is relatively short, as in RL I am fairly short. She's always passive and freckled; I am both, and it just feels right. Glasses, sometimes, but usually no, as it's nice not to have to wear them in at least one world! Eyes no, hair...I'm a ginger at heart! Although I did recently switch to something closer to my RL color, at least for now. I suppose my avi is more an "ideal" version of myself, in some ways, but if you put us side by side I doubt there'd be so much as a family resemblance 

    I find that RL inspires my clothing, more than anything. I tend to dress according to the weather in my area; finding fun,  fashionable outfits that match the weather outside my window is fun! Not that I would necessarily wear those things in RL.

    • Like 2
  9. Consider fatpacks. They're a bit pricier, but just being able to change the color/pattern of something can go a long way to a full wardrobe. Heck, I'll buy a few colors of the same top in RL sometimes! Some places will actually have two or three different styles in a pack, too; I know Blueberry sometimes does this, where one fatpack of a skirt might have a short and a long version, etc. You might do well to spend a small amount on a couple of decent clothing groups, as well, for a few group freebies. 

    Personally, no, I don't think it's weird. I have a few friends who almost never change outfits, or rotate between just a few things. Whatever makes you happy. I'll live in the same thing for days, sometimes; or change three or four times in a single day!

    • Like 1
  10. 16 hours ago, Sandra8675 said:

    Can I use the nail colors on my Maitreya HUD?  I'm not seeing how to color them different nail colors?


    The colors in your Maitreya HUD will only affect the nails built into your Maitreya hands, not add-on nails from a third party. You would want to hide those nails completely to use the add-on Empire nails.

    If the nails don't come with a color HUD and no additional colors are made specifically for them, look for Omega nail appliers. According to the ad, those will work, and they're pretty common. They also say there are fatpacks available at their inworld store; perhaps those will have different colors? 

    ETA I own the Astralia nails posted above; the almond shape is very similar to what you posted, and I know those come with a small color HUD and that there are lots more you can buy for them. I've also seen other nail systems, but if you really love the Empire ones, demo to make sure they'll work for your hands! 

  11. Hiding the nails is simple, and yes, you should do it. In the last tab of your Maitreya HUD is a small box towards the right side (under foot positions, I think) with pictures of different nails. The one with a slash line through it is to hide the nails. The others are for different lengths and shapes. 

    You can get kind of long nails just with what's built into the Maitreya bento hands, but for really long ones like in the picture, you need to buy add-on nails. I have some from Astralia, but as others mentioned, there are many options. Just make sure the ones you choose work with Maitreya hands. 

  12. I've always felt the shape of TMP was the best, at least for the ladies. The system makes it unusable. I may try the demo at some point, but it would take a lot to convince me to buy it.

    Plus, at this point, who's going to make clothes for it?

    And that's not even mentioning the fact that those who purchased deluxe were promised free updates, especially as it was in beta. Paying another $2500L? No, thanks. 

    • Like 9
  13. What happens when you try? What does it look like? Too big, too small, doesn't load...?

    If you're trying to use hairbases, you need something made specifically for TMP; nothing else will work. If the hair is too big or too small, you may need different hair. Most hair now is rigged mesh, which means you cannot resize it. You may need to hunt for unrigged mesh hair, so you can resize. Without more detail, though, it's hard to be more specific. 

  14. Does it mention if Steffi is the head used in that skin ad? 

    Many skins have shaped included with them; often this is also in the demo for the skin, so you could give that a try Grab the demo and see if there's a shape included, then wear the shape and apply the demo skin and see if it's what you're looking for. 

    Skin has more influence than you think, so don't forget about it when you're fiddling with your shape. It won't change the basic facial structure, but it can make it look a lot different! 

  15. Each account is an "avatar" and you cannot have more than one per account. You can, however, have as many different outfits, appearances, and personae on that account as you wish. You can even switch genders inside that one account if you want to; or hair color, or race, or species, or any and all of those at once, as often as you'd like. 

    For a completely separate avatar, however, with a different name, etc., you'd need to create an "alt" account. Many people have several of those for various purposes. Keep in mind each alt is its own separate entity with its own inventory; unless your items are transferable, you won't be able to share items between them. 

    • Like 1
  16. At this point, I think what would probably help most is for you to take a snapshot of your entire screen. There's a selection option in the snapshot window to include HUDs in the snapshot; click that, take a nice big photo of your whole screen, and post that here so we can see you and everything you have on/ active.

    • Like 1
  17. Skins can't be "locked". They can glitch, in which case a relog usually helps. However, from your description, I'm thinking maybe a couple other things. 

    1. You're trying to remove the skin. You can't; skins can only be replaced. If you were wearing a separate skin applier, you'll need to reapply it. If you were wearing a default skin, you can deselect it from your head or body HUD.

    2. You reapplied your old skin but still have DEMO painted on you somewhere. Clear tattoo layer on your head or body, or blush layer on your head. 

    3. You're seeing chunks of a different skin through the one you're wearing. Did you remove your alpha by mistake? Make sure you are wearing a full body alpha, and/or one that includes both head and body. 

    ETA: Some head skins include an option to "clear layer" or "remove." This is for makeup, not the skin itself. To get your old skin back, reapply it from your head Master HUD or whatever separate applier you used previously. Again, you cannot remove a skin. 

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  18. LAQ doesn't come with eyes because it works with system eyes, or other mesh eyes. You can purchase LAQ rigged mesh eyes separately, but they are not required. The texture you bought is likely to only work with the LAQ rigged mesh eyes, though. Personally, I quite like them, but you can stick with what you have already if you'd rather not spend the money. 

  19. It's an alpha glitch and there is no fix, sadly. Same thing happens with a lot of things; hair does it sometimes, and I occasionally see it around the nails on my Maitreya body. Short lashes may do this less, but there's no preventing it entirely. 

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