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Sweet Valentine

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Posts posted by Sweet Valentine

  1. closed my shops up just have one small one and that may go soon too....who needs land when u can use premium sandboxes and get a free 512 ....feels great not to have to pay LL 300 US dollars plus fees for worthless land and crappy service anymore..also stuff being grey more than 5 minutes maybe your connection not the store

  2. :matte-motes-impatient: uhhhhhhg adding new things when we need the bugs fixed( annoyed )  ......many merchants still have wrong pictures in there shops and others cant get there boxes to stop initializing and erroring ,bulk delete still doest work ...i cannot delete  ghosted listings with other people pictures on them still and your adding new categories?!!!! please oh please fix the issues first!...if your going to add new categories to MP please put all prefab houses homes building ect in there own category of PREFABS.... these are not building components or please make a content creation category for sculpt,s mesh, textures and clothing templates ,scripts and tools for building, these do not belong in with PREFAB buildings and homes.. still annoyed we are into the 3rd month with still showstopper bugs and messes in Marketplace due to direct delivery ...walks away in disgust

  3. i do not think they have done anything to make it quicker ..there is just not as many people trying to convert over cus of the mess as it was the first week that is why it seems quicker not as much load...still a bloody freakin mess all over the marketplace...no kudos from this end yet

  4. Thanks for the list Sera and Sassy and everyone else! and now LINDEN LAB PLEASE GIVE US COMMUNICATION what is happening and when we can expect some support on these issues...please try to restore some of our faith in you....



    Disgusted in DD and the Commerce teams lack of support ...fails again

  5. :smileymad: Disgusted in Secondlife and Linden labs ..... this is  just sickening but typical and predictable ...things just do not get better even tho they try to blow fluff at us...lots of money lost yesterday lots of Customers lost..and many merchants rethinking WHY we pay tier to this Company with horrible customer service any longer...I hope the Merchants get paid but i do not hold my breath on it...i am expecting an excuse as usual and GOD forbid any other type of compensation for the losses they have caused us

  6. I get failed deliveries at night  but everytime its a failure its cus the customer has used the rusty broken  3 wheeled SHOPPING cart its always multiple items and always always when they have used this stupid piece of junk shopping cart that lindens know is broken knows that second life scripting speeds cannot handle this fast of deliveries at one time..........please stop delaying our shopping and round file the damn shopping cart!!..everytime i have had a failure its cus they used shopping cart...when i am shopping myself its always delayed delivery after midnight ,,before that its usualy fast (i always use the buy now button) one item at a time

  7. anyone have a cheap mesh umbrella for sale.... i need to protect myself from the second life falling skies

    Lindens you have chewed off and spit out the hands that feed you far to many times

    this is the stupidist move ever...when do us Sim owners get a break from paying a Sim Payment tier? I pay on time every month and im preminum for over 5 years when do i get a Deal ???????????????

  8. :matte-motes-sick:USER EXCEPTION from LINDEN BORKED UPDATE ON MARKETPLACE= LOSS SALES =CANCEL SIM TIER PAYMENT this issue needs to be fixed NOT next week but today it is a show stopper and has been since you all did this update..... again are these programmers educated? again why are you breaking things that were already working! gaaaaaaaah xanax please

  9. This is to much like rocket science for LL to understandcommon sense isnt in the span of options for them

    they delist items for the stupidist reasons

    mine is textures under textures category GO FIGURE.... then a bear under animals... linden bears are listed under animals why are my bears not allowed to be under animals they are ANIMALS to me

    there answer to everything is start a jira if u want it changed...soon enough we just will give up and take our money and business elsewhere

    really tired of the silliness that they make every merchant go through

  10. Brooke........ is it possible to either fix the broken shopping cart or disable it please.......... i am so tired of failed deliveries cus people buy multiple items with that broken rusted useless peice of crap shopping cart..... i do not understand why this issue is taking so so so long to be addressed it should be top of the pile ...i realize your working on new ways to deliver but for cryin out loud already how many failures does it take before people just get sick and tired of this crappy service...you hurt our business which in turn will hurt your business please fix this issue...thanks

  11. it is time to round file the shopping cart it is the thing that is failing and creating the failed deliveries....I tell all my customers not to use it...wonders how long we have to wait until lindens grab a clue on this.... how long has it been failing ? how long have we been telling you its failing? again ya all never listen to us...(smacks a linden up side the head with the BROKEN shopping cart) Listen please its BROKEN

  12. I have had a ticket in to linden lab on this issue of being charged for Tests:smileymad: waited months before getting answers with no help on the issue

    We were not ever notified that we would now be charged for testing

    it took me awhile before i noticed i was being charged commission for tests

    I think it was a very sneaky underhanded way to get extra money from Merchants..why no notice of it?

    now i have tested many items and they have my commissions ...i get absolutely no help or refund for this

    it just makes me tell my customers to buy in my shop do not give LL commissions anymore

    I purchase now inworld because of this as well....  all it takes is a notice to your customers Lindens...I just wonder how many people are still testing and not realizing that they are being charged for it

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