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Amethyst Jetaime

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Posts posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. Not sure what you mean by 'no buying fee on land'.  All mainland parcels will cost you something to own it.  There is no free mainland unless someone just gives it to you rather than abandoning it. 

    Once abandoned LL owns it and they will charge a price to own it, whethere it's put on the auction block or not.  Some of it is quite cheap, but those parcels tend to be in areas without much going for them.  The best parcels are auctioned.

    If you are looking for waterfront land  (especially sailable waterfront), land on a road, next to LL protected land or with a spectacular view, prepare to pay a premium price for it unless you get lucky.  Just like RL land prices are all about location location location.

    If you don't want to buy land and put something down to buy it, then you'll have to rent land.  However,  not many landlords, if any, are going to accept your tier donation in lieu of rent either.

  2. To make a longer story short Bento heads have two main advantages over older rigged mesh heads

    • You can modify the shape of the head and it's features use the appearance shape sliders, to a greater or lesser degree depending on the brand of head.
    • The faces are much more expressive and can actually show emotions and other things if you have Bento animations to go with them.  Either the ones that come with the head or if you have a Bento AO.

    To see good videos about this, google Strawberry Singhs blog.  She has excellent demos using a few different Bento heads.  Also Mesh Body Addicts blog has some.

  3. If you are going to show any SL user interface then I wouldn't use the Singularity viewer.  It's not been updated since 2016 and is obsolete now.  The creator of that viewer doesn't support it anymore and there has been no word from him since June of last year and no word if he plans on updating it.  Use the official SL viewer or Firestorm which is the most popular viewer, otherwise you may confuse people who have never seen the old UI that the Singularity viewer has.  Your computer should not have any issue running either of them.

  4. I can't say what is going on generally on the mainland market.  I have a home on the Blake Sea and haven't noticed what you are saying.  Maybe others can offer you insight.  It could be people just leaving your sim for bigger parcels or better located ones.

    Its not unusual not to see people at their homes near you when you are at yours.  Time zone differ, interests differ, they may be online but out at a club or visiting friends etc.  A private estate region that is all rented out is the same way.  It's always been that way even in the heyday of SL. 

    Put your lot for sale in the Mainland for sale category in the Land Forums.  Put a SLurl in the ad so people can TP there to see it and also the square meter size, number of prims the lot supports and your asking price.  Also put a listing on the Marketplace. 

    Realize that you may not get what you paid for it, especially if it's not in a prime location like sailable waterfront.  For a quick sale, price it lower than similar parcels. If you don't sell it before the next tier is due and don't want to pay more tier, then you'll have to abandon it, of course.

    You won't get any money back, as anything you bought from LL, including tier paid is non refundable under the TOS.  Of course it's the same story with anything you paid for the parcel if you bought it from someone other than LL as all land sales are final too.

  5. As Rolig said, there is no way for you to get them.  There is an option on the transaction history page to download your 32 day transactoin history to your computer.  You can start doing this every 32 days so you have a record of all you transactions from here on out.

    Note that Marketplace transactions are available though for your entire MP history.  Go My Marketplace at the top right of your screen after you log in.  Then My Account > Order History

    • Like 2
  6. Personally, I wouldn't.  It may cause hard feelings with him if he can't afford to give you another ring, even if he doesn't voice them.  Also if you really like this guy accept what he can give you other than expensive jewelry.  Jewelry isn't everything, a lot of things are more important.  If you want to continue to wear it on your right hand I think that's OK, unless he knows what it is and asks you not to.

    Of course you're free to do what you think is right.  This is just my personal opinion.

  7. The only thing you can do is create a new group.  LL will not remove an owner just because they haven't been online.  They may decide to come back as it's been known to happen and are entitled to have everything they own there if they do.  This is why you are warned when making someone the owner of a group that it's permanent.

    When you create the new group don't give the owner role to anyone but your alt.  As you discovered you can't boot an owner, they have to resign.  You can always give someone else an officer role and give them all the priveledges of an Owner if you want, but you can boot them if something goes wrong.

    • Like 3
  8. I'd sell it.  There is always people looking for a region on the secondary market. 

    You can charge for any tier paid in advanced from the sale date up to the due date if it's sold prior to the due date.  You can also charge for the transfer fee of $150, otherwise you'll pay that.  Then the charge for the region itself.  What you can get for that depends on if your sim was grandfathered or not.  Grandfathered sims go for more money.  Look in the regular forums to see what people are charging.  For the fastest sale make your price lower than the lowest one you find for the type of region you have.  If you have a bit of time, you can hold out for a higher price and lower it if you don't sell it within a short time before the tier due date.  Then post it as for sale in the forums:RegionsforSaleFullRegionsions for Sale: Full Private Island

    You won't get the amount you may have paid LL lab for it, but something is better than nothing.

  9. Go to your dashboard.  Select Partner from the left side panel and follow the directions.  You will be charged $25L.  So be sure you have that much money.  Just like RL if you don't have money to pay for a divorce you can't file for one.:smileyvery-happy:

    • Like 1
  10. Bitsy is right.  Some people adjust their camera positions depending on what they are doing.  I do.  What would be ideal is to be able to have a drop down menu in preferences where yuo can select from a few presets and maybe even add your own custom preset.  It could include the tranditional one, Penny's and maybe one for riding in vehicles, building etc.

  11. You aren't guaranteed any visitors just because you have a classified ad.  Maybe no one is reading your ad, or if they are they aren't teleporting there.  There are tons of furniture stores around so you have a lot of competition.  When i search classifieds for low prim furniture stores I get tons of hits.

    Maybe you'd get a better response if you put a different picture of some of your furniture in the ad.  There isn't much contrast in that picture other than the couple, which makes it difficult to see the furniture itself.  When I shop for things I want to see clear pictures of what is offered. 

    • Like 1
  12. The avatars account owner will decide what kind of avatar they want and customize them accordingly just like in SL.  You won't have a different avatar for each experience unless you want to wear one.  Some experiences may require a type of avatar, just like furry places in SL sometime require you have a furry avatar to visit.  The experience owner may or may not provide one for you to wear.  But that will still be your choice whether to visit or not.  You won't go to an experience and automatically become a different species or type of avatar.

  13. The instructions that came with the body should tell you if your body is compatible with the Omega System ie: the Omega system scripts are built in.  The people that make clothes generally will say on the sales picture what bodies their clothes work with or they say they include Omega Appliers.

    Omega Appliers are a universal applier system that is compatible with most all mesh bodies either because the omega scripts are preinstalled in the body by the body's creator, or you can install it yourself if the body is mod.  The exception is if your body is not mod and isn't already Omega compatible.

    If you google Omega System Appliers you'll find an official web site for them with complete instructions on how to use them. 

    Basically the system uses clothing textures.  The system has a notecard in the applier HUD that you use to paste in the inventory number of the texture (called a UUID).  You can get this by clicking on the texture in your inventory and selecting Copy UUID from the menu.  UUID's of clothing aren't going to work.  You have to have the texture used to make the clothing, which means you have to have created it or bought the clothing texture full perm.  Full perm clothing textures are available on the MarketPlace.  You then wear the HUD and click on it and it paints the texture on a the layer you specified in the notecard by pasting in the UUID in the appropriate space.

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