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Pazako Karu

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  1. Being able to handle 8-100 larger KVP or a few thousand tiny ones would be a remarkably helpful tool to have! As with a prior poster though, Id kinda want it to be less volatile than some current methods, where a crash or replace outfit will just undo potentially hours of data. Even a 60 second update-if-necessary save would be phenomenal. Did my own speed test from excitement, these numbers may not be reflective of future implementation as limits may be imposed! Max KVP: 8457 (0=0, 1=1, 2=2, 10=10, etc) llLinksetDataRead: 130.90us llLinksetDataDelete, 137.36us llLinksetDataWrite: 227.76us llLinksetDataListKeys: 36,638us (36.64ms) So, basically zero. Considering the time to process the ListKeys data, even being 10 times slower (per value) it does offer strong flexibility. The tests were done with a 65s or 1 run limit: Write filled the store with integers in string form for key and value, 0=0 etc Read read integers in string form (up to max for the run) Delete deleted integers in string form (up to max for the run) ListKeys read integer string and 16 count until the end, this only managed one run Script peaked at 0.170ms script time in an empty sim running these. Note on Max KVP: using base64/16 wont reasonably reduce the number of string characters at these scales (8457 is still 2109 or 4oSJ, 4 characters each)
  2. I very much agree when the item in question is entirely unknown, but what about trivial differences in items, such as different colors or textures? For example, a series of identical shirts with different collectible colors or images that aren't available otherwise. I imagine that is also disallowed, but doesn't seem like it's as mean-spirited as gachas are currently. ... Third attempt at posting
  3. Sounds like something is still using the microphone. Does a restart of the computer work better than relogging 5 times? (Proves somethings holding on to mic) Is Exclusive mode enabled in the Microphone properties? (Windows 7: Right click sound icon > Recording > Whichever Mic > Properties > Advanced > Uncheck Allow applications to take exclusive control) The build number for his windows appears to be Windows 8. Is the entire problem only within 8? As it is very new, it may just be a compatability problem that can be resolved later, once W8 is popular enough for LL to work with it. Perhaps using a Windows 7 driver for the microphone will change something, but that may be dangerous. While annoying, you could see if disabling and re-enabling voice will resolve the problem. I say it is annoying because they may have to do it every time they teleport, but it should theoretically work as it will restart the slvoice.exe program. (Settings > Disable voice, apply, enable voice, ok)
  4. From: Second Life users will only see their own reported issues There was a plethora of people helping others out, often fixing problems for LL within JIRA. Now it's going to be a behind-the-scenes issue tracker? What's the point? I loved JIRA for SL so much that I wrote a letter to President Obama on using JIRA for government for my WRT101 Final in college! Not only is it fun to help others, you can get a good idea on what's going on, what is broken (did my script break or did LL change something?), and all kinds of feedback to evolve feature suggestions from a petty one-liner into a full-scale overhaul of SecondLife. Not all of your ideas are yours, LL. We made a lot of them. Why nobody is complaining is beyond me. It's probably because they 'Don't know how to use the new JIRA' or missed the update. Is there a (meaningful) replacement coming/here to take over JIRA or are we really going to kill one of your best features?
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