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Lyra Snowpaw

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Everything posted by Lyra Snowpaw

  1. Yep, me too. I think I look just fine so my ava looks as much like me as possible.
  2. The answer is..it depends. Depnds on how far the representation goes and what actions are being taken based on it. I know some ava's who say in their profile or otherwise tell--always ok. But I know some others who have also represented themselves as the opposite gender in RL as well, even using a voice pitcher to attempt to complete the illusion and using someone else's photos. Not cool. Bottom line, we all have a basic right to chose who are sexual or otherwise intimate with. For some people, the gender of the other ava is a deal maker/breaker. Right or wrong, there it is. Some ppl can be hurt or even traumatize by a deep deception. I've seen it happen--more than once. Many ppl want to simply point to the TOS and give a quick and decisive "nope" as an answer. No so fast please. Avatar's rely on humans to exist--not considering bots. Those humans have real feelings so, like it or not, there are some ethical obligations here (and perhaps some legal ones). My two cents, I don't care about your kink--as long as you obtain consent honestly from one legally capable of giving it. If you have that, have fun! For those of you for whom RL gender is a deal breaker, remember one of the cardinal rules of SL: NO VOICE, NO CAM, NO CHANCE.
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