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Aelish Svoboda

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Everything posted by Aelish Svoboda

  1. To my knowledge (which is still somewhat limited on it) - it has something to do with exported joints in the mesh item you equip. I don't know exactly what causes it (and have not been able to get clarification from anyone as to how to avoid it) - but I think the mesh-maker has to be sure that they don't change/deform the rig while they weight the mesh (I think that can mesh with the joints somehow?) And also, not to include the joint export thing unless it's necessary. (Again I could be talking gibberish here, because I really haven't gotten clarification on -why- or -how- this happens, only that this can cause rigged mesh to bug the eyes of avatars.) The suggestion of using smaller eyes etc. is great except... it means changing eyes with every outfit based on if the outfit causes it to bug or not. I've run into a few other items for Kemono that have this issue, including a skirt and a sweater, and they've all had the same issue with no resolution -__- If anyone has more insight into why this is occurring, it would help the greater Kemono community IMO, especially those learning/newer to meshing, to keep this from happening. As for the OP, I guess contact the creator and see if they have updated the product yet to fix the issue. If not, you're stuck using other eyes that can be tweaked. (For mine I had to move them back, and set them down lower by just a tad, to get them to work normally again.)
  2. I'm pretty sure that her new store will be new items only. When she had the sale it was a retirement sale for old items and there's an FAQ thing at the store that specifically says she doesn't have the older styles for sale anymore. There's a very similar style from Magika that has a side braid with some twine twisted into it (the twine's optional but color change IIRC) - forget the name but I'm pretty sure it's easy enough to find. Good luck! Also you could try IM'ing Elika but I don't know if she'd have it or be willing to sell it.
  3. Also, the skin is Deesees I believe. If not, then it's TBC's. If you want good darker skins, both of them are good, also should check out that Egozy store, Birdie and Deetalez. All have similar style medium-dark skintones without too much orangeness or shadows.
  4. It's from t.Whore. Search Blaire Loorden. You're welcome, and inspect is a magical thing Luckily, so is being a shopaholic.
  5. So I'm not sure if someone's mentioned this.... and it's not really Kim's responsibility, I'm sure. But 3/4 of you are telling her to go look at the "customer service" that LL has been giving us and how it's gone from bad to worse. ... I'll say this from a WoW point of view. Blizzard's customer support is not much better. However they're making small strides. Do with LL what Blizzard had shifted toward, which was a little more transparency (more and more often we're receiving info on server closures early so we can know ahead of time, we're getting more information on new features and we're getting ANSWERS on forums involving technical problems in-game and with certain graphics issues, along with updating and prioritizing issues/fixes to be handled quickly and listening to the users.) If you want to market to the masses that SL is a place they can come to invest, to create, and to grow in whatever way they choose -- you need to make sure that SL can deliver on that. We create the content. LL delivers it. Such is the world of SL.
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