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Alyona Su

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Posts posted by Alyona Su

  1. 18 hours ago, Kotelle said:

    I wonder how exactly the return of the last names is going to look like. Hope it doesn't mean we are stuck with current names as first names and we will be able to customise only the Resident part. 

    My first impression is that it will be this. Or...

    12 hours ago, bigmoe Whitfield said:

    hopefully the option to change lastnames for a normal resident account will be possible too.  like to get a few alts that are sibblings (what I call alts) with the same lastname as my concurrent one.

    The one easiest way to do it will be to allow all residents to be able to change your entire (first and last) name. The real trick here will be the requirement to check for existing names: If you want to change your entire name to John Doe - the system has to verify someone else hasn't already set their name to that. Of course, the last name will be selected from a list, then the first name checked against it.

    Certainly doable, but the question is will they go through the effort to make it work that way OR will they just allow all people with "Resident" last names to choose a new one from a list?

  2. 1 hour ago, Resi Pfeffer said:

    There are not that much nice things being heard about madmainland.
    Why is it still something, people head for? Its cheaper than the private owned sims?

    Generally-speaking: yes. And there are other things about it, too: no one can ever take it away from you (eject you or ban you from it) and you can do anything you want within TOS - landscape, terraform and all the rest. BUT< Those freedoms go for your neighbors as well and as you can see in the OP description: some neighbors can be uncouth rude jerks.

    The good news is that 90% of the mainland is just fine. Scenarios like these are the exception. It sounds like the OP has a destination attraction set up. Though if it were just her home she could easily set the land for sale and go buy another elsewhere - there are a lot of options, all are context-sensitive, of course.

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  3. 7 hours ago, Prisqua Newall said:

    When you buy mainland, you do not have to pay a weekly tier? It is just a one off fee?


    7 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    After you purchase your mainland, you pay monthly tier (tax) to LL - BUT only for any amount over the 1024 limit that comes with your Premium account.  So if you only own 1024 or less, you only pay for the initial purchase and your continual Premium membership.

    What LittleMe says. Most cost-effective way to do it is to subscribe to Premium annually ($72 U.S>/year). Along with all the other perks (and more have been announced as coming) - you also get "Tier 1" (512m2) and "Tier 2" (1024m2 with 350 prims/LI) for free. This means you purchase the land and that's it. No more daily, weekly, monthly, whatever fees or rent.

    It also means if you double that (2048m2 with 700 prims/LI) - the only "rent" you pay is $7 U.S. per *month* (= about 1750L @250:1) or 438L/week - and that's paid to Linden Lab - you still "own" the land outright: no one can kick you off or anything else. There's nothing wrong with renting, and certainly, some rental places are beautiful. It just comes down to whatever your own priorities are. Though a lot of newcomers in SL only see the "Rental" aspect, they may not even be aware of the "purchase your own" aspect. :)

    • Like 2
  4. It sounds like the place where you are.

    Blue/purple avatars are called "Jelly Dolls" - you can turn that off, but you don't want to.The system is protecting your experience - turning that off will cause BIG lag (which is what you describe). Those people are wearing attachments that will cause huge lag for you, so the system turns them into jellydolls. 

    As for the buildings rezzing lowly: those are sloppy creators using badly-designed textures. As for walking smoothly then "bouncing" - that is called "latency" - there is too much load on the sim so it isn't able to keep track of you (and others) properly.

    I am SIMPLIFYING my descriptions a LOT. But no sense writing a giant wall of text that explains it all. Better to simply recommend (very strongly) that you just go to another sim. if this is your home, you may want to consider moving or turning your Graphics settings WAY DOWN. :)

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  5. 12 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

    I don't think there is any script that an detect what attachments someone is wearing.



    11 hours ago, Gadget Portal said:

    Yup, and working HUDs also like this one: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AV-Inspect-HUD-Tetranodo/13775567

    And a few FREEBIE HUDs that scan nearby avies and show profiles with the option to see all attachments, even if object-sitting. My personal favorite is Fashion Spy, but was available only for a limited time so I can't get it for my alts. :(

  6. On 3/20/2018 at 8:10 AM, Elanthius Flagstaff said:

    It's not $0 for 1024sqm. It's $72 per year. Of course, on top of that you get your stipend. Also the new rates with LL are only 10% cheaper not 50%.

    It's true you don't pay LL weekly, you pay monthly (or annually!) but nonetheless my rates are cheaper than LLs whether you calculate them monthly or weekly. I just charge weekly for convenience but you can pay any amount into the rental box you wish and it will apply the proper number of days.

    As for the $1 a month thing recommended by Chic. I think your calculations are a bit wrong (I think it's actually $1 per month per alt) but the general concept is true that you can create many alts and set up annual billing and whatever else to work around the system (good luck if you need more accounts than are allowed per credit card). With my tier rental offer you don't even need to be premium and you can pay all your rent in L$ and own land with the flexibility of paying week by week instead of committing to a whole year.

    Okay, I understand now. Thank you for explaining! :)

    However: If I am a premium member I've already spent the $72 - so I may as well stick with my free land. If I were *not* a premium member (I haven't spent the $72) then renting from you is certainly a killer deal. I get it now.

    As for the "50% tier discount" - if I said it that way then I apologize, I mean to say it "combined costs 50% less" - because it does.

    The OLD way: Own 2048m2 = free 512, means you pay for 1536 - this bumped you way up into tier 3 ($15 a month).

    The NEW way: Own 2048m2 = free 1024, means you pay for 1024 - this bumped you only into tier 2 ($7 a month).

    So I was meaning that, for example, owning a 2048 parcel is 50% less now than before. :)

    • Like 1
  7. Catwa works great. And so do many others.

    Your best bet is to grab as many demos as you can find and try them all.

    Some things to keep in mind:

    • No demo? Run away as fast as you can.
    • Check that it's Omega compatible; so you can buy the matching skin for body and head
    • Create a new "testing" shape for each demo and take the time to adjust sliders to look the way you want. The same shape on different heads even from the same creator can look horrific - so treat each separately.
    • You get what you pay for, except when you don't. 2500L to 5000L for a BENTO head is acceptable. If it costs less, then run the demo through the ringer to be sure it's what you want. Never spend more than about 2.5K for a non-bento head, they just aren't worth that anymore.

    Try different hairstyles also - not for the hair, but to see how well the head is made: if it is rigged hair and there is a gap between the hair and skull (like many AK heads for women) - then the head was not made very well, quality-wise. The better the creator, the more attention-to-detail they will give. There is a *reason* Catwa are the most popular heads in SL right now. And that reason is well-earned. Though (in my personal opinion), not all Catwa heads are equal (I am referring to the quality aspect, not the look aspect).

  8. 17 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    These calcs have been mentioned a few times.  It totally depends on how you view things and how you look at the L$300 stipend that you would get weekly - and whether or not you are in the US or might have VAT and/or international transaction fees.

    L$300 per week for a year is L$15,600.  If you assume roughly L$250 per US $1, then that is $62.50 per year.  If you actually cash it out to pay for the yearly fee, you need to subtract out the 3.5% 'sell L$' fee and that results in $60.22 per year.  Thus, if paying for Premium yearly, it will cost roughly US $1 per month, which would be approx. L$250 per month.

    If you don't actually sell those L$, then you are still getting approx. $62.50 of your fee back in money to spend inworld.  For a 1024 sqm piece of mainland, you'll get 350 LI/prims (or 700 if a double-prim lot).  You'll also need to take into account the price of actually buying a piece of mainland.

    Then compare all of that to the price of renting, along with whether you have a preference or not for Mainland vs Estate living.

    The Premium will also give you up to 60 groups (if you care), access to private sandboxes (if you care), access to 90 days of transaction history instead of 30 days (if you care), access to Live Chat rather than just support tickets, and a few other things.  Only you can decide if any of those things matter to you.

    • L$3500 (average) to purchase a 1024m2 parcel on the mainland.
    • 15 minutes to DEREZ unsightly neighbor garbage.
    • 12 minutes to terraform any damned way you please.
    • Building your own place or prefab-shopping: L$1000 in time or cost.
    • Like 8
    1. Most animations are created with Barbie-shaped figures. Hence: arms clipping through thighs, etc.
    2. Most avies in SL have arms way too short (middle finger should come to mid-thigh) - Hence hands clipping into legs when sitting because animators' arms are too short when creating the AO.

    As for doing animation/AO demos: take the time to play each and every animation all the way through. Newer AO animations often have a long stand and sit times: my own AO has stand times at 60 seconds before loop. So it took me an hour to preview them all properly. But it was worth it. (for the curious: creator is Daiz Papp - search MP if you want to learn more about them)

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  9. Wait... Linden Lab doesn't charge by the week.

    I'm just saying that I don't understand what is being said or compared. Please correct me if I am totally not understanding the OP:

    OP says you pay weekly rent and that weekly rent is cheaper than LL. But LL weekly rent is ZERO (0) for up to 1024m2 and 50% less now for each tier higher than before.

    Not trying to be a troll or anything; I am genuinely confused as to what the OP is saying or advertising.

    • You get 1024 free of land-use fees.
    • Your LL Home is using half of that.
    • LL Home is entirely optional and always has been.
    • Abandon LL Home and you free the 512m2 it was using, returning your allotment back to the full 1024.
    • Buy new land on mainland or LL Home (your choice) - up to 1024m2. At 1025m2 you will be bumped up to the next tier (2048, which is $7 U.S. per month).

    TL;DR: LL Home is optional; abandon it then go buy a full 1024 on the mainland. :)

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  10. I don't own all mesh bodies, though from what I've asked about and other 'research' on it all: Only Belleza and Tonic will do the butt physics. Tonic also does the belly (and as far as I know: is the *only* mesh avie that does the belly)

    And I have to say when set right on Belleza and Tonic: that butt-swing rawks and even gets noticed sometimes "Hey, HOW DID YOU DO THAT!?) hahaha Though I've experimented with the belly physics it's barely noticeable unless you have a larger belly, but it *does* work.

    OH and you can easily create a new physics. In inventory just choose NEW then choose Physics.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 32 minutes ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

    Okay- I have wondered for YEARS why some people have teensy tiny little profile photos when you click them to try to see them better because they're blurry.  I never knew this!   Thank you!

    Haha, yes. This is exactly the reason for that. :)

  12. 3 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    as said: use the landsale search, not just randomly jump on land,  that won't work. (btw all land for sale will show as "yellow"on the map)

    Also there isn't a parcel that comes with your premium: you have 1024 sqm free level of TIER ... you have to find and BUY the land yourself.


    This mostly.

    A couple tips:

    1. Land Search (using the search box) is problematic because it does not show all land for sale, but rather only the newest in the last 24 or 36 hours (if I remember correctly). 

    2. I'm in SL 11 years, and the way I've learned to shop for land is via the world map.

    • Be sure "Land for Sale" is turned on. All land for sale will turn yellow.
    • This also gives you a basic impression of the parcel size.
    • Inside that yellow portion is a little Price Tag icon - click it - it will show the parcel size and selling price.
    • If the size and price are reasonable to you, the TP there to have a look-see.

    This can take some time, but also makes it easier to find what you may be looking for: a specific continent (say, with access to Blake Sea or whatever) - or next to a Linden Road or other protected land. And be sure to visit the spot so you can see how long it takes the surrounding areas to rez and the general state of the landscape. Shopping for land can be almost (though not quite) be as much fun as shopping for shoes if you do it right. :)

    • Like 1
  13. People are also forgetting that when you combine the land use fee reduction WITH the additional 512 fee-free land it is a 50% discount.


    Own 2048 m2: 512 is free, but the remaining kicked you into the 2048 tier = $15 per month.


    Own 2048 m2 1024 is free, the remaining is in the 1024 tier, which is only $7 per month.

    So in this example: it is literally a 50% discount from what it was before this change.

    • Like 2
  14. 44 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    There was definitely an increase in demand yesterday afternoon and evening (US time).  I've been casually looking at parcels for a few weeks.  Yesterday was the first time I had multiple parcels bought while I was standing on them considering if I wanted them.  Everywhere I went last night there seemed to be people looking at almost every parcel I TPd to -- or in some cases, the parcel was not for sale anymore despite what inworld search or the map showed.

    Yes, as I shop around myself I am seeing multiple people landing on parcels where I pop into. Got lucky and found a wonderful spot this morning, too. Now for those selling 2048 and 8096 plots - if they were smart would parcel them into 1024 each. because if I wanted 2048 then I'll buy two, but it will double or triple the chance of selling if parceled to 1024 for those looking for that.

  15. You aren't very clear about your difficulty.

    Do you mean it locks up entirely, or that it freezes for a half-second then unfreezes (which is annoying). I had this problem. You know what the amazing fix was? Replace my mouse. Yes, it was a really old mouse that was going bad.

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