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Lyra Blackthorne

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Posts posted by Lyra Blackthorne

  1. Go to the Linden Exchange area found on the left side of your dashboard.  Click on manage then select sell.  I use the second sell option ---gives choice of exchange rate, usually around 250L to USD is quick. Once the sell order is filled by LL you will be notified.  Then you need to go back to the Linden Exchange/Manage and select Process Credit to actually get the proceeds sent to you.  You can have money sent through PayPal or I think you can have money wired but have never used that option.  Having funds recieved from LL to my PayPal account takes as little as 24 hours or up to one week...but usually 4-5 days
  2. I agree Kurt...I will not be selling any unboxed items.  I don't like the idea of 300 new folders but having 3000" new items immediately, and more in future, from box contents would be infinitely worse.,,maybe even enough to abandon the marketplace.  Online sales are a tiny % of profits compared to inworld store sales; it would not take much for LL to make the effort and mayhem outweigh the revenue benefit the marketplace offers.

  3. Wow that will totally mess up my inventory  I do not have 1000's of items but I do have 100's and each product has multiple components 7-12. Today once a product is created and boxed I save the box only and delete the individual components as I really have no need to access them. Keep boxes of completed products in a total of just 4 folders named by product lines.. 

    This change would mean adding 300+ folders to my inventory which would be so ugly.  It will be even worse if the folder cannot hold just a single box....having to keep the loose components to each product would add 3000 or so items to my inventory load.  > groan.  Sounds like another wonderful idea from someone who has never lived in our world.

  4. Search was fine even with the gaming of traffic and picks until a couple of years ago.  LL trys so hard to stop gaming they lose sight of the ultimate goal...a search that works

    A simple exact match to prims at a location seems fair and clean.  No fancy coding setting favorites apart, land size and traffic are non-issues it is what the land holds that matches the search terms. You shouldnt have to spam land description or Shop name, keywords get counted once, you can mention it twice but it won't count more than once.  if you have products that match the searched terms then the volume of those products matching products should be what drives ranking. Why make it so complicated

  5. To sell lindens:

    Go to the Linden Exchange area found on the left side of your dashboard

    Click on manage then select sell.  I use the second sell option ---gives me choice of exchange rate usually around 250L to USD is quick. Once the sell order is filled by LL you will be notified.  Then you need to go back to the Linden Exchange/Manage and select Process Credit to actually get the proceeds sent to you.  You can have money sent through PayPal or I think you can have money wired but have never used that option.  Having funds recieved from LL to my PayPal account takes as little as 24 hours or up to one week...but usually 4-5 days

  6. Skins and shapes are two different things.

    A shape is like your RL skeleton, it provides your form; bone structure, height, shape etc.  It sounds to me like you are wearing a DEMO shape.  Most shape makers put huge hands, feet, arms on demos so that customers can see how the body and face is formed before purchasing the real shape which will not have the extra large apendages.

    A skin goes over the shape,it  will not change your form.  A skin provides tone, shading, makeup ect. 

    You see a skin but just like in RL you do not "see" a shape

  7. I learned much by taking classes. In search then events/education you will find listings of what is available every day.  There used to be new resident classes held pretty often but I also learned by just taking random things like building, photography etc.  I learn best by having a task and needing to figure out where how to accomplish it topic specific classes were great for that.

    If you get stuck with a specific just keep posting here and everyone will be happy to offer up their experience

    Welcome to the world!

  8. I use Excel to track my sales but that is for helping me manage products and service inworld...knowing what sells and what doesn't is important

    For reporting taxable income I use paypal records of what I cash out for the year...inworld linden is not relevant, only what is actually exchanged is income.  To offset income from cashouts you can deduct RL expense like software that is used to generate SL based income.  If in USA, check out rules for hobby based income

  9. If you are less than 30 days old there might still be a few money trees around...check in search,tp to a money tree location and look for Lindens growing on the branches for those new to take. There may also be a few camping spots left where you are paid to sit or hang around a certain area.  You would find these in search too.  This will only generate a few linden

    There are contests you could enter that give linden look for them in search/events tab

    There are help wanted ads in the Forums Wanted section and the inworld classified ads. 

    Do you have a RL skill that could be helpful in SL like graphic design or mad photoshop skills? You could create a book of examples and try to sell your service to shop owners.

    It will take lots of time to first learn and then to manage but you could learn to create something that other people would want to buy and sell via the Marketplace or with an inworld shop.

  10. As already mentioned most prim items need to be adjusted to fit your avatar...this goes for male and female shapes.

    Clothing, hair, jewelry, eyelashes, etc all need to be adjusted to fit. 

    If you are not yet good at editing prims check out the free building classes in search/events/education.  Take lots of classes; it does not matter what the class teaches you to build...you make a house or a magic wand using the same skills and tools as adjusting your prim attachments.

    Basic editing skills are somethingyou both will want to have if you want polished looking avatars.


  11. You dont need a script to tell if someone is online.  Your viewer will tell you eveyones status.  There is no way to hide in SL, but you can politely say hi I am busy right now.  If they keep talking just ignore them...there is no law we have to respond to everything and anything

  12. imo it isn't your gender or sexuality...but it just might be your profile though

    try rewriting it - maybe it is just me, but currently it sounds like someone with a chip on their shoulder and not much fun to be with.



  13. When you buy from Marketplace almost all items are in a box.  If you buy in a store they can come in a folder or a box.  If it is a folder it will be mixed in with your other inventory folders, if it is in a box you will most likely find it in your objects folder.

    You must open boxes by dragging the box icon out of your inventory onto the ground a little bit away from your avatar.  Then you right click on the box and choose copy to inventory.  This will move things out of the box and make a folder with the contents inside your inventory.

    Then just open the clothing folder and click on one item and select wear...or drag the fold onto your avatar to wear the entire folder content, but this will knock off everything else you are wearing like hair and eye lashes

    Good luck and welcome to SL!

  14. If you are less than 30 days old there might still be a few money trees around...check in search,, tp to a money tree location and look for Lindens growing on the branches for those new to take. There may also be a few camping spots left where you are paid to sit or hang around a certain area.  You would find these in search too.  This will only generate a few linden

    There are contests you could enter that give linden look for them in search/events tab

    There are help wanted ads in the Forums Wanted section and the inworld classified ads. 

    Do you have a RL skill that could be helpful in SL like graphic design or mad photoshop skills? You could create a book of examples and try to sell your service to shop owners.

    It will take lots of time to first learn and then to manage but you could learn to create something that other people would want to buy and sell via the Marketplace or with an inworld shop.

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