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Kalel Venkman

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Everything posted by Kalel Venkman

  1.  We got our start in Second Life, and we are now the most popular sci-fi geek culture radio station in the world. We play to 60,000 listeners a month in 195 countries, and our web site has news for geeks pretty much every day. Often it'll be stories that we break before the Nerdist or other major geek sites have it. We play music from sci-fi and fantasy TV shows, movies and games, as well as adventure serials like The Shadow, The Adventures of Superman and X Minus One, fascinating talk shows, as well as live geek DJ's and commentators. There's sure to be something you'll like, and we have music you just won't hear anywhere else. The stream URL is http://station.kryptonradio.com:8000/stream . The web site is http://kryptonradio.com. Krypton Radio - it's Sci-Fi for your Wifi!
  2. Krypton Radio got its start in Second Life and has grown to become the world's leading scifi and comics radio station. According to Alexa.com, we're ranked in the top 4.3% out of the 30 million sites they track. Even so, this isn't the pinnacle - it's just the beginning! Krypton Radio has a number of projects currently in development, and we're looking for voice actors, writers, musicians and more to help bring these new shows and productions to vibrant life. Contact us at kryptonradio@kryptonradio.com if you're a creative type who loves all things fannish and you want to be part of our next project - which direction we go will depend on what kinds of talent are out there and who contacts us first. Got a script? Maybe the next project will be your brainchild! To hear Krypton Radio in-world, visit the Justice League Adventurers Club in Steelhead Port Harbor, the League of Heroes Joseph Button Memorial Park on the east side of Taber just across from the historic Ivory Tower of Prims, or the mall at Aftermath in Unabated - or visit our site at http://kryptonradio.com. We look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, look to the skies - and enjoy the tunes!
  3. I'm having the same problem on Kubuntu x32 11.10 - yet running the Windows client on Linux using the Crossover emulation system works fine. This indicates that there is something peculiar to the Linux environment that makes this not work. Obviously it works for the guys who wrote the Linux version for Linden Lab, so it must be something missing from the Linux environment that's causing the problem. It's obviously not the router per se, once again because the same machine running the same operating system can support the Windows version without this error using emulation of the Windows operating environment. Something must be missing that the v3 client can't function without.
  4. I think the looping bug is really just a side effect of the necessity of being able to blend from one animation to the next. Animations are "lossy", too, which means that delicate nuance is often just optimized out. If there were a way to turn off animation blending from one clip to the next if you knew for a certainty that you weren't going to have to blend your animation with some unknown whatever from somebody's overrider, it might give us a bit more flexibility. Pretty sure that's intended as a feature, not a bug.
  5. Don't forget that the lingua franca here will be Collada. That means that anything made for Second Life can be retooled and repurposed for other platforms and uses later. Unlike things made within Second Life using just the tools available within the platform, creators can keep the content they create and reuse it even if Second Life goes dark. Using Collada was a brilliant idea.
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