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Harper Beresford

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Posts posted by Harper Beresford

  1. I am a total amateur at this but I would love to make a little playlist for my land where I can stream my iTunes in. However, I am finding it incredibly difficult to find any information about streaming iTunes into SL in a way in which I could do this.

    I am running Windows, so not the MacOS.



  2. N1kk1, I am so glad you responded to this thread after all this time. I guess my question, "Does it matter" leads to "If it does, then why does it?" I didn't want to assume it does to all. I think it does more than we realize.

    I also find disturbing the way that the other women in your club criticized your shape. I have to wonder what notion of female body they have in their heads and then if that is a notion connected to race or gender or both. I personally have a nice full booty on Harper--I think that is sexy and womanly, but that's me. But do they think a big ass means a woman of color? Or fat? Do they think that all men only want big boobs (they don't) or skinniness (they don't)?

    So I am glad you posted to this discussion. It really added to the conversation :)

  3. That IS a beautiful skin. Do you ever feel people are upset tha you represent differently or do the suggest that you misrepresent people of color by looking that way? Race can be such a dicey issue in RL but seems less so in SL. Do you think so?

  4. I have one more benefactor to thank and that's Chaos Mohr, who let me squat on his sim and then have a parcel there for ages, who helped me terraform my first sim, and who also helped me purchase my first computer after joining SL so it had kickass specs.

    I could go on and on. Gulliver, who long ago suggested I start a blog to work on my writing; Xavier, who was my first Mentor as a Mentor; Blaze, who held my drink at SLCC; Zolute, who helped me understand windlight; Callie, who made me start fashion blogging; Frank, who published me in Architectural Digest; Ikon, who taught me all about eyes and the rest...

    Even if they don't give you lindens, if they give of time by answering questions or being a friend, they are a benefactor so don't discount anyone's efforts....

  5. Not at all and increasingly so since I change up my look so much. I will say that Queue Marlowe made a hair that she named "Harper" without having seen me, and we agreed that it looked pretty much like my RL hair once she saw my RL photo.


    You know what I love is when people are better looking n RL than their avatars.it's not always just surface but also personal presence and personality. A few people come to mind (Eshi, Callie, Taryn, Queue, oh and Kara Ennui, who is no longer in) Sometimes I am gobsmacked by the gorgeous people who are in SL.

  6. I don't buy clothes like k wear in SL. However I do notice people's style and more importantly, I notice their best qualities. I would think the idealism of SL avatars would make me think more critically about people's appearance but I find that it makes me see the beautiful qualities of people. For example, I remember seeing a woman's strikingly beautiful white hair and thinking, "Wow!" Or today a woman helped me in a store and told me she had children who were 30 and 28, and looking at her, all I could think about was her darling nose and her beautiful skin and pretty eyes. She was older, overweight, and probably didn't see it in herself but I sure saw it.

  7. A lot of content creators are purists sbout templates, but frankly, everyone has tapped those Chip Midnight templates, so it's really no difference. The same argument can be made about photo sourcing being "unpure." I say use everything and anything at your disposal. Andy Warhol screen printed Campbells Soup cans and it was art, for goodness sake. The point was it was evocative and visually interesting, not that it was done with oil paints and depicted the Madonna.


    If the work is technically good, skillfull rendered and artistically solid, none of that would make a difference. It's about what moves us, represents us, makes us feel good (or bad ;)), not about the tools use to do that

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  8. Ohna, I think one of hte limitations is the actual perameters of the nose on the SL avatar. I have tried nad tried to make a wider flatter nose--one that represents some people's noses (white or black or Asian or whatever--some people have flatter wider noses) and have found it's harder than heck. It doesn't help when the skins are fitted on super skinny noses either. So you saw my result above for Mollena. Not *entirely* happy but good enough :)

    Check out Angel Rock skins too. I really like her African-American skins.

  9. LL prescribed a method for land owners to mark their sims as unphotographable. If it lists in a land's covenant that you are expressly forbidden to take images of the space or do machinima on the space, that is considered adequate warning. The vast majority of land owners do not limit screen capture or machinima but if ever in doubt, check the covenant.

    The covenant for the sim I own states: "Machinima and screen capture (photography) are expressly allowed on all parts of the sim. However, all international laws apply to the capture and reproduction of specific works and we ask that you respect people's privacy, as always."

    I would think most sims would welcome photographers and references.



  10. Cajsa, who is always humble, failed to mention that she makes a list of photo spots around the grid and updates it on a notecard that we share with our fashion bloggers' group. I also pass it around to anyone else who asks (as does she). She promised she will be updating it soon (probably after she's done with this gig).

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