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wrable Amat

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Posts posted by wrable Amat

  1. from my understanding they do not do send checks any more on cash outs and paypal is the only way to get the money out.I am sure any one want to be a vendor  also wants to cash out more then they really care about paying in ,at least the newer people I meet are way more interested in that aspect then gaining a paid for account.

  2. Yeah it is all a matter of being busted not who or when,the fact is I find it funny how a simple search can sniff out most of this.

    To me it only make sense to have a system when something of that nature is found and knowing  copycatting,common themes are just a fact of the markets in SL....

    Knowing damn well when you contact a seller of this they in turn would only naturally search them self for others hawking off a well known absolutely no way in that place the call HELL did you just not think marvel and LL would NOT  have a problem with your blatant refusal of being a honest  vendor  and having to be caught red handed with  as stated 100% known copyright infringement material so they can come on the forums and play victim to their own crime as they are bitter their exploited money sale are lost and some one else is still profiting.....

    I am sorry but I just find it hard to have pity for people who read and agree to rules when signing up to the market place and just have to test the thickness of the ice under their feet, at the reality it could cost many others if some smart lawyer found away around the TOSS  user agreement and drove their millions in law suit strait at Linden labs .Most likely effecting every one else who enjoys honest creativity...

  3. I had  old computer for years then I bought a new one (about a year ago).

     I find SL at times to do all the same things you speak of (lag spikes crashing and so on ) at times and other  it runs 100%  ok  and this was and is on both my old and new computer .

    As a person with a back ground in software it just tells me it's most  likely on the service side of SL and or possible my ISP  not my viewer or computer.

    I also gave up using 3rd party viewers years ago after emerald made us all part of their DDos attack plan and I do not trust  16 year olds ( a few of the devs in the current 3rd parties ) with a program installed  on the same computer I do my banking on,I am  sure that is just me  but to each their own.

  4. Goto DL section

    DL the AV mesh top and bottom

    you will see when you open them the lines have bends in them,those are contour lines and show you where the AV bends,you must work wih those lines so you can adjust your images in the same direction of those lines.example when you look at the Avs butt you will see where you pockets will cross those lower lines and will start going down the leg you will notice larger gaps between the cross lines which means it will stretch there as you move.you want to avoid going that far down as the pocket will bend and stretch as you move.you what to stay in the strait a ways so when you move it dose not distort.

  5. you can only add color to a texture,if it was in a gray scale it would be designed to add some amount of color but it will always darken t he textures.When people say Mod they mean you can change the length of the sleeves,pants the detail prims are normal mod so you can adjust it if needed to size ,but it is not designed for you to be able to just add color to a clothing texture and it will tint the base color but not the details just adds color to the over all texture.

  6. How hard is it to say "will be 111 prim cost when rezzed,11 mesh links in all,prim cost can very by size"

    Lately it is a free for all and seeing 0 blogs from LL,purity much hush hush on any up and coming large community events and the rumor they are going threw a closing and changing hands of ownership just makes me not very active in building lately .

    I have go duked on some many mesh products with large land cost over the past 3 months I just stopped buying anything mesh that is not rigged.

  7. Im so glad I don't deal with that stuff,my partner takes care of al the MP stuff for our shops,I do notice its a huge labor for her and Tigerlily will spend whole 10 hours days alone working on market place. Personaly I never use it much as I like to make my clothing and AV toys but from what every one says its a  pain.
    I can also say before LL bought it I used it a lot and it all seem to work fine,this all happen sense they took it over. 

    So LET BREAK OUT THE PITCH FORKS AND BURN THOSE MOTHER  FU.....wait...wrong scenario!!

  8. /me throws her MP sales on the ground and starts dancing and singing "It's Hammer Time...dunnn nnnaa naa duuuna  naaa!"

    /me put her In World Sales on her eyes..LOOOK PENNY EYES!!! WHHOOOOOOOOOO


    It seem for me 3 weeks is the magic number of a HUGE sales drop!


    As bender says "I come here to have fun on a bun!!"

    I play SLcreation and sales for fun as a hobby,I enjoy my RL career and use SL as a nice get away to break out of the norm day in and day out of my boring life.Ijust finishing a beta test on my first game!! I made a rank server and HUDs that interact with every thing from health points to social points,my hopes to make the game for every one that likes Sl family role play.So in sales the past 3 weeks ...yuppers slow...in creation fun 100% pure enjoyment!!!!

  9. Lol,I did the same not to long ago making a model alt,

    When I did mine years ago I have to put in my DL number.Now it is just a box that says "are you over 18? You check he box and  now you are age verified!

    I do not blame LL,Adult sites are the same unless you sign up,

    All they ask is a simple "are you over 18".

    The fact is holding peoples info is risky and costly,

    The fact is it's mommy and daddy job to watch what their kids do!

    Growing up we did not have computer..We had TV  and  I was not allowed to have one in my room until I was 16!!

    Even then if the TV was on the door was open..on that  note if I was breathing the door was open...

    Parents for the most part suck these days!

    The things I see as teacher in RL would make you throw up! Parents I would say 99% let their teenagers run the show in their homes these days and I can say 1 out 20 home life is 80% mom and dad at work or not paying much attention.

    Grant it there are many doing a good job and good parents , but the truth is the numbers do not lie,teens and children have it easy compare  to older generations.

  10. The beauty of debt when it comes too whole country is there will always be a large lender ready to bail them out at the last minute.

    It would effect (I do believe it will) the world wide market,  there will be a group that pulls together a bail out to save their own investments abroad.

    They will just wait until the last minute to bail them and and Greece would be heavily affected with regulations and the truth is you could see many users from there have to leave due to large tax depts and outages such as power and internet as different carriers try to provide minimal services as people will have to choose which parts of their lives  they can do with out  to survive after paying much heavy tax.

  11. My profile is public

    I have never had a issue,it only happens when you bring it on your self !

    Public grifing happens (clubs,whole sim) but that is  normally random targets not one person.

    The best way to deal with  people like that is mute them and no not say a word back!

    He/she who care the least wins !

    Do not get offended and reply to butt faces with things that let them know they just pushed your buttons,use common sense...

  12. there has been a lot of death in the past few months.I was reading this year and the next 5 will have the biggest death rates ever as the baby boomers move into their 50/60s due the large numbers they represent of the population worldwide.

  13. Nothing comes easy or free in this world , Blender is a wonderful tool you just need to invest time to learn to use it . Max is not to costly but its still around 500 dollars comparer to others that can be 3 times as much . Zbrush is nice interface but will cost you a lot as well . The fact is even systems that are essayer to use have high triangle count by default you have to learn more to get the triangle count low for SL with any of these programs or the next thing you have nice prims with super high prim counts due to triangle size for SL . Mesh is not for the people looking for a fast way to do it,you have a choice of learning blender (which is not bad at all once you understand it)  or investing a good amount of money . Last one .. arrrrgggg matte pirate software is out there too but you still have a fair amount of reading to learn to use any of them.

  14. First off it is against the forums rules to use shop names in a negative or even positive light,your comment about where you got the skin and that you not shop there again will only lead to the remove of this post when a mod see it.

    You asking price is way to low,you asking for custom skins and shape for 9 to 15 dollars..Most skins can take people weeks to make unless you rather the use use a pre bought and throw you together a AV ,you sound a little to picky for that.

    Learn proper forums etiquette   and realistic price ranges would be your best way to solve this.

  15. what happne to people..I see to many all female sims/clubs and groups here.Online there are millions of groups as well as RL.I think Second life is more advanced environment to become place where focus is on a specific gender.This world (RL) has way more issue then a single Gender problems and subject with almost unlimited resource groups out there.To me  and I do not stand alone,these groups/cubs/sims in a place like this  are really a source of monetary value or a tool to up step some people female RP then help.

    I think you be helping more people with  a group like this that covers a open end of topics,I am a female with a active public shcool special education career and take part of a lot of support groups,take my advice and try to be more open to every one and use a calendar of events that are more based on male and female problems if you want to help people.


  16. to "Sode Lemondrop"


    so that is what happen to you,I even still have all yor gestures you made.

    But lets not make lite of the fact you had 100s of people following you around to make move funny movies.

    You are gifted with being funny ,but  you kind of freaked out of no where leaving a bunch of people waiting for you to release a movie you temped us with , had a bunch of us help you make it...then never put it on youtube and closed your channel and  droped your AV and account...

    Not falling for it this time...in my book you just like to play games with people and had 200 on a string waiting on that movie we never got to see....I call you a @sshole but that would not be nice :)

  17. I do not get it,There is a nice building with just some office furniture and lots of rental boards for adds.
    Also 350 a week for add boards with no attaction is not market value,I can get those in sims with high shopping traffic for 150 a week. 

    But there is no venue unless a simple office building with nothing in it to attract people to visit.

    You should have live music or even a live DJ as well as things to do ,

    Examples are ,theme events with live DJs and prizes offer to best dressed and so on.

    I never down some ones idea but my friend you have a empty building with 0 attraction value ,it sounds more like a hand out or a scam then a "investment" you need either a product or a public attraction to drive traffic.

    As a web designer you should treat this just like a site or network you have designed,It is like saying "Visit and invest in my blog,I do not blog on the blog and I do not have anything of value to buy there to attract traffic but I should would like some one to give me some money...

    I started with a pair of boots it took me 2 months to build and renting a mall shop in 2007,my partner the same.Today we own 2 sims and only cash out profits and never pay in out of our pocket with well over 1000 RL in monthly cost.This place is amazing and can make a real profit,but it takes hard work and a time investment like a full time job,many weeks I work 40 hours in RL and 30 to 40 hours a week in SL at the end of the week I am tired mentally and physically .I Think you should crawl before you walk and ask for investors. Small or LArge investments are still RL money here and you need a better game plan before you get to that stage.

  18. I got some sad new for you . This is nothing new :(

    As a scripter sense 2008 I can tell you this is a every day thing at times .

    You will get a few good weeks and many bad .

    Perfect example I spent about 2 hours on a script this weekend ,I  save the script  and the asset server took dive,the script claimed it saved but the minute  I closed it out to test it ,I got a asset server messageit failed ...

     I open the script to find it back to being half it size when I started working on it and I lost 2 hours of work. My own fault for not saving at the end of every string . This has happen to me oh . . . 1000 times I am sure over the years.

    Here are the facts, you will figure out a way to work around it or  give up and fail .My self, I do not like the game winning and just deal with it and work around it.

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