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wrable Amat

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Posts posted by wrable Amat



    /me burps up  a Asain...GET BACK IN MEH BELLY!!!


    All joking aside,the fact is things come and go. People  tend to move in a direction due to marketing and other new toys out there. SL is some what addictive and I meet many who claim it has even ruin their life!!  But the fact is not every one is into a digi life , many enjoy life out side the box.

  2. Rule of thumb I always follow,Donations are for RL . If there is a real issue happening and  people are collecting  , you are better off using the net to  look into which charities are legitimate and not . Also if they have a number and US based call them , they have to tell you if they take the cost of marketing out of the donations or if that  cost is also  being donated. Fact is  they could be taking 90% to pay their cost and self and giving very little to the ones in need . Good ones use tax free systems to run their base as that is normally free in cost to run the charity and all the money goose to the ones in  need.

  3. string Access = "Group";

    key asObjectOwner()
    list details = llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_OWNER]);
    return (key)llList2CSV(details);

    integer asAccessCheck(key id)
    if(llSubStringIndex(llToLower(Access), "public") != -1)
    return TRUE;
    else if((llSubStringIndex(llToLower(Access), "group") != -1)||(asObjectOwner() == id))
    if(llSameGroup(id) == TRUE)
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
    else if(llSubStringIndex(llToLower(Access), "owner") != -1)
    if(asObjectOwner() == id)
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
    return FALSE;

    state_entry (){ llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 30, PI, 5);}

    sensor(integer total_number)
    key avatar = llDetectedKey(0);
    if(asAccessCheck(llDetectedKey(0)) == TRUE)
    llRezObject(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0), llGetPos()+<0,30,0>,ZERO_VECTOR,ZERO_ROTATION,0);
    //You can add some kind of function it might do if the person is a group memmber ,example it could greet them.



    who you mama!!!


    They have to have the group tag on btw,if they do not have the group tag on it will detect them as no a group memeber,do not beleive there is a way around that part.

  4. happens to me all the time,you can not do anything about it.It is just ar of SL a times.It can also be your isp,if you use comcast like me that might be the problem.this time of year with us leadin up to he hollidays the net just gets bog down with all the peple online shopping,and the election drives many more online then normal.There is no solve i know of.

  5. I can only say the way it was worded was confusing,I could not tell you where talking about mesh clothing it seem like you where covering all clothing,my bad and sorry.

    I forget at times how -**bleep**  I am and I read about every thing before I buy anything,I spent 3 weeks investigating mesh and even playing with it in 3d max until I bought my first mesh product.I tend to be a person that feels the need to be 110% informed before I make a buying decision and forget the "shinny things " people factor and get  on my high horse about pointing fingers of blame,for that I retract my first statement and apologize.


  6. A little confused,the way you have posted this it almost sounds like you are ranting about SL skirt base which you can adjust the butt on your AV only not the skirt layer .Texture base clothing that is on the default AV body has no ability to make your behind bigger that would be a setting in your shape controls not the pants as there is no behind setting for pants only in legs section which only you can control .

    Mesh on the other hand is a new wild dog in SL and best to only buy when it includes a demo to try out first. If the maker dose not offer a demo then simply do not shop with them.

    This post is kind of one sided,it's like me posting "Buyers, if you do not  have  the smarts to try a mesh demo first then do not buy it,if they do not offer demos do not shop there and you will save your self a 5 min rant on the forums no one will read to even care about"

    Sounds harsh but so dose blanketing a statement with "hey designers" like we all are the same and do the same things in our shops.

    Personally I check the market place for mesh designer kits and make a metal note of them and make sure not to buy them as I rather have a work of art some one made then something people slam in a box and call it their own work never really taking the time to make sure there are demos and and multi sizes as only a real  creator would take the time to make sure my experience shopping with them is memorable guaranteeing a return trip.

  7. Don't blame SL bugs for everything! 

    ( But it is the default SL excuse when things do not work ! )

    If you preserve the right not to care of your avatar's look and walk around like a noob then pls continue be careless when someone comments on that look.

    ( 90% of the time I am working on creative fun and I have no shirt ,bald ,1 shoe as I am seeing how it fits so far and got side tracked then IMed  ..... Crash,log back in and the sim will be down and I am dumped in the next public HUB with 60 other AVs )

    If you make a group and invite others, then at least upload a photo and write some description!

    ( dose "Support group" and a very slow rezing image I have not seen in 5 years make that big of a difference ? )

    Always sign notecards you're sending, and when replying, use them like you use mail and just type down your reply in the same note.

    ( How about I forget and just send a random IM a few minutes later saying "sent" work ? )

    If you're running a business put it in your pics. I see you have room**Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-tongue.gif" border="0" alt=":smileytongue:" title="Smiley Tongue" />

    ( But making you use your SL group role checking and deduction of a few simple factors skills make for a easy guessing game .)

    Check for obvious grammar/spelling mistakes before posting an event/group notice.

    ( bUt i Kile to typy fasetr then evry 1 els ad bee 1st 2 reply 1!! )

    Don't contact same people twice with the same offer, specially if they refused it the first time.

    ( You never know when some one might be a RL suffer of short term e memory and you are simply doing theme favor )

    Free stuff costs zero lindens, not 1, or 5. 

    ( It will able me so long to cash out a dollar at 1 and 5L a sale it might as well be me making nothing so how can you NOT see that as free ?)

    Full perm means I buy it once and don't need to contact you anymore! 

    (Sale are like friendships as you new friend you  might need to know I have other free objects you might what to buy or sale!)

    If you use a kid talk then don't be surprised if people treat you like a kid.

     (phuck off lady I am a 18 year old HOT college girl in my panties playing SL at the coed slumber party . Or rich reliving my childhood as my physiotherapist suggested to SAVE MY FAMILY !!  YOU CRUEL BI0TCH!)

    Never forget about the time differences. Running a special event at my 4am will not make me stay awake just because it is the only one you have.

    ( It's OK ! I will not be here either ! I just posted it before I log out ,I was just hoping people TP there to gain me traffic!)

    Read instructions, write instructions and respect the rules.

    ( read..write...I come here to get away from RL, It is much more fun to IM bomb the maker asking the same questions that are in the first line of the notecard no one reads .)

    Don't pretend you know/understand something, ask when in doubt!

    ( I am SL wiki)

    People are not stupid.

    ( You sure do not get out much do you ? )

    It is OK to forget.

    ( Not when I paid you 75L for anything to do with it .)

    One day, all this will be gone.

    ( That is why you should give me stuff for free ! )

    Always say thank you and have a nice day. 

    (What if they live in a place it is night and I sound stupid ? )

    Thank you**Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" /> feel free to continue with yours lol

  8. Howdeee,

      I have been making maternity products in SL sense 2008 and have always been partner to my best friend who also owns a Large maternity shop.

    Lets get to the point,after all these yeas my partner has found her RL career at 60 plus hours a week is just to much to juggle active design work as a hobby in SL and her RL career and has chosen to put sl on a back burner and take care of RL,

    Which is always the best choice and I totally understand . I am only saying this as her shops are still and will be open as well as our partner project shops and I do not want any miss understanding and not trying to be my own competitor .

    But I like this as part time income  and a active addict of building..And have no life...

    Sooooo I am looking for a partner to build or advance a clinic in SL.

    I can script and build all needed products such as tummies and babies and  making the clinic equipment interactive I can not do due my RL is really work in it!

    I have the time to build but not to man clinics and training staff and all that mess and I do not what to be the only investor,I like the  partner to pull their weight by providing the land and clinic and running it.

    Contact via notecard or direct,I am on all the time but make sure to understand I can only listen to serious inquiries !  Only people with SL money to invest and real skills not just  good ideas.


  9. I have a friend in SL from China,lives in China plays all the time.He goes to school and works and seems to have no problems or stated anything about not being able to play or some secret way he has to log in.He did tell me he had to order his computer from Europe as what is sold there is not compatable with the viewer and many other sites he likes to visit,He did tell me he had to aply and wait to have internet in his room.He show me images..wow they have small places for living.

  10. Take a big breath innnnnnnn ,    ooouuuutttttt  , iiiinnnnnn  , ooouuuutttttt.  now you just had air sex!!!


    On a cereal note (prefer coco puffs,the cheap kind in a bag!)

    If you are from places like..


    South America



    and most of Europe .....You have nothing to worry about but watching it on the news.

    As far as countries that have been fighting each other for the past oohhhh  ... 2000 years ....All I can say from my point of view..

    No mater who wins or looses you will never stop fighting so do your self a favor and move from those not listed couturiers to one that is listed...I am more worried about predictions  made by people who seem to crawl out of caves and built giant mega cities in the jungle before the reported invention of the wheel or the use of beast of burden then I am worried about small countries we can calm down with a barrage of missiles and a smile.

    Orrrr if you beeen drinking the Glen Beck Tea I suggest you turn it off and really take a honest look at your ability to disguise reality and la la land....

  11. It is very obvious when a person is being non rational as well as disingenuous in a review.

    LL will side with the vendor if..

    You use language like "Do not buy this" or use profanity .

    If you take personal jabs like " The designer is unskilled ,is a fraud or ripping people off"

    Also I find they will remove the review if the poster makes a claim of the product not doing a listed function that clearly works but is simple lack of reading directions such as notecards or website pages design to teach the user how to use the product.


    The truth is most abuse the review system and think of it as a bitchy window that is 99% the poster fault from lack of reading or understanding what they are buying.

    I will be honest your comments of "the merchant bribe LL to get them to remove all the "non-favorable" reviews lol." shows a lack of mature thought process and more of a childish rant then a honest question in turn telling  most  of us you probably left a nasty non realistic review and the fact you are checking back to see if it is still there further shows a true spite factor that runs  hand and hand with childish remarks and acts  on the review system.

    I know sounds harsh but I can not ignore simple facts of  people conduct that makes them read like a book.


  12. As a script maker and partner only of shops I do not deal with  listing aspect of MP any more,I rather run the risk of being paid on a honest john system then deal with MP and the sites  issues these days.

    I do only shop on MP and a big user of the site and in no form would I speak critical on the service ,I just find it cumbersome to deal with.

    I can also say I did read the directions and always make sure not to use a root directory for catagory but have found compeditors and noobs who do not read note cards or whole listing information ,they  go right on the defensive claiming it is not what  it s was listed as and flag it or make silly review comments .

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