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Lizard Howl

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Posts posted by Lizard Howl

  1. Like it or not, playing "internet cop" is a necessary part of running an Estate.

    The larger the Estate the more difficult it becomes to keep track of every parcel of land within the Estate and making sure that the settings are correct.

    We have considered developing a "blacklist" type website where Estate Owners could freely post warnings about their worst offenders.

    What do other Estate Owners think?

    Would you find value in that?

    Would you pay a nominal fee to use the service?

    Thanks for your insights.

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner


  2. Hey everyone.

    Ok so we have this land business called Segarra Estates.

    We have been at it since 2007 and have changed things around a bit so we are rebuilding our team.

    We have several "staff" positions we need to fill but we are going to promote from within.

    So, we need to get some rookies hired and trained on Segarra Estates land business methods!

    Entry Level position is: SALES AGENT.


    You will earn 1000L per SALE plus we have monthly bonus contests.

    Our staff positions will start at 1000L per week while in training, with room for frequent and significant bonuses.

    If you are interested in learning the Second Life land business this is your chance!

    Visit our website at http://www.segarraestates.com and learn a bit about us BEFORE you contact me.

    Also please have at least 60 days in world age (no newbies).

    Thanks, and good luck!

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner



    Dresden Ceriano wrote:

    The problem with companies in SL or any kind of partnership in general is that there's usually no way to "sign" a contract. And prosecuting someone for any potential wrong doing can be problematic depending on where they live, be it in another state or another country.

    You'd do better investing money in starting your own business, unless you know someone very well and know you can trust them implicitly.




    Getting a contract signed is only part of the issue.

    The real issues are that people can disappear overnight and the amounts of money that change hands in SL are usually so small that to take someone to court is not worth the bother.

    If you have a legitimate business proposition and live in the USA run it by me and we may be able to put something together.


    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner


  4. Hi everyone TLIF!

    At Segarra Estates we offer a wide variety of No Covenant parcels for sale.

    Our Covenant is simple, anything allowed by Linden Labs Terms of Service is allowed in our sims!

    YES you can have horses. 

    YES you can have a club.

    YES you can have Role Play.

    YES you can have a shop.

    YES you can have a home.

    YES you can have a boat.


    If you are tired of being treated like a child who needs babysitting, come experience the Segarra Estates difference.

    All of our listings can be found here and we offer a 20% discount for monthly tier!


    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner



    Allaria Reich wrote:

    On March 10th of this year, I helped a club owner that I work for with land rent, paying L$8,000 ...My question is, how can I go about 'contacting a linden' to get this resolved?...


    You will want to file an Abuse Report against whoever stole your Ls.  Depending on what viewer you use it should be an option from Help -> Report Abuse. Then detail to LL what happened.

    They will not be able to really do anything to help you but they do take notice of Abuse Reports and take actions against people who are chronic abusers.

    Good luck!

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner



    I am paying $125 - $420 for your full transfer full prim sim, depending on the tier date.

    If you are ready to sell quick fast and easy here's what you do.

    1. IM Lizard Howl with your Sim Name and Tier Date

    2. I will IM you with my buying price

    3. You Agree (or not - if not no hard feelings!)

    4. We put in the tickets immediately

    5. You get Paid!

    Its just that easy.

    IM me already I need to buy more sims!

    YES I do have Extended Support for fast tickets!

    YES I do pay the Transfer Fee!


    Lizard Howl
    Segarra Estates Owner


    Rokko Luminos wrote:


    Lizard Howl wrote:


    One thing I have noticed, when someone is selling their sim, someone else is always buying.

    The SL land market is still here and it ain't going away any time soon, and neither am I.







    thats because a sim costs 1k usd when bought new.

    if linden would scratch that or atleast lower it,why would anyone come to you?

    or go to anyone else for that matter?

    its the only reason why there is a market


    Hi Rokko -

    That's an interesting point, but you are missing something.

    The Lindens have and allow a wholesale (private transfer) market for sims.

    As long as they continue to allow that, there will always be buyers and sellers.

    Right now sims on the wholesale market cost 50% less than retail.

    A sim with tier paid full for a month can be easily found for $500 USD.

    If the Lindens lowered the price for their retail sims, there would likely be a similar adjustment in the price of wholesale sims, but as long as they allow private transfer there will always be a market.

    Why pay retail when you don't have to?

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner


    Sandi Glas wrote:

    Why do Private Estate parcels have to be listed as for rent and not for sale? 


    Sandi -

    They don't.

    End of discussion, question answered, let's all throw a party and have a great day!





    Apparently with the new Forum they have to be placed in the "Parcels for Rent: Estate" category.

    There is nothing that says you can't ignore the heading and still advertise your Estate parcels as being for sale.

    This is one of those endless debates that will never be resolved so just ignore it.

    As long as you are advertising in the right place you'll be fine.




    SID Riler wrote:

    If the sim has tenants, why would the new owner kick everyone out, and take the inconvenience of finding new tenants, when he can keep getting rent from the tenants already there?


    Hi SID -

    That's a fair question and there are a few different answers.

    If the Buyer intended to buy a sim with tenant and then kicked them out then you are right that is just dumb.  It it more likely that the Buyer intended to buy a vacant sim because they had plans for it.  In that scenario the tenants are just squatters.

    Also, look at it from the stand point of the people who were living in the sim.  If you had just paid tier for a week, month, or longer, are you going to be happy about paying tier again to the new owner?  Of course not.

    Best thing to do no matter what side of the equation you are on is only buy from someone established in SL who has a good reputation for taking care of their people.

    Good luck everyone!

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner


    Loki Eliot wrote:

    In the past Private Island Landlords bought Full sims with the intent to make costs back via rentals of Parcels for private land and shopping space. I have witnessed across many Regions amongst my friends that shop space rentals are in decline as is interest in renting land for homes.

    I have a few ideas of why this is.

    1) Market Place is taking away the need to have an inworld shop.

    2) Linden Homes are out pricing private region land.

    This is leaving us with an inability to sustain the Private Island Tier... 


    Wow, ok, sure.

    IF my only residents were small time merchants or 512 renters you would be right Loki.

    One thing I have noticed, when someone is selling their sim, someone else is always buying.

    The SL land market is still here and it ain't going away any time soon, and neither am I. :)

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner



    Lizard Howl wrote:

    The one feature I would love to see is an "
    audit trail
    ."  Both stx and hippo allow "managers" to do various things to the tier box, BUT there is no "audit trail" - they could change the boxes willy nilly and the Estate Owner would never know.

    Coming from the standpoint of what stx does/doesnt do, their biggest flaw is they have no tenant "kick" - in other words when someone goes past due they stay past due indefinitely until someone comes in an removes them from the system.

    Another flaw is they dont have a
    option.  We currently use hippo and give our customers the choice of paying either weekly or monthly from their initial payment.  The only way to do that is for us to have 2 tier boxes rezzed which is cumbersome but works.

    I can keep going....

    Here's another one.
    For stx to work the customer HAS TO pay a prim on the land, AFTER they purchase the land.

    Parcel locating.
      Why not have the slurl for their parcel integrated into the tier system in some way? ...

    PayPal integration.  We know it is possible for scripts to communicate with websites.  How difficult would it be to have a tier system that fully integrates with PayPal?  Not only for the initial payment but for any given payment.  This is not a must for me but would be a definite plus.

    Thats the short list off the top of my head.

    Good luck with that!

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner


    Ok, after taking a look at the most current version of STX I realize they have already answered some of my wish list.

    They now have it set so the first payment is made at the terminal, this is a huge plus.

    Also, the parcel locating is built into the system as well, a very nice feature.

    They don't have any option for "monthly" tier but you can set it to accept minimum payments of 28 days or 31 days etc so there is some flexibility there.  The "monthly" option from hippo recently added 32 (?!) days for a one month payment. Not good and here it is a week later and I have yet to get a satisfactory response from them as to why this happened.

    At this point in time I could even live without the "box kick" feature but I still can't quite get behind STX.

    For one the objects speak broken English which is not very professional and they have no desire to fix this.

    For the other they still dont have an audit trail, so their "manager" functions are useless for sales prep.

    Come on scripters, is it really *that* hard to make a good tier system? Really?



    Chaos Mohr wrote:

    Lizzard,  - how is it not my fault you say? It is totally my fault for believing in the good in people, in trying to help people and make SL better, totally my fault for trying to do good and help someone who appeared to be trying to expand in SL. Oh yeah I chose not to go with someone with extended support who is already successful and chose instead to try to have faith in trust in the little guy - the little guy is what made SL what it is today, the average person who is trying to build a dream. Yeah it is my fault for trusting people, and it is my fault that I got screwed by someone who was talked to by someone just like you LIzzard, who convinced this person to screw me! but you know what Lizzard, I will take the loss, I will lose again and again for the simple reason that if I do actually help some people, then all the rest becomes worth it!


    Well Chaos, 

    Without stirring the pot I do have to ask the obvious - who are you actually helping?

    See, by offering a fair market price and a fast transaction I *do* actually help people.

    If you had sold to an experienced buyer you would have had cash in your pocket long before posting this rant and everyone would be happy.


    It takes something like 17 sims to get Extended Support, that doesn't make you a land baron by any means.  It does mean you are able to handle the tier on enough sims to warrant faster service from Linden Labs.

    Everyone has to start somewhere and even the mega-barons had to get their first sim once upon a time.

    The "little guy" can become "successful" if they choose.

    And someone who is giving up a sim can still get something for it even in todays market.

    As Thex said, why cut of your nose to spite your face?

    Anyway, please don't take this as a personal attack Chaos.  I know how difficult the land business can be and it sucks getting burned on a business deal no matter what the circumstances.  I just don't think it is right for you to paint all Extended Support clients as being big bad greedy land barons.

    Take care, and good luck.

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner


    Chaos Mohr wrote:

    With the sad state of LL support, with the preferential treatment given to some, and the sorry people who offer you money for something, then at the last minute tell you that they will give you only a fraction of what they offered, I say it is better to just abandon your sim or mainland and take the profit away from LL rather than cave to jerks.

    I had someone offer me money for a full sim I put up for sale, so I rejected other similar or lower offers, only at the last minute to have them pull their ticket then offer me a fraction of what they originally offered, and then someone else had the gall to offer me such a pitiful amount that it so disgusted me that I will just abandon it - yes, although in some cases something is better than nothing, in other cases it is better to take a small loss than cater to other people's greed.

    So LL. enjoy not getting another $295 a month, and for the greedy shallow people, have fun chasing other people in hopes of taking advantage of them.


    Wow Chaos -

    If that is how you feel then I hope you are gone from Second Life and on to things that cause you less stress.

    The reality of your situation is you did it to yourself.

    There are many people in SL who will buy a sim for more than your transfer costs, and be able to complete the transaction within 24 hours.  You chose to file a ticket with someone who doesnt have Extended Support, who promised you more, delivered nothing, yet somehow it is not your fault.

    I run ads on a regular basis that I buy sims for $125 - $420 USD depending on the tier date.  My math is simple: $125 for the sim, plus $10 per day of tier remaining. So if you sell to me not only do you get back what you paid in tier, but you also get $25 above transfer for the tier.

    The reality is in today's wholesale market you are not going to be able to get $300-$500 base price for your sim.  BUT you can certainly take a lower price from an Extended Support buyer and get money in your pocket within 24 hours.

    The choice is yours.

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner

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