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Lizard Howl

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Posts posted by Lizard Howl


    Jonathan Grashnar wrote:

    ok so about buying land i know it costs 1000$ setup fee and 295$ a month.. What if I want muliple sims do I have to pay 1000$ setup fee on each land also  about homesteads how do people make a profit when they buy the land for 125$ aq month and rent it out for 128$ a month.. I dont understand seems pointless for only 3$ profit per month.. If theres anything else i should know please tell me.. anything about land and renting it out.. I have money but i want to research it out first before i do anything.


    Hi Jonathan -

    There is a lot to know about the Second Life land game before you spend your money.  At bare minimum I recommend you read the 2 articles on my website and also the Second Life land wiki

    To answer the questions you have asked so far:

    YES. The setup fee from Linden Labs is $1000 USD PER SIM. That does include the first month of tier.

    NO. People are not profiting when they rent out a Homestead for $128 per month if they are paying $125 per month.  They are most likely paying $95 per month (a "grandfathered" rate).

    YES. There is a lot more you should know.

    I will be happy to offer you guidance if you feel it will help you.  I've been in the Second Life land business since 2007 and currently own over 70 sims.

    Feel free to IM me (Lizard Howl) or skype me (gatorzilla3000).

    Have fun, and good luck!

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner

  2. hey Maximillien -

    I actually kind of like the idea and it could work.

    The key question of course is who is going to be the "Godfather."

    If you have someone with deep pockets who is willing to bank roll that kind of operation you may have a lot of success with it.

    Good luck!



    Tolya Ugajin wrote:


    Lizard Howl wrote:


    The real issue from the stand point of someone (like me or you) who wants to get Homesteads and sublease them for profit, is the large number of Homestead sims on the map at the $95 per month rate.

    This is keeping the market pricing for Homesteads so low that it is very difficult to compete if you have to buy a new one.



    It (and the same applies to full sims as well) also protects the existing major land owners from new competition, hence preserving the stability of LL's short-term cash flow at the expense of broadening its user base and promoting their own long-term viability, as new users who wish to get into the land game either fail and assume it's because SL "sucks" and "you cannot make money here", and so leave, or they do a little research ahead of time and realize the deck is already stacked against them, so why bother to try, and so leave.  It's very difficult to enter a market which is essentially a commodity with infinite supply, yet you start with greater than a 30%-50% cost disadvantage.

    And LL insists it does so much to attract and retain new residents - PUH-LEAZE!


    Tolya -

    I know I'm not going to change your mind as I can see clearly why you think the way you think and also that your mind is 100% convinced you are right and anyone who thinks differently than you is wrong. That's fine, you might want to just skip over all my posts. ;)

    Having said that, and with the utmost of compassion in my heart, I disagree with your conclusions.

    Yes, I agree it is difficult to compete against other businesses if you have to over come, as you put it, a 30%-50% cost disadvantage.  Difficult, but not impossible.

    The truth of the matter is the reason why "new users" who enter the land game "fail" is because they do not treat this like a business.

    Read that twice for emphasis.

    If you treat this like a hobby you will quickly learn just how expensive a hobby this can be.

    SL does not suck.

    The deck is not stacked against you.

    Yes you CAN make money here.

    Someone who has the time, energy, skills, and business savvy, can come into Second Life today and build a profitable Estate.

    Yes the land business is very competitive.

    Yes some land dealers may be able to charge less than you want to charge.

    Ultimately the SL land business is just like any other business.

    If you treat it like a business you will find your market niche, provide good value to your customers, prosper and thrive.

    Have fun, and good luck!

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner

  4. Yep.

    It is a real shame there is no alternative whatsover to junky mainland.

    No way to get good land and response service for good rates.

    Nope none whatsoever! :P

    I am teasing of course because Im a "land baron" who provides Estate land.

    One thing I have noticed more and more in the last year or so in SL is the expanding gulf between the service the Lindens offer someone like me and the service (or lack of service) offered to, well, someone like you.

    When I had a similar issue on Mainland I was able to get a Linden on the offending parcel within a half hour.

    Oh but that is outrageous! you say That is so unfair!

    No, not really.

    How much tier do you give Linden Labs every month?

    Add 2 or 3 zeros to that, that's what I pay.

    I'm not bragging, I'm just saying this trend is likely to continue for as long as Second Life exists.

    If you want good service, like it or not, you are pretty much being forced to get land from someone like me.

    So, anyone need some land?


    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner


  5. This is one of those situations where I wonder what arguments the mainland fanatics can make in favor of mainland (aside from the usual of course).

    Find a parcel on a PG (Estate) sim that is properly managed.

    It will likely be more affordable that the Mainland.

    It will also likely be in a stand alone sim where the PG residents will NOT be able to "cam in" to adult activities and vice versa.

    Good luck!

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner


  6. Lucky -

    A quick search tells me open orders (land for sale) for mainland 1/4 sims are running from 1.1 to 6.0L/m or higher. This equals a selling price of 18K to 100K or more.  

    I'm sure you can find a decent mainland 1/4 sim for less than 2.0L/m but if you like the land you have found go ahead and buy it.  It is higher than it needs to be priced but it is not outrageously priced.

    Note: from Viewer One and other style viewers:

    Control F brings up your search.

    Go to the Land Sales Tab.

    Check the Area box and put 16384

    Fron the drop down box select For Sale - Mainland.

    Click Search.

    Then Sort by Area, bringing all the 1/4 sim pieces to the top of the list.

    You can do this for any size main land to see what current market rates are.

    Oh also make sure to click Mature for the land type you want (or PG or Adult).

    Enjoy your new land!

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner

  7. hey everyone

    the best business in Second Life is the land business


    full stop, hands down

    everyone needs land and its what keeps this virtual world going!

    At Segarra Estates we have paid the Lindens well over $500,000 USD in tier over the last two years and we are still growing!

    If you are an established Second Life resident and you are looking for your big break opportunity is knocking!

    We are rebuilding our team and have a place for you if you have good people skills and good hustle.

    Starting positions pay 1000L per sale plus bonuses.

    Staff positions start at 1000L per week plus frequent raises and commission opportunities.

    We have been at this since 2007.

    You can shop for SL "jobs" all you want but when you are tired of the clubs and the nonsense contact me.

    We are taking over Second Life with or without you, might as well join us!

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner

    PS read our website first! thanks! :smileyhappy:


  8. Hi Connely -

    We are always looking for good people for our Estate.

    Check out our website and if you think we would be a good match let me know.

    Our entry level positions are straight commission and pay 1000L per sale plus bonuses.

    Our staff positions offer commission plus weekly base pay.

    We do all of our promotions from within so you could expect a month at the Entry level before being promoted.

    Thanks and good luck in your search!

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner


    hey everyone happy Monday!

    we are running a super SALE on all of our 1/4 SIMS right now until they are GONE!

    Our No Covenant 1/4 sims now just 6,000L/wk 


    wake your neighbors, phone the kids, this deal is AWESOME!

    enjoy :)

    Lizard Howl
    Segarra Estates Owner

    16384m 3750 prims 1/4 Sim For Sale No Covenant!
    Purchase for 500L + tier 6,000L/wk WOW!

    Dark Fury, dark green terrain, watch out for vampires!

    Hickory Run, beach sim, great for commercial use

    Mystic Meadows, green meadows, bring your ponies :)

    North Star Rising, short green grass, great for residential

    Vivienne, plush & green, quiet sim



    Felix Wagstaff wrote:

    Can anyone come with an example where buying a homestead private island makes sense?

     considering that the market price per prims in regions is around 2.8 cents per month - Why on earth would one ever want to get a homestead sim? Seems to be a mathematical hoax by Linden Lab to get people that don't have the money fooled into buying something they will NEVER be able to convert into a profit. ...


    Hey Felix -

    Its a good question.

    The answer is if you know the history of how "homestead" sims came to be called "homestead" sims it makes a teeny more sense but not much more.

    Once upon a time they were available for $75 per month.  Then they went to $95 per month.  Now they are $125 per month.

    It does make sense that for the larger land mass per prim that LL would charge a tier premium, but the tier premium as it is now seems excessive.

    The real issue from the stand point of someone (like me or you) who wants to get Homesteads and sublease them for profit, is the large number of Homestead sims on the map at the $95 per month rate.

    This is keeping the market pricing for Homesteads so low that it is very difficult to compete if you have to buy a new one.

    Good luck!

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner


  11. hey guys

    we got a new sim today Spring Breeze!

    half sim for sale

    32768m 7500 prims No Covenant

    purchase for 500L + tier 12,000L/wk

    teleport here: oops too new for slurl, IM me for a taxi

    other lands listed on our website, everything from 1024s up to 1/4 sims

    let me know what you are looking for, I will be happy to assist you :)

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner


  12. YES!

    We do have Estate land FOR SALE thank you for noticing.

    All of our listings can be found on our website, plus a short intro video from me and my beautiful wife.

    See you soon!

    Lizard Howl

    Segarra Estates Owner


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