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Wasted Engineer

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  1. As all of my other threads were pulled out I will write it again. If all the haters stop reporting me and get off my back I wouldn´t have to write it over and over. This cannot be reported as SPAM therefor the word SPAM implies any commercial purpose or annoying aim, wich is not the case. And this is not repetitive content as all of my last threads were removed and this is the ONLY active thread about this topic. This thread will be censured just becouse some users of the Forum are stalking and chasing me, by constantly AR all of my threads. Sooner or Later the Justice will come for all of us. God exists and He is upside there. I am very disapointed with Linden Research, SecondLife and with the United States of America in general. Dear Lindens What does discrimination mean?, it´s Unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice. I consider that you may have discriminated against the Spanish-Language speaker users, contrary to the Constitution of the USA. and the favouritism you show at the French, German, Japanese and Korean users. While America has always stood for being a country with diverse ethnic cultures that make them great, the fear is that those who are the 40% of the population in California, along with the users from New Mexico and Puerto Rico, may suffer the most racism in that country. It´s a set of ciscumstances that lead me up to think that it´s not coincidence and the discrimination at the Spanish Users is something that Linden Lab sees it as "normal", I have heared the opinions of a lot of people in the Forums already, but I´d like to read any post from a Linden Employee related to the matter. I consider this treatment may have been unlawful. • direct discrimination There is not any reason for the disgregation of races in Internet, and is unfair to try to isolate at the spanish users in virtual "spanish guettos" inside the game. The "World 3D cities board" have not any Spanish Language Speaker City neither any Spanish help notecard. • indirect discrimination The welcome areas owned by Linden Lab show preferential treatment at the French, German, Korean and Japanese people. The Spanish Help and Orientation Islands are more comercial oriented than help oriented, becouse none of them is supported by Linden Lab. As the textures and behavior of objects can be controlled by scripts, there is not any reason for to not add every language in the Help Kiosks and Welcome Signs. The continuous and ridiculous mistakes in the Web page and the viewer´s Spanish translations make me think that the Linden Work Team have not any Spanish employee. I would be grateful if you can reply, answering the following questions: 1. Do you agree that my statement in the second paragraph above is an accurate description of what happened? If not, why do you disagree or what is your version of what happened? 2. Do you accept that your treatment of the Spanish Language was unlawful discrimination by you against me? If not: a) why not? b) why are we treated in this way? c) how far did my language affect my treatment by you? 3. What kind of joke is this? a)Why the opression to the Spanish Language in the Mainland? b)Why the Linden Welcome areas are discriminating against the Spanish language? c)They have Help Kiosk and other stuff in French, Japanese, German, and Korean, and if you sum up all of the speakers of these languages all together are not the half of the Spanish Speakers in the world.... Plus Linden Research is a company based in California with 40% of Spanish Speakers, so... How can Jack and Michael Linden have this few consideration at the Spanish Speakers? Racial prejudice and discrimination are unchristian. Jesus Christ taught that one of the great commandments is to love our neighbours as we love ourselves. When asked, "Who is my neighbour?" Jesus answered with a parable illustrating that we are to be neighbours to all, without discrimination (Luke 10:29-37). The apostle Peter said, "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favouritism but accepts those from every nation who fear him and do what is right" (Acts 10:34-35). There is no racial prejudice with God. Paul said, "There is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all" (Colossians 3:11). God does not look at the outward appearance; he looks on the heart. Sincerely Yours Wasted Engineer (If you need my Real Name, please contact me by email) Things to point out: I´ve been an assiduous member of SL since 2006 I made my own translator for free and I helped a lot of people already and I got tired. I am only complaining about the discrimination in the Mainland, not the wikis or the web. I would never give money for the profit of Michael and Jack Linden. I tried already to contact them in several ways, and no success, so I will post this topic here. I am only triying to contact any Linden Lab employee, nobody else. SL is a game based in California, not your world. How long will take you for to realice that the economic excuse is ridiculous becouse there are 400 millions of Spanish Speakers in the world, plus the population of California is 40% Spanish Speaker, plus it´s still discrimination even for economic excuse, and it´s unnaceptable. I bet for a better SL
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