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Amadeu Callow

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Everything posted by Amadeu Callow

  1. Olá Jesiris, Está tudo bem com a sua conta. Em primeiro lugar deve limpar a cache do seu visualizador, de seguida volte a fazer login no second life. Caso o problema se mantenha recomendo ainda que reinstale o seu visualizador, faca uma reinstalacão limpa Segue o toturial Caso o problema se matenha ao fim de todas estas etapas contacte o support do secondlife usando este link
  2. Olá Patrick Ilex, A remocão de conta é um processo manual e requer aprovacão da linden lab pelo que pode demorar mais de 3 dias. Continue a aguardar pois concerteza que será apagada brevemente.
  3. Ola kailay38, Eu recomendo a você quando voce receber lindens de origem desconhecida a: 1- Contactar quem enviou os lindens 2-Caso não obtenha resposta devolver os lindens 3-Reportar esse usuário para linden lab para que linden lab possa investigar essa conta. 4-Mute essa pessoa caso necessário PS: Não coloque queixas sobre usuários neste forum pois isso quebra os temos de utilizacão do secondlife pois é uma questão privada, recomendo a voce retirar o print editado este poste, a retirar o email e ainda os nomes que referio. Se a minha resposta é conclusiva por favor comente embaixo ou re-edite o seu post.
  4. Hello, You can earn some linden fishing with magic fishing Please read https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Wanted/New-Fishers-Wanted/m-p/2942249
  5. Hello, You can earn some linden fishing with magic fishing Please read https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Wanted/New-Fishers-Wanted/m-p/2942249
  6. Hello, You you want you can earn some linden fishing with magic fishing Please read https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Wanted/New-Fishers-Wanted/m-p/2942249
  7. Hello, You can earn some linden fishing with magic fishing Please read https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Wanted/New-Fishers-Wanted/m-p/2942249
  8. We are looking for new fishing to give a try our game. Magic Fishing is a new game in second life that allow people to fish and earn linden this way. How does it works? Land Owners place a buoy in land and pay the buoy to attract visitors Players of game go to the Land Owner and know a new place at some time also earn linden by fishing. Where is the HQ ? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cybrus/128/200/27 How much do you earn by fishing? You will earn according how much time you fish and depending of event of buoy What does the events do? Events multiply the fish value for example if event is 2X the value of fish will be (value) X 2 = real value Where can you cash out the money that you won? You only can cash out the money at ATM one time per day for security reasons at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cybrus/128/200/27 [Videos about game] Free rod https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Magic-Fishing-Deluxe-Rod/5519755 Free HUD https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MAGIC-FISHING-MONEY-HUD-Earn-Linden-by-Fishing/5532582
  9. Magic Fishing is a new game in second life that allow people to fish and earn linden this way. How does it works? Land Owners place a buoy in land and pay the buoy to attract visitors Players of game go to the Land Owner and know a new place at some time also earn linden by fishing. Where is the HQ ? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cybrus/128/200/27 How much do you earn by fishing? You will earn according how much time you fish and depending of event of buoy What does the events do? Events multiply the fish value for example if event is 2X the value of fish will be (value) X 2 = real value Where can you cash out the money that you won? You only can cash out the money at ATM one time per day for security reasons at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cybrus/128/200/27 [Videos about game] Free rod https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Magic-Fishing-Deluxe-Rod/5519755 Free HUD https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MAGIC-FISHING-MONEY-HUD-Earn-Linden-by-Fishing/5532582
  10. Você pode subescrever a uma conta premium pagando em euros, para esse fim voce faz o seguinte Se colocar o Cartão de Crédito a conversão é automática. Caso utilize uma conta PayPal a conversão tambem será automática. Caso a minha resposta não seja clara por favor comente o meu post.
  11. Hola yo estoy aprendendo spañol se me quieres ayudar adiciona-me Amadeu.callow el skype
  12. Oh i can be your new friends if you wish there is no mather i have skype and facebook Skype Amadeu.callow Facebook seach for amadeu callow
  13. I have facebook also seach for amadeu callow
  14. Precisamos de Vendedores Boa diccao verbal Boa apresentacao Capacidade de trabalhar por objetivos Oferecemos: Formacao inicial e continua Forte valorizacao comissional +comissoes+premios Progressao de Carreira Formulario online http://empregonosecondlife.blogspot.pt/ Escritorio http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cybrus/250/124/27
  15. Precisamos de Vendedores Boa diccao verbal Boa apresentacao Capacidade de trabalhar por objetivos Oferecemos: Formacao inicial e continua Forte valorizacao comissional +comissoes+premios Progressão de Carreira Formulário online Clique aqui
  16. hola Bienvenido a segunda vida.
  17. Hi Zia Branner, Try to restart your avatar Press the keyboard-shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Q for Develop menu. Then go to Avatar -> Character Tests -> Test Female (or Male). You will be close a newbie when you do it, then check if the problem desapear. However you also can contact support I Hope had help you
  18. Hola apenas linden lab employers podem entrar em modo dios
  19. Hello i may reommend you to use this link to send you suggestion
  20. If you are not able to login please following next steps clean your cache try to login again if do not works uninstal second life viewer install official secondlife viwer restart your modem contact linden lab click here
  21. I do not know exacly if you mean about set radio on parcel if is the case please click here You can also read it click here
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