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Ernesto Perez

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Posts posted by Ernesto Perez

  1. Yes, thats true - you can make also "not very much transparent but almost". Then you cant click to sit. Also you must design cage as avatar cant sit on cage. BUT...you can still drive with camera inside this cage and still sit there. When you control camera very exactly, its possibel. BUT after all, its anyway crazy idea, because when you start making cages for every furniture object, you get tired at all from SL. But anyway thanks you all for help. Right now I control doors with central server (whitelist) and put up ORB, Triple Labs GWS. And made exact corners inside rooms that I want to lock with doors (so, ORB dont kick out other rooms customers). Triple Labs GWS ORB system (server, orb,slave-orb,group-orb,corner-maker, collision-orb,and HUD of course) is very powerful and probably the best ORB in market. I really love it, I feel its programmed with old-school precision. It cost 6000 L, but I dont doubt no second to buy it. I suggest it for all.


  2. 31 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I’m sorry you don’t like our advice.

    Have you at all ever been in SL inworld or you just all the time was been in SL forum? Some also dont buy and sell nothing, and dont have marketplace merchant shop. Probably also dont have payment information. I have ORB where I can block avatars without payment information. They are allowed in my ORB, just remembered there is such classification. Sems its just ordinary forum here and thats all.

    • Haha 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Alyona Su said:

    Then you're doing it wrong. Seriously. You are.


    Solutions that are proven to work and already in-use in-world have been provided, yet you either put up a wall against them or proclaim something doesn't work (because you aren't doing it right). So I'll tell you what: You contact me in-world and for the nominal surcharge of only L$15,000 I will come and do it for you. Since you cannot do it on your own and have asked how to do it and received many working answers and still cannot do it on your own then your only recourse is to hire someone who can do it.

    Many great people here, shop around, you may be able to find someone to do it for less.

    You are lost your mind. Forget about protecting chairs with prims and asking money from non-working crap. Im absolutely agains any kind of marketing cheat. What people you are? Bunch of lunatics?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Fionalein said:

    Well guess what? There's away to stop it, I would have almost told you, but erm... let me quote a wise man: "Use your brains!"

    What you told? You just told to put chair inside cube.....ok, it wasnt you....so what you at all told then?....ok, yes, you told me to put script inside no-mod furniture..nice.

  5. 3 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

    What the OP is asking to do is actually really super-simple. I already have a script that can do it and it works this way via a rezzer:

    Set the rezzer (perhaps a carpet) under the chair. Set the range of the sensor to 6 meters or so. The set-up would be to place an invisible cube over the chair that basically blocks any clicks on the chair (clicking on the cube, not the chair) - when sensor kicks in that an avatar is within range: derez the cube. Or vice-versa: place a dummy (scriptless) chair there and have the rezzer then rez a scripted chair in it's place.

    Either solution can work with no-modify stuff. The main complaint is, obviously enough, the extra LI/prims required. But that is the cost for such functionality, right?

    In the end, what the OP needs is to create an *EXPERIENCE* - that is the ONLY way to have total control of another user's inputs and movement, etc. GLWT.

    Also, there is no problem to get inside this cube with remote camera and just sit.

  6. 3 hours ago, Elijah Pyrithea said:

    Sorry mate but the solution to what you want has been given to you by different people in different ways already, but you all found them inadequate. But I'm beginning to think what you really want is trolling the forums.

    Use your brains! But SL is good excercise for logical thinking.....so, try harder.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

    What the OP is asking to do is actually really super-simple. I already have a script that can do it and it works this way via a rezzer:

    Set the rezzer (perhaps a carpet) under the chair. Set the range of the sensor to 6 meters or so. The set-up would be to place an invisible cube over the chair that basically blocks any clicks on the chair (clicking on the cube, not the chair) - when sensor kicks in that an avatar is within range: derez the cube. Or vice-versa: place a dummy (scriptless) chair there and have the rezzer then rez a scripted chair in it's place.

    Either solution can work with no-modify stuff. The main complaint is, obviously enough, the extra LI/prims required. But that is the cost for such functionality, right?

    In the end, what the OP needs is to create an *EXPERIENCE* - that is the ONLY way to have total control of another user's inputs and movement, etc. GLWT.

    Just tested it. This dont work. When the cube around chair is transparent, avatars can still click the chair and not cube. Also, when its not transparent, avatars then can sit not to chair but to cube and still get inside.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Elijah Pyrithea said:

    Yes so you want a script that only allows sitting for people that are in a certain range around a chair. That's perfectly possible. Like when they enter through the door they get access to a chair. Still,  the whole reason why you want to make people's users experience so limited in SL is illogical to me. The end result is that people will sit on that chair. You're just making things difficult and create a problem that wasn't a problem in the first place.

    You still dont understand nothing and get all wrong. Its normal to allow some avatast to come in to house and some not. But question is how you do that. I already told that ORB is not civil way. Elegant way is to do that with locked doors. But now how to prevent avatars still coming in when doors are locked? Double-click teleprt is now possible to disable by setting teleport route. But avatars can still come in by sitting to chair. And I dont want to restrict sitting to chair itself, and also I dont care about sitting through distande. I care only about not allowing sitting to chair when doors are closed......When doors are opened, anyone must be able to sit. Exactly the same happened also in real life. You dont need to make your home chair killing machine, you just lock the door.

  9. 1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    He doesn’t want anyone to cam into his private chambers and sit in his special chair. He may have a no-mod chair so can’t add an “unsit” script to the chair itself.

    It is a simple matter of someone not accepting SL features and limitations, so they want to argue about it and take nobody’s advice.

    Scripted chairs dont help here. Because then I must still have two lists with two system, one list for doors and one for all chairs. Its the same as I have two list - one for doors and one for ORB-s. I dont see difference. Yes, one small difference is - in your method there is no need at all to kill by ORB. They just cant sit. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Elijah Pyrithea said:

    No offence but do you understand yourself? Sorry for my extreeeeeeemly low IQ, but can I ask you again why you want to restrict people to sit from a distance while you still want to allow them to sit in a certain area? Why do you want to restrict a feature that SL has while the end result (sitting) is the same nevertheless? It's like you only want to allow people to drink water from a plastic cup while everybody already has a glass of water in their hand to drink from. They will still drink the water, just not in the way you prefer it. If you don't like how SL works.... well there are most likely others who have made an SL clone where they don't allow you to sit from a distance. 

    Again the solution to your issue has been given to you in the form of a script already. But apparently, that is not what you want either. 

    I dont want all them to sit at all, but this must be controlled by locked doors. Doors allow some avatars and some not. So, example, when some avatar is allowed, he/she can come in through door and sit. When door dont allow access other avatar, then this avatar can still sit by distance. And my locked door authentication system dont work anymore. But I just want only doors authenticate. No any kicks-push like ORB. Its just elegant when door just opens or not opens. ORB is like killing machine. Its not civil. And ORB must warn before. Locked door dont need to warn or kick, they just dont open. This is elegant method. But it dont work very well, because Linden allows to sit through walls and doors. To fix this, I must put addidional ORB, protecting by room corners, to kick immediately to landing point or just push out. And its also civil, because ORB just dont start killing, because doors are closed and in normal situation you dont start broken doors to come in. Closed door is sign - the incoming is really closed. Without any killing. When there is just only ORB, without locked doors, then you have no idea why you started killing.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

    I love sitting from a distance.  We have a game from up on our work platform to see how far we can jump to something across the whole sim.

    Do you love sitting from distance also in real life? Do you also like to jump down from real life buildings? Its also game, its fun.

  12. 38 minutes ago, Elijah Pyrithea said:

    I think in your case the solution is a furniture with scripts that only allows the owner to use it. I've seen a couple of those on the marketplace. It's not that special. And like one other bright individual already said here. There is always the cam feature so privacy is just a little less bad than using Facebook. 

    You still dont understand. I dont want to restrict sitting, but only to restrict sitting from distance. Dont you think this was Lindens Lab big mistake to allow sitting from distance. I think this is stupid......And why you think I dont want camera looking me? No, I wasnt sayed nothing about cameras, I talked about avatar physical access to my room by sitting  from distance. 

  13. 44 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    I don't have any problems with your purpose of using SL, but you seem to have a problem when other people don't want to use SL the same way as you or if anyone simply questions you about something.  Questioning you and not accepting your usage are two different things.


    I dont have also nothing against others SL usage. Only I dont understand it.

  14. 6 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    That IS EXACTLY the purpose of SL -- For every person to use it as THEY wish, which may or may not be for the same reasons and purpose as anyone else.

    You don't necessarily have to understand WHY people are in SL - just accept it.

    Very good, then accept my purpose of using SL.

  15. 1 minute ago, Fionalein said:

    You can send them home, you cannot send them where you want them to be, sorry, but that is only possible if they accept your experience.

    Not true, I can send them also out of parcel with ORB. And I dont remember, but I think there was also possibility to send into landing point. I prefer sending into landing point.

  16. 1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    If they can cam to a place, they can sit there. This is how Second Life works.

    You are also little wrong.  I can still kick them out with ORB. And GWS ORB allows very accurate, by corners, to define area to protect. SL usage policy restrict using ORB-s to kick avatars out immediately (without warning) and to completely out to home. But when I have locked doors, and avatar still sits by help of camera, then its intruder and I can kick avatar out immediately with ORB, example to my land landing point.   

  17. 7 minutes ago, Elijah Pyrithea said:

    And that is a problem? Maybe I should ask it this way. Why would you want to limit a person's freedom of movement in such a way on your sim? Doesn't sound very inviting.  I understand you want to limit people access to a parcel or a certain area with a security orb, because you want to keep it private. But when you want people coming to your sim why restrict their movement by not allowing them to sit on a chair from a distance?

    Not in SIM and not even in parcel, but in my castle. In my home, there is rooms where I want example to be alone, its private. Exactly I dont want to limit access to my parcel (with ORB), because for me private place is not my parcel, but instead my rooms in building, and not all rooms.

  18. 14 minutes ago, Elijah Pyrithea said:

    Is there any reason why you want to limit the user experience of SL in such a way? If people want to sit they want to sit. Whether they go and sit from 100 meters away or from 1.5 meters away the end result is that they will sit. 

    You are wrong. They cant sit everywhere in my house, its private.

  19. 16 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

    Sorry, I don't buy or sell scripts so I'm useless as a source for what's available. If I had to guess, I'd suspect that neither of the scripts I mentioned would be available off-the-shelf; it's just too idiosyncratic, the demand wouldn't seem to justify writing such scripts for sale.

    There might be pre-developed Experiences that include the PRIM_SCRIPTED_SIT_ONLY functionality as part of managing visitor flow, but that's not going to be off-the-shelf for this purpose either.

    Why idiocracy? I think I still dont get why people at all use SL or any other virtual world. Seems they use them completely for other reason and purpose than I.

  20. 5 minutes ago, Fionalein said:

    That is why you buy modable furniture. If I would rely on the freebies I got I would have a hodgepodge of furniture now but I really like my sets to work together.

    Sorry my bad english, but now I wasnt understand what you sayd. I already told - good furnituse is mostly expensive and no-mod. Believe me, Ive been in marketplace months, every day, and know. And I dont have wish to buy more furniture right now. Maybe later.

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