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Nalates Urriah

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Posts posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. You can get the info before you login. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

    Nothing has to change on your end for things to go sideways. The Internet is changing over from IPv4 to IPv6. Hardware thorught out the Internet is changing. You never what changed what someone got wrong.

    Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection to find out if it is you or something else.

    I am going to assume you know that Tuesday and Wednesday are the days they roll new software to the servers and restart all the regions and you did not get caught in the rolling restarts.

    In general connections can often be cleaned up by restarting the computer and router/DSL modem.

    Also, check where Auto-Update is turned on in the viewer Preferences. If it is you may be having a problem with a recent update.

    You should always look at Second Life Grid Status Reports to see if a grid wide problem has come up. It can take a couple of hours for a problem to appear there. So, keep checking while you try to resolve the problem.

  2. The Lindens really don't like to give out delivery dates.

    However, talk with them in the user groups reveals they are pretty optimistic about Pathfinding. If things go well this week will be the last week for Pathfinding on the RC's. It will likely roll to the main channel next week. BUT... any number of things can happen to derail that.

  3. When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

    I've not run into your problem before. I saw similar problems long ago when Emerald had attatchment points not used by other viewers, but that was to be expected.

    There is an XML file in the with the viewer install files that controls attachment points. That file may have become corrupted. To fix, thry installing the viewer over the top of the existing install.

    If that does not fix the problem, try deleting all the program files and reinstalling. Since you did not give us any specific hardware info I'll guess you run Windows. So, the files are in C:\Program Files\SecondLifeViewer

    If that does not fix the problem, try a clean install. If you use more than one brand of viewer, read the Clean Install instruction I have. It gets into probems we run into when using more than one brand of viewer.

  4. I'm not a Maya user so...

    Rather than export and import as OBJ to get to make other sizes, try saving the Maya file with a new name. Then edit the size in the new file.

    There are bugs in most import/export functions. Avoid them when possible.

    I'm not sure if I understand what you mean about transferring to the sizing models. All the avatar models I work from have weighting already.

    I have the Default Avatar from the Domino/Gaia files which is already weighted. I build my first model on the Default Avatar, as I expect that to be the model we build to in the future when the Deformer is implemented.

    I have the sizing models in other layers centered on the Default Avatar. When I am ready to make a sized copy, I turn off the layers the Default and the original are in and use the sized avatar and copy. I adjust the copy to fit the sized avatar. I repeat for the other sizes. Since I weight the original model, of what ever I'm making, the weighting comes with the copies. I don't really care if the sized avatars have weighting.

  5. People have posted enough to show you that you have no clue what you are talking about. If that is not enough, try reading this: SL Server Related and SL Script Related and Second Life Viewer 2 & 3.

    The Lindens are consolidating 3 data centers into 2. They are updating all the servers to new hardware. They have been working since the first of the year to improve stability and performance. Lots of spaghetti code is being refactored. Region crossing code is in the process of being converted to a multi-threaded process. Avatar rendering is in the process of being changed. The entire HTTP connection and communication software is being upgraded...

    Like I said, you are clueless. 

    Since you ask to 'Please upgrade the servers' it appears you think you are talking to the Lindens. This is a forum for users. There are places where the Lindens follow threads, but I think the Lindens envolved in operations and programming ignore most of the forum. Support people have no time for the forum. I suspect the forum moderators only read threads where they receive complaints. If you educate yourself you'll find there are ways to talk to the Lindens. You may even figure out how to get them to listen. I will advise you that massive displays of ignorance is not going to improve your influence with the Lindens.

  6. You do not need to file a new JIRA. HOWEVER, do check that the one you filed is still open. If it is not, update the information and reopen it. Publish the JIRA number in the forum with a good title so people with the same problem can add to the JIRA comments. Publish the number in the Merchant's/Commerce group in-world. Do that every couple of days for a week or so. You want everyone to know about it, so if they have the same problem they can add to the comments.

    Also on the JIRA click WATCH. It makes no, or little, difference if you click VOTE.

    Make sure to add new viewer and server version numbers. 

    Make sure you have a step-by-step for how to create the problem. If the Lindens cannot repeat it, they can't fix it.

  7. I disagree with Lindal that the connection is the bottleneck. Once an area has rezzed and your download rate drops the connection has little affect on FPS. You can watch the process in Viewer Stats (Ctrl-Shift-1). How the two systems share your internet connection may have an affect on rez speed, but not much more.

    Look through Graphics Tweaking for Second Life. You may find some information that will help you improve your viewers' performance.

    When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

    This let's us see your driver versions and other details of your system. 

    Don't be surprised that similar systems have different performance stats. The SL viewers are affected by numerious things in Windows. Even minor settings changes can affect performance. Having one viewer with 128m draw distance verse 192m draw distance can make a difference. 

    When trying to compare viewers Inara and I often fly up to 2,000m to see what the FPS will peak at. That gives a good test that is mostly independent of the stuff around you. Even the direction an avatar is facing can have a significant affect on FPS. At high altitude direction is less of an issue.

    You can use three free programs to check your systems to see what they are doing; CPU-Z, GPU-Z, and System Explorer. GPU-Z will show the graphics load placed on the video card GPU. System Explorer will show you what each CPU core is doing and whether your system is paging data to the hard disk, page faults. 

    • Like 1
  8. You haven't given us much to go on. When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. If the viewer will at least show the login screen, get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

    Saying you are using the 'latest' SL viewer doesn't mean much to anyone. The versions change pretty fast. Use the actual version and build number. from HELP->ABOUT...

    Since you are crashing after login it is probably a graphics thing. Before logging in go into preferences and in the graphics settings set LOW. See if that lets you into SL without a crash. If so, it is a graphics issue. 

    Since you did not post your video driver version we can't tell if that is a likely problem.

  9. Get GPU-Z (free program) and make sure the video card is being used. Laptops tend to turn the video card off to save power. Often one has to create a special setup in the video card's control panel to get it running with SL.

    ATI has not put as much effort into OpenGL as nVidia has. So, shadows are a bit of problem with Radeon cards. You are going to have to experiement with graphics settings to find out what works. Try turning varous Hardware features on and off via the Hardware button in Preferences->Graphics.

    You may want to suggest the Development Viewer. It has the newest render code. It may work better.

    Since you have updated the driver that should be ok. But, search this forum to see if you can find posts on the video card model and version number.

    You may want to try some third party viewers. Niran's Viewer has lots of enhancements for photographers. The user interface is non-standard (see Nirans). Exodus is another good viewer. 

    Firestorm is a very good general purpose power users viewer. They have lots of support people. Ask in their group and see what they have to say about the video card.

    The render engine made by the Lab is changing right now. It SHOULD work better. When you hit a problem document it well and file a JIRA bug report.

  10. You should be able to select the item in inventory and delete it. But, you may want to wait.

    To report it, file a JIRA report. You will need all the information you can get about the item. File it as a Security Issue. You can right click the item in inventory and select properties. 

    Read the instructions for how to file a JIRA before you try to file it.

  11. If you want something fixed you need to file a JIRA Bug report. Here we provide user-to-user help. Few Lindens read the Answers sections and I am certain none of the programmers that can actually fix something read Anwers. They proably do watch the stats and trends.

    Read the instructions in the JIRA for filing a bug report. The bugs that get fixed are the ones that have a step-by-step proceedure for reproducing the problem.

    For user-to-user help and a possible fix we need to know more. When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

    You crashing on taking a photo is an older issue. The Lab has fixed it but in some cases the problem was not from the viewer but from the video card driver. So, nVidia or ATI were the ones that had to fix it. Not all games and certainly not SL use the same feature set in the drivers. So, we may see problems that appear in several games or only a few. It get confusing. 

    If the Lab's people can reproduce the problem they can chase the problem down and fix it or explain to the video card peeps what's wrong. That is the fastest way to a fix in a video crad driver.

    For you, try updating your video drviers.

  12. There are some great articles by Penny Patton on camera position, scale, and proportion in SL.

    Camera Position Tips is where I embellished a bit on Panny's tips. Penny's original article is here: Second Life Camera Position Tips. A related article by Penny is here: A Matter of Perspective. I have my spin on the problem and link to several articles in: #SL Crusade for Good Looks

    The settings controls are in Debug Settings: CameraOffsetRearView and FocusOffsetRearView. The CameraOff... positions the camera. The FocusOff... sets where the camera is looking. These values change the camera position and look-at-point for the default view, what you see when you press ESC.

    The view that your viewer uses is controlled by a bottom(?) menu/button, VIEW. You can select front, rear, or side. There are Debug Settings to control each view.

    If you read the articles, you'll find there is a bit of move in SL to get more realistically proportioned avatars in SL. If one uses the basic viewer settings then avatars tend to be 6-foot tall and taller. There are lots of advantages to having realistically sized avatars. It even helps the giant avatars look bigger for those that like giants.

    Note: A Clean Install is a bit drastic for resetting your settings. I think it is much quicker and safer to rename or delete the viewer's settings.xml file and let the viewer create a new file using all the viewer defaults, which are based on your graphics card. The file is in C:\Users\[win_login_id]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\settings-[viewer_name_version].xml

  13. I'm not sure where some of the suggestions came from unless you have been posting in other threads...

    You convinenced there is not a connection problem on your end. Now you need to check that there is not a problem on the SL server side. All the detail steps for testing a connection are here: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection.

    The TL;DR check is to look in the Viewer Stats for Physics FPS and TIme Dilation. They should be 45 and 1.0. Below 30 and 0.8 and you can expect some slowing. A TRACERT will show if it is something between you and SL that is a problem.

    To really know what the problem might be there is a load of stuff to check. So, when you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

    We can then tell if it is a driver issue or a hardware problem.

    You can read through Graphics Tweaking for Second Life to see what settings may be a problem for you.

    You can get GPU-Z (free) to see if your video card is carrying part of the load. You can get SpeedFans (free) to see if the CPU or GPU is overheating and throttling back. System Explorer (free) will show you if load is spreading out between the 4 cores. It will also show you if the system is page faulting, writing memory to disk, which can happen if memory is being tied up by something else that is running.

    Beyond these things, and these too actually, I'm guessing. I hope these clues get you started toward finding a solution.


  14. There are no recent changes that move avatar baking to the server side. That is a future improvment the Lab annouced it is working on.

    Depending on the region and the SIM it is in, HTTP on or off may be faster. HTTP will generally be faster and more reliable as it uses TCP with error correction. With HTTP off the viewer falls back to UDP, which has no error correction. Because it is so region dependent one cannot say on or off is better. It depends...


    The CPU's in an HD Graphics system must calulate most of the 3D models and handle texture decompression. With a graphics card both of those tasks can be handed off to the GPU. Without a GPU the CPU's are going to bottleneck.

    For more info on graphics tweaking see: Graphics Tweaking for Second Life

  15. You aren't doing anything wrong. This link is to an older post but it will show you what others were getting: How Fast is Your Viewer? - Second Life.

    When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

    If you want to get into tweaking your computer for performance there is lots to learn. Read: Graphics Tweaking for Second Life.

    Also, check out: How to improve Viewer performance - Second Life and Understanding the Maximum Bandwidth Option in the Second Life™ Viewer.

    If you want to reset all your settings to the default, rename or delete the settings.xml file. It is in: C:\Users\[win_login_id]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\

    You will get different performance with different viewers. Also different brands of computers will perform differently on different hardware. People with hardware nearly identical to mine get faster and slower performance. Performance can change from version to version of the same viewer.

  16. This is likely a Windows/nVidia setting problem. The viewer will render a square square and a sphere round regardless of what size or ratio your viewer windows is.

    If the Windows aspect is not matched to the physical monitor you'll get the distortion you are seeing. Look in the monitor's specs to find the native screen resolution and frequency. Set your Windows settings to match those. If the Windows panel is not detecting the same numbers, you'll need to get a driver for the screen... actually its more of a settings file than a driver. The driver/file is usually on an included CD. If not it can be downloaded from the manufacture.

  17. Also search in-world for FREE. Visit places like Free Dove. These freebie places will have new user 30 day offers. You can get some expensive hair for free.

    Also visit hair stores and look around. Many have a free to new users offers in their store.

    Ask people you meet in-world. Everyone has their favorite hair shops. The can give you Land Marks to the stores... click, poof, and you are there.

    You can also mix and match from Inventory's Library folder. There are a number of avatars in the Library.

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  18. Use Viewer Stats to get an idea of whether it is you, the region, or connection (Ctrl-Shift-1).

    Your connection quality will be shown by Ping and Lost Packets. 250ms and 2%, respectively, are an arbitrary upper limit. I notice degradation when I see those values exceeded.

    FPS is the indicator for how you computer and video card are preferming.

    Physics and SIM FPS are locked together now. They give you an idea of how the sim running the region is preferming. Time Dilation tells you if the region is overloading trying to process scripts. PFPS should be 45 for full speed. Between 35 and 45 you probably won't notice much change. Time Dilation below 0.8 means things in the region will show some slowing.

  19. With Firestom try a clean install. Clean Install. Firestorm 4.1.1 is currently the most stable viewer being used with SL.

    When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. If the viewer will at least show the login screen, get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

    Without knowing which version of Viewer 2 you are coming from we are futher restricted.

    Since the viewer is logging in and running for a bit, clear the cache too. That is a last resort type of step and one should seldom clear the cache.

    1. Navigate to the cache.
    2. Windows Vista/7: C:\Users\<win_login_id>\AppData\Local\SecondLife
    3. Mac: ~/Library/Caches/SecondLife 
    4. Linux:  ?
    5. Delete the contents of the SecondLife folder. All of it.

    Try resetting the viewer settings to their default values.

    • Navigate to the user settings for the viewer.
    • Win7/Vista: C:\Users\<win_login_id>\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings
    • Mac OSX: Users/Username/Library/Application Support/SecondLife/
    • Find the file: settings.xml and rename or delete it.

    If the viewer will show the login screen, open Preferences (Ctrl-P) and set the Preferences->Graphics to LOW. Then try logging in.

    Check to see if you have the latest video driver. From time to time the latest driver is not the best and one must roll back one or two versions for things to work. Search the forum for your video card and driver version to see if others are having a similar problem.

    Before tearing your computer apart, try installing the latest Development Viewer. This is a pre-beta version of Linden Lab’s viewer. SL Dev Viewer DL. I am assuming you have already manually cleared the cache.

    If you still crash, look in the Second Life log file: C:\Users\[win login_ID]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\logs.

    Start from the end of the file and work your way toward the beginning. You are looking for errors. That text may give you a clue to the problem.

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