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Zi Ree

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Everything posted by Zi Ree

  1. One thing should be said about max. bandwidth: It will only affect how fast you download data from the servers. It will in no way affect your viewer's drawing speed. Once everything is loaded you can see your bandwidth usage drop to near zero while your viewer still has to draw the world as fast as it can. So please don't expect this setting to make your view of the world smoother or faster. It only helps you downloading things quicker.
  2. What you said is that Sim FPS has to do with graphics on your screen, and this is totally and completely wrong. The sim transfers the object structure and geometry, as well as the texture UUIDs and colors etc. but NOT the actual rendered image. I don't think there is any use in trying to explain it in any more detail, because you are obviously so grossly misinformed and unable to review your information that it is pointless. But please do us a favor and don't spread your false knowledge out to other people. We already have enough of those.
  3. So, where in your list does it say it handles anything with prerendering graphics? All it does is sending the viewer a list of items that are within view (interest list). Downloading the textures and showing them on your screen is entirely a viewer's job, not the server's. FPS means "Frames Per Second". Where do you see the word "Graphics" in there? "Frames" can be pictures on your screen, stills from a movie, but mp3 files also use "frames" to define a certain length of a piece of audio. "Frames" also define a time slice on the Second Life simulator (22 ms), within resources like script time, physics time, network upload and download are shared and allocated. Again, Simulator FPS have NOTHING to do with graphics display or rendering.
  4. I'm sorry, but you're misinformed. There is no graphics created on the server, it just sends you the data you request and the viewer displays it at the FPS your computer can handle. The 45 FPS on the server have nothing to do with graphics on your screen. At all. Nothing. If SimFPS drops, everything that needs data from the server (object updates, avatar position updates, script reaction, physics updates) becomes slower, but you will notice that your own client FPS will *not* suffer at all. You can still have 30 FPS on your viewer while the Sim is crawling at a 2 FPS 0.02 time dilation. All graphics is handled viewer side, nothing of that is generated or rendered on the server. The music stream comes from whatever server URL is set on the parcel, which is almost never a LL server. Voice comes from the Vivox servers which have nothing to do with music.
  5. The Sim FPS (45 FPS) have nothing to do with your screend graphics FPS. The SL sims update their internal data 45 times a second (frame time), which means physics, scripts, agent data, movement etc. If they need to do more than they can fit into one frame, you see time dilation, because the Sim runs slower than the preferred 45 FPS.
  6. I'm pretty sure, setting the bandwidth to the maximum has no effect whatsoever on your packet loss or "lag". Unless the viewer does something really stupid the bandwidth setting only throttles when you go lower than your can take. But if you go above it, you will simply be limited by your own connection. It's like saying that building a 6 lane motorway creates traffic jams with the same amount of cars on it (your connection's max bandwidth) as on a single lane country road. I fail to see where maximum bandwidth could hurt your connection speed at all. I'd appreciate a technical, well researched explanation.
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