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Nasty Annamemnon

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  1. Join your meshes (ctrl - j) before uploading. It will result in the mesh being a single object inworld (rather than a linkset), making it very easy to resize. Rigging won't help your sizing problems, it's only meant to deform meshes with the avatar's body.
  2. Hi there! If you check the weights of the standard AV's eyes, you will notice that it doesn't have any to begin with. Subsequently, any weights you copy from them will simply not work inworld. For a workaround, you could use joint offsets to have the eyes where you want them, then use the "left/ right eyeball" attachment points inworld. Have fun!
  3. Here is a thread about this problem, maybe it will help: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Try-to-upload-with-weights-disables-the-Upload-Button/td-p/913293
  4. Hi there In Photoshop, you can get rid of the alpha channel in png files by not saving like you would usually do, but instead clicking "File" -> "Save for Web and Devices". There, untick "transparency" and the alpha problem is gone. This way you can save a high quality png without the alpha glitch happening
  5. Hi there Here is a video covering the basics of UV unwrapping: http://www.blendercookie.com/2011/01/21/intro_uvmapping/ and here's a written tutorial on the topic: http://www.blender3dclub.com/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=77 Have fun unwrapping The more often you do it, the better you get.
  6. Either that or you just trade protected links on one of the various text file hosters like pastebin.
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