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steph Arnott

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Posts posted by steph Arnott

  1. 2 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

    this is actually not true. Full-time real world staff positions as LSL scripters are advertised and filled from time to time. Typically the successful candidates for these jobs, also have experience with http connectivity  - are also able to develop and maintain the complementary server-side codebase

    it is good that you are also getting into other language environments like Lua. The broader our experiences, the more opportunities there are to grow our knowledge and skills, and the wider our life and career path choices become  

    No LSL scripter has the skills to write real code. Rollig does. I do not and you certainly do not. BTW SL is not my life, scripting is nothing more than a logic puzzle to me. As for Lua i was writting code in that seven years ago.

  2. 21 minutes ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

    Interesting.  This used to be true of passive objects, but if the object was made active (by adding an empty timer event and llSetTimerEvent(99999999999.9) for example), the texture repeat settings would persist. 

    However I just tested this and even without the active timer event the texture repeat settings persist when leaving and re-entering the region, relogging, taking the object to inventory and re-rezzing it, sending it to another avatar in a different region, etc.  In fact I can't seem to find a single instance in which the texture repeats are reset with either the LL default viewer or Firestorm.

    New one on me. I wonder if another account holder on a different computer sees the same results. That code is client side so be interesting if other clients see the same as you do. I suspect it is only you that sees it.

  3. 2 hours ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:


    Knock? You talk about LSL as if it is not a library based top down, cut down basic scripting language.

    'Like something being "memory hungry" is somehow less of a concern when you've got four times the memory to spare post-mono than before' that is drivel. Mono was set at 64k because some LSO used four time more memory when converted to mono. Mono uses double memory than 80% of LSO scripts. Mono was implimented because the asset scripts can be shared by multiple objects where as LSO did not.

    ' no, you claimed that LSL was open source and client written code was the clients copywrite. I stated that LSL is the copywrite property of Linden Research and as such any code using their library created code belongs to LR inc.

    The rest of your comments are basically ignorance. As for fireing me, you have never owned any company. I own seven, two in Japan.

  4. 2 hours ago, Mollymews said:


    What has any of that got to do with writting code in LSL? And no you are not going to gain a place on any professional team knowing LSL. LSL is ancient, klunky and outdated. Lua crushes it into the dirt.

  5. 33 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

     code maintenance does actually mean adding things to the codebase that clients request. Code maintenance literally means rewriting parts of the codebase to accommodate the new things added

    'Code maintenance' is correcting faults and/or improving performance. In short not written well in the first place. That is why testing is done before release. Adding  code is a modification that was never in the code in the first place. Very few in SL write code which does not glitch, most rush it out and then blame the client for the faults and/or the sim server. The issues are never their fault. This is only LSL.

  6. 1 hour ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

    Branching menu systems are memory-hungry. .Think about putting your menu in a separate script to your "functional code".

    you're going to have to maintain this code

    ' Branching menu systems are memory-hungry. ' uses no more memory than a single list. Was the case pre Mono.  'memory-hungry. ' are caused by inefficient script structuring.

    If code maintaince is needed after being tested then the code is poorly written. Only thing i do after my code is released is use it as a base for something else, or add something a client requested. Last thing i need is clients being uptight because of code faults. Was the reason i started writting code, I got sick and tired of the garbage so called experts produced.

    As for using secondry scripts for lists, you do that as a last resort because the data passing can cause issues if not done correctly.

  7. 27 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

    FWIW, back before I switched my heavy comms scripts to Experience KVP messaging, I used HTTP a lot and ended up buffering and combining messages to keep the rates far below the documented throttle trigger. Others claimed they only needed to stay within the documented limits but it sure seemed that I could never get anywhere near them or the throttle would kick in.

    It is server subjective. That means the server triggers capping by server load. The stated limit is the max alowed.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:


    Bursting is when you accumilate multiple and send it in one. Rather than individually. The script should be timer based so that data never exceeds the penalty limit. In other words do not send every single piece everytime the script recives it. Stack it and then send it when the timer triggers.

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, animats said:

    Hm. I don't think the threshold was ever exceeded. The "time" column is UNIX time, seconds since 1970.

    Look LL implemented a safe guard to stop bad people crashing the sims. It is crude but it works.

  10. The more you go over the lower the limit gets. You should halt all for at least twenty seconds to clear. If not it will keep adding to the rejection.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    Which is pretty much anywhere.

    I think the OP misunderstands llGetPos() as being the position of the drone, relayed to the HUD via llRegionSay in the timer event. The HUD's listen event makes no reference to the message it receives, and the only thing the drone says is its position. If the HUD were actually looking at the message, I don't think the OP would be asking this particular question.

    Would make more sense doing this.

    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
            if(name == "whatever_it_called")
                llOwnerSay( (string) id );//use this data for whatever purpose. Make it a global variable if you want to.



  12. 12 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

    I'm not quite sure what you are asking for, but when I design something like this, I make the HUD be the rezzer that generates the drone.  That way, I automatically know the UUID of the drone as it is created, from the result of an object_rez event.

    Am somewhat confused at the OPs request myself seeing as that is what the object_rezz event is for.

  13. 1 hour ago, DarkEmperor13 said:

    ive tried to add that as well and still nothing. one would think LL would come up with a way to block out items that can be used for grieving that use the llPushObject command

    LL does, it is called land settings. It maybe that where you are the parcel/land is set to a group in which case you would have to deed the object to the group in the object perms. And BTW once you deed it, it is no longer yours.

  14. 11 minutes ago, DarkEmperor13 said:

    but I have it on my friend's parcel and only I can jump on if I place it down. I gave a copy to my friend so she can place it down and when we tried jumping on it, this time only she could jump and I couldnt


    You should also add ' if (llDetectedType(0) & AGENT) '  so the event only runs the branch code if an agent.

  15. 4 minutes ago, DarkEmperor13 said:

    Hi I am trying to make a trampoline and I have this as my coding;

       collision_start(integer total_num)
            llPushObject(llDetectedKey(0), <0,0,100>, ZERO_VECTOR, FALSE);

    However, it only works for whoever is owner of the object.

    That LSL wiki example will push any agent that the collision event detects. But if the parcel/land is set to no push it will only work for the parcel/land owner. You need to see what the parcel/land settings are.

    • Like 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

    No.  However, there are several ways to have the same effect.  Near the top of the sticky thread on Best Scripter Tips in this forum you will find a lengthy post about common ways to deal with exactly that problem.

    This threads problems have not been sorted out by the OP. Another problem on top is Titanic time.

    • Like 1
  17. 7 minutes ago, EnCore Mayne said:

    yes, it will come to the user from a Marketplace purchase.

    Just make it non copy and die on detatch. That way it will not be in the agents inventory. But why would somene go to the effort of getting it off the MP for that to happen?

  18. 33 minutes ago, EnCore Mayne said:

    i would like to have an attachment (a HUD specifically) do it's thing (give inventory) when touched and then; here's the big ask, be deleted from Inventory never to be seen again.


    Two ways either a non copy item or llRemoveInventory(   ); Though reading that again i am not sure if you mean delete the HUD.

  19. 7 minutes ago, LeonissiaLoc said:

    When I am hammering code, I'm also looking up the functions. I seem to not be able to understand what seems to be abstract. Anything with a practical sense or what I've already reverse engineered I can figure out pretty easily. I guess I need to read the wiki about the functions two million times and ask y'all about it for me to get it to click.

    Well not to be a party pooper but you need to write your own work. Using others just instilles all their poorly coded work. Which they probably kludged together using others poorly coded work. When i started i did the same and then decided to start with clean slate.

  20. Just now, LeonissiaLoc said:

    After I study LSL long enough and it clicks, will I be able to program anything I think of? Is it the same for all programming languages? How do you know what to do when you get stuck for lack of knowledge and don't know what to look up? Do I just ask on here on how to program a billion different scripts until I finally get it? How does all this work? I don't understand why this is so complicated to wrap my head around.

    The prime part of your script is list manipulation. Lists are fundimental in many scripts. From object givers, yours, rezzers etc. The scanner data in this script is a data gatherer. If you kludge someone elses scripts you will never get anywhere because you are just hammering code with no understanding.

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