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Samm Florian

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Everything posted by Samm Florian

  1. I've posted a new feature request on JIRA asking that speakers' names in chat be highlighted; if you agree, pop over and vote. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-24076 At the very least, they should put colons after the names; currently it looks like this: Samm Florian Hi there, how are you? Bob Smith I am fine thanks. I have a goofy name what are you doing? etc.
  2. OK, thanks; now I won't waste time looking for a way to fix it. Maybe I should file a JIRA?
  3. I may be confused because I've been using the Starlight skin, but when I used Viewer 2.3, the names in chat were always in a different color from the text, while in this beta the names are in the same color as the text. True? If so, I'd request that the 2.3 style be made available as an option (even if just for skinning); it lets me scan through a chat for particular names. (On second thought, this may already be possible, so I should have started by asking if there's a way to do it, before making a feature request for it.)
  4. You're describing a bug, not a UI. I have to wonder if the major flaw with Viewer 2 is the upgrade process.
  5. Fair enough. So tell me about this "spoon"; what's so special about 1.23 that puts 2 to shame? Why should I switch? (I know this thread covers a lot of it but most of the discussion is from the other direction, what people hate about 2 instead of what they like about 1.23, and it's hard to tell how much of it is just "this is what I am used to". For example, I don't mind the sidebar.) Can I install and try out 1.23 without losing any data?
  6. As a newbie who's only ever used the v2 viewer, I laugh at the people who say it's "unusable". Not as good as the previous version? Sure, that's possible. Unusable if you're used to the previous version? I'd definitely buy that. But I've been here a month and haven't fled in horror-- in fact I've spent way too many nights up until 2am-- so it's definitely "usable".
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