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Emma Krokus

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Posts posted by Emma Krokus

  1. 2 hours ago, Aethelwine said:

    Early on I resized objects with a calculator using edit linked parts and working out the numbers for resizing manually and then moving things back into place... It was sometime later I realised you could buy resize scripts that would do it all for you!

    It was maybe 10 years before I worked this out, but a game changer: When searching your inventory, often you are not sure what name of thing you are looking for so you search for maker, you find the folder with what you want in, but when you clear the search field so you can see contents of the folder the view changes and the folder you were looking at has now vanished off the bottom of the screen.. all is not lost, you don't to scroll down searching for highlighted section in your inventory - just press your down arrow and your view moves to the folder you selected and you can find what you were looking for.



    OMG I did'nt know this - THANK YOU THANK YOU :)

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Frionil Fang said:

    You can use basic math in the input fields, not just numbers. Parentheses, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, raising to a power (^), trigonometric functions (sin(), cos(), tan(), atan()), square roots (sqrt()), natural logarithm and exponentiation (log(), exp()) and pi are all valid.

    Want to move the object 1 meter on the X axis? Put down the move tool, just add a +1 at the end of the current X position and press enter. Want to scale the size to 2x only on Z axis? Don't bother with scaling, add a *2 at the end. Can't remember what 1/√2 is? Skip the calculator, 1/sqrt(2) is fine.

    I had no idea it would do more than basic algebra! Thanks!



    • Like 1
  3. On 7/13/2024 at 8:12 PM, Rufferta said:

    Oh heck! I was part-way through the Silk Road Hunt when I got to Emma's @ Blue Moose and went into the Dark Tower to look for the hunt object and met this....thing...Fortunately I had put a face light on so I could find the exit.

    No better picture, I'm not going back in there.

    I try to do this hunt every year, there are a variety of stores, some of which have become my favorites. This was the only scary part.

    Read more about the hunt here. 

    zombie at emmas.jpg

    Old Nyanotech Hair Eihmao V3, old fit mesh kimono by sakura Verino. Don't know what the zombie is wearing. 

    Aww I am really sorry about the nasty zombie! Thank you so much for your visit. I am really sorry you won't be coming back though...


    (The Zombie was just wearing a modesty layer made from Latex...)

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  4. With an object, you can do that using a sensor and some clever calculations to rotate it towards the avatar. Sending you an object inworld to see the effect.

    I wasn't sure I understood your question on particles. They always orient towards the viewer... Particles can be spawned indefinitely or for set period... 

  5. 19 minutes ago, Fenix Eldritch said:

    While not built into the official LL viewer, you can create a scripted object that will apply an AO without needing to continually wear said device.

    See llSetAnimationOverride.

    My personal setup is to have the object rezzed on my home parcel. All I need to do is click it once when I login and it will apply the AOs which will persist until I logout (or override/reset them). I don't need to actually wear the object for it to do its job.

    Do the animations persist when you change regions?

  6. It did not disappear with other skins.

    On 5/16/2024 at 9:36 PM, Emma Krokus said:

    I tried with a WOW skin - the problem persisted. It wasn't the skin - it was the skirt alpha I was wearing.

    I had also tried at different altitudes to rule out that problem.


    It was related solely to the defective alpha - in this case.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I think I've posted another, earlier version of this pic, but I'm getting a little better at this stuff with practice, and I think I like this one better.


    I was thinking if you were holding a paintbrush you could be "inventing" yourself

    • Like 5
  8. 1 hour ago, InnerCity Elf said:


    It wasn't actually thoughts but a song that immediately populated my mind,


    I don't like your review (fashion ;)) business, Mister,


    And I thank you for those items that you sent me, ha ha ha ha
    The monkey and the prim (plywood;)) violin,


    I don't like it. I also disregard Amazon "Vine program" feedbacks (which, at least, are marked as such - but I'm under no illusion that there aren't tons of unmarked bought reviews, mind you). I've seen some shady review manipulation tactics even on Etsy lately. It destroys trust in and the want to buy on marketplaces, if not even marketplaces to some degree.

    "Rewarding" past/loyal customers with rebate codes, after they already bought and reviewed something, is another thing, though, and fine by me, but what you're describing, no, don't like that, and would prefer if it expressly wasn't allowed on the SL marketplace.

    oooh Leonard... swoons

    • Like 1
  9. 10 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:


    The default system avatar (Ruth/Roth) has unique properties. It is the only 'thing" in SL that has layers. All other prims can only ever have one texture per face (aka surface). Basically, a cube can have only one texture per side (face). The avatar, however, is rendered by a unique rendering pipeline that handles layers. We can stack textures so skin and tats look as we would expect.

    Originally the skin, tat, shirt, etc layers all required their own texture which the viewer baked into a composite. Back then your viewer would have to download all the textures used in everyone's clothes. Your viewer would have to bake ALL those textures to render all the avatars. 

    As the Internet's network and computers advanced there came to be better ways. The Lab built SSB... Server-Side-Baking. A server at the Lab would get a list of what you were wearing and bake all the textures into a composite and then send you and everyone that could see you the composite. This reduced the load on the viewer and reduced the amount of texture data that had to be downloaded, saving the Lab a load of bandwidth and improving viewer render speed.

    Then we made mesh bodies. We put alpha layers on the default system avatar to hide it. We used appliers to place skin, tats, shirts, etc on multiple onionskin layers (think Russian Nested Dolls) of the bodies. So once again everyone was downloading the all textures needed to render avatars they could see.

    The Lab decided to repeat the SSB thing to improve performance once again. They upgraded SSB to BOM. As part of the upgrade they revised the avatar render pipeline. As an improvement they decided that an alpha layer would not be used to hide the default system avatar. Instead the render engine would just not render the default avatar when a BOM item was attached (Wulfie's 'appropriate parts). If an alpha layer is added to hide the whole avatar we see red, yellow, etc warning textures on the default avatar. Alpha layers that are part opaque and part transparent render in BOM to hide parts of the bodies so we can hide the mesh body to avoid poke through.

    Said another way... wear a mesh body and set it to use BOM and the render pipeline stops rendering the default avatar, no alpha layer required. Alpha layers can then be used to hide the mesh body.


    Thank you Nalates.

    What I still don't understand is how this related to my unsightly gaps... in between sections of alpha cuts the Maitreya body has in its mesh linkset... as was visible in my photos I think?

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