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Laika Ravikumar

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Everything posted by Laika Ravikumar

  1. Happy Holidays everyone have a great christmas I intend to
  2. So for me its no work for a while so yay feel like this and thanks to Matty for the heads up for the Catwa eyes on MP
  3. Haha yes lol he was asking for that one really just glad I got in first
  4. I so wish I knew what that was all about. This thread is taking a strange turn imo
  5. Anyway - let's not derail this thread too much. @Conall DeCuir don't mind them; your photos are very well made and interesting. That people try to project emotion onto anything that pops up in black and white is just pretentious and sad ? Not what I expected from you backing off now we have all had stuff in our RL I sure have doesn't matte what gender but to say its pretentious and sad is kind of dismissive of other people's feelings. Just saying.
  6. Isnt that a bit of an overreaction seriously am sure nothing was meant to warrant that.
  7. Was at the Dickens project so clothes seemed appropriate.
  8. The mind boggles as to what exactly you were doing last night, on second thoughts maybe not .........
  9. Thanks for taking my picture nice to meet new people on my wandering around.
  10. I have no recollection of buying probably a huge percentage of my inventory may explain why I keep buying more sighs
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