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Sphynx Soleil

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Posts posted by Sphynx Soleil

  1. CasperTech services are - as some of you  have noticed - back online.

    We believe that all missing transactions have been recovered at this time.

    If something still isn't right, please let us know with a CT ticket - send a short IM to "CasperHelp Resident" and when you get the link back for the web form, fill out the details including CT transaction number(s) - this is NOT the number from the SL dashboard, but rather the transaction number given to the buyer in local chat at the time of purchase.



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  2. On 9/30/2023 at 11:05 AM, Flea Yatsenko said:

     I have been selling in SL for a long time, I've noticed that usually recessions are great for SL because it's a lot cheaper to have fun in a virtual world than to go out and have dinner and some booze. In fact right now that's even truer, because a dinner for two with booze is easily $50+ here in the states. But that shift when people would come to SL instead seems to not be happening either. It's pretty scary because it makes me feel a lot of people don't even have the money to avoid RL and instead buy a parcel and build a home or hangout or whatever.

    The RL economics are definitely not great - depending on the area of the USA, rental prices gone up across most, if not all, of the states - doubled or tripled in some cases - and I know a lot of people who have more than one job, just to eat AND pay rent. It's not that people don't want the escape, just that in many cases, they no longer have the TIME.

    • Like 1
  3. Hi Scarlet,

    For tracking purposes, would you be willing to file a CT ticket with this info so it shows up in the ticketing system?

    You can do this by simply sending a short inworld message to "CasperHelp Resident" --> Wait for the automessage --> and then use the web link in the automessage to fill out the details.

    We will need the affected transaction number in the ticket as well - that'll help Casper track down the issue a lot faster. :)

    You can find the transaction number in your CV transaction history page, it'll be the little blue round "i" in a circle on the right hand side of the line.

    Thank you! :)


  4. On 12/24/2022 at 4:58 PM, belindacarson said:

    You have thousands (or more) paying customers, so why is access to support so restricted over the holiday period?

    Feel free to volunteer for the holiday support line. :) 

    I personally am glad to see SOME companies giving their employees some TIME OFF. Which I'm sure is something we can all agree people need more of with all the chronic stressors in the world.

    • Like 6
  5. 6 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    ...In SL, if someone is a griefer, or annoys you, you ban them from your land or LL bans them completely from the world. But what are the reasons you'd ban someone from buying something and lose a sale?! They are never good reasons....

    If someone has gone far enough in their bad behavior for me to put them on my ban list, it means they've burned their last bridge and I never want to deal with them again - even as a merchant.

    There's a lot of things I'll blow off because, well, people are people (a couple of decades in customer support does that), but even I have limits. :)

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, SeattleChris said:

    Will Casper and his staff still be handling support via the CasperTech group, or will that be run by LL?

    Some of this seems to have been touched on, but again, since I'm seeing conflicting information about both, is there a definitive answer for either? (And I'm still happy to accept "we aren't sure yet.)

    Hi Chris!

    As far as we (the staff) have been told, it's "as usual" for how CasperTech operates - at least for now.

    Support inworld is still through the CasperTech group, and the CT ticket system is still functional - I would expect announcements of some sort will be made if/when that changes, just because of how many people that will impact if done unexpectedlly.

    CT Staff are not privy to the inner Linden workings and thoughts, so unfortunately, we don't know beyond that. 

    I see that Casper gave you the link to his GDPR tool, so hopefully that let you do what you were needing to do.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    ...the Chrome Password Manager did not auto fill the saved password for some reason, which is what led me to not realize that I had one for it. After Caspar mentioned I would only have received a notification if I had of registered, I went to my password manager and found the saved username and password for his site but left with the mystery of why it isn't auto filling the password like at every other site I am registered at....

    Oh, that's a different wrinkle.

    I don't actually SAVE any username/passwords/cookies in my browser at all, so I don't see issues like this - I'm always manually logging in.

    (Coincidentally, my process also makes it easy to tell when a phishing site is trying to spoof my login...)


    6 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    We musn't be thinking of the same S/L. The one I am referring to almost always does things at the flick of a switch and deals (or not) with the fallout and bug reports after.

    In general (not just SL), the behind-the-scenes prep work for single-signon methods is not always visible to the public - only when it's announced or the changes go live. You may not KNOW about the prep work, but it's definitely going on before any changes are made. :)

    I've noticed the last few years, the Lab in general HAS made more of an effort to go *more carefully* with changes/updates on the grid - often putting in code to monitor the prep work and see how it runs on test region(s) before rolling it out further. Most of the bugs (not all, but MOST) on the grid are a lot less dramatic and show-stopping than when I started back in 2006.


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  8. 19 hours ago, Qinelenlea Watanabe said:

    First major change I noticed...I no longer receive email notifications on sales.....

    Check your email settings on the SL dashboard to see whether you have offline messages of that type set to go to your email.

    CasperVend doesn't email the notifications directly, that's based on your dashboard settings.

    • Like 1
  9. On 9/15/2022 at 10:19 PM, Arielle Popstar said:

    I didn't use the same password to register as my LL one. I simply forgot that I had previously registered there and when presented with the request for a password, assumed that due to the purchase, the site now belongs to LL and was looking for my normal S/L login info.

    Not trying to cast any shade here, I just want to explain so you know for the future: 

    Changes like that are NEVER overnight changes that happen at the flick of a switch.  Never EVER. Doesn't matter whether it's anything to do with SL or with an RL website/system.

    It *always* takes time - and testing - to make sure you don't, for example, lock users OUT of a system that they need to get into, to make sure everything is integrated properly, and that access rights are properly granted or restricted.

    This is why I'm always so patient with a lot of the grid's issues in  general - SL is, while not unique anymore, still a very uncommon "use case" for a lot of technical things and setups.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Sandy Schnook said:

    I was not one of those customers as a vendor.  But rushing around to make sure we had copies of all our purchases was a pain, since redelivery from them was also disappearing.


    When I migrated from Hippo to CasperVend back in the day, I imported all the purchases that had already happened, just so none of my customers would have that nightmare. Likely many others did as well.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, Crim Mip said:

    It's undeniable that the server reliability of Casper has gotten progressively worse the last couple years...

    How so?

    Just now, Sandy Schnook said:

    If it prevents what happened when Hippovend pulled out then I'm good with this.   That was a nightmare.  There are other systems still available, but few offer the amenities Caspervend does.  But if someone is really set against Caspervend or any other system, there is always the old way of putting out a box, pay it to give another box and eliminate all middlemen vendors.

    Hippovend, at the time they announcing leaving the grid, had already lost a substantial number of their customers.

    • Like 1
  12. 20 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    LL surely has access to this data now: the CasparVend system piggybacks on existing SL code, including the exchange of L$. Why would you think they'd make nefarious use of it now, if they haven't already?

    Honestly, I trust LL more with this data than a private vendor. Have you ever seen a ToS from CasperTech?

    Do you mean the CasperTech TOS that's been on the wiki since 2014?


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  13. When the teen grid was actually a separate thing, "g" on the main grid was somewhat flexible. (The assumption at the time was that everyone on the adult grid were ACTUAL adults.)

    Once the teen grid got rolled into the main, though - that's when "g" rules started getting more strict.

  14. Google has an outage today.  (I realize that may not be affecting the failure with Yahoo.)

    One of the other email services I use reports that:

    "A catastrophic failure at Gmail is causing emails sent to Gmail to permanently fail and bounce back. The error message from Gmail is the following:
    550-5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist."

    Translation for the non-techies: This is interpreted as a permanent failure, which means automatic retries won't happen. (That is a standard practice for handling permanent failures.)


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  15. On 10/6/2020 at 5:19 PM, Solar Legion said:

    If anyone else is experiencing any of the issues you've listed, they can come here and speak up.

    I've seen #2 and #10 pretty often enough, but since it's like a 2-second workaround, they're minor issues for me compared to things like group chats not working.


    On 10/6/2020 at 5:19 PM, Solar Legion said:

    Snark here not (entirely) intended: Not seeing many TPV users reporting/complaining about the ??? balance issue might simply be because the average user of TPVs appears to be a bit more proactive/knowledgeable (putting it politely here) and less likely to go nuclear when the unexpected happens.

    Firestorm has its own support team.

    Other TPV's usually have SOME level of support somewhere, even if it's not inworld.

    But LL has made it plain in the past that they don't support TPV's, so...not much point in complaining here on the forums about them, lol.


    • Haha 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Resi Pfeffer said:

    It would be more helpful, if the word would be spread to all people being affected, not just to a few selected ones.
    When i tried to get a redelivery 11 hours ago, i just got to see a timed out connection. And that didnt change until now.

    Word HAS been going out - not only to the CasperTech group itself, but also FROM any merchants who are also in the CasperTech group (Fallen Gods, for example, sent out some notices about that, because I saw them when I logged in) and at least the SL commerce merchants group and one of the other groups I'm in have also passed the word along.

    There is an official facebook post (link posted by @Jules Catlyn after the post I'm quoting) so please do keep an eye on that if you want to stay updated without having to be inworld. (That post is also publically viewable by anyone who's not logged in to facebook.)

    Transactions are NOT lost during this outage - there is a backup system in place for this kind of situation. Manually delivering products to customers is up to you - transactions WILL be processed when everything comes back up, but there will be a large backlog so it will take a while.

    Whether the deliveries are successful STILL depends on inworld factors - such as whether the region(s) with the dropboxes can be reached, or if the product package is even in the dropbox. But the transaction will still be processed.

  17. At least some merchants did sent out notices, and I know the word has gotten passed around to a few other inworld groups.

    The facebook post (linked above by @Jules Catlyn ) will have the latest updates, so you won't need to be inworld to see what's going on (and for those who don't log in to facebook, it IS publically viewable, as well.)



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