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Monderas Bristol

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Blog Comments posted by Monderas Bristol


    Terrific script. The problem with that is while a human can tell that Mondy Bristol is different to Monderas Bristol but can tell it's similar enough to just be a nickname or by preferred way of being addressed, the script can't do that and would eject me.



    Good point Monderas, however a nickname is a name that close friends call you; once a name that is not your birth name is used to identify yourself I believe it is called an alias.



    But quite clearly I was making the point that it's not just a nickname. Mondy is my "preferred way of being addressed"

    In RL also If I wished I could change my name by deed poll,or legally write a lteer to my Doctor,Bank  manager etc and state how I wish to be addressed and establish a legal alias. (good point of yours)

    Unfortunately, in SL, there is no way to change a user name picked from a list years ago and the only choices are Group tags: not possible when working, titlers: flashy and annoying or display names.

    You knew from my comment that my preference is to be called Mondy. If it was just for close friends it wouldn't be posted in the forums,in my profile,or all over the Internet.



  2. I don't know if you meant to reply to me directly or to the thread as a whole. I don't see anywhere I complained. I've responded to certain points but am totally viewer agnostic. I try them all and use different viewers for different situations. KL's viwer for machinima and sl photography. I like phoenix for working and the radar, I use linux and Imprudence is the onlt one that shows song stream info under Linux.

    That's not an exhaustive list. Just examples.

    Also 3rd party viewers as a whole made features only available in the LL viewer with debug settings easier to use, LOD for example. Kirstens has settings for fine and detailed shadows which the LL viewer doesn't. LL introduced shadows as a test feature and never went further or cleaned up the bugs in it. The coder of a 3rd party viewer did which is why it's the best,and most popular viewer for video and photography in SL.

    Just some examples anyway.



  3. So as I understand it...I set my display name to Mondy Bristol instead of Monderas Bristol, because that's what I've wanted to do for almost four years ever since I've regretted choosing something almost everyone thinks is Spanish but not been able to change. BUT...if I were to visit your sim I would be banned ?

    hmmm...yes, it's your right on your own sim. But if the only reason you would be doing it is because of using a display name, then that seems pretty intolerant.



  4. Snip  <Thank you Linden Lab, You guys are doing a great job!!>

    While it's nice to see your enthusisam and there are things I do like about V2 (I've even done a vid about Mesh city on the beta grid,search mondybristol on youtube)...your whole post reads like a commercial.

    Lets not forget the sidebar slidng the world view,now fixed was fixed because of complaints about it, as was being able to undock panels. All fixed first btw in TPV versions of 2.

    Let's not get carried away. Even LL admitted V2 was a bit of a botch job. Only now with the fixes in place is it starting to get better and more appealing to the majority.



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