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Qwalyphi Korpov

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Posts posted by Qwalyphi Korpov

  1. LOL... if i preview my reply it vanishes... what have you done now LL? well.. maybe I can revise and get my reply in here... Not stolen? Well, all the residents agree to only upload content that they have proper licensing for. But... sometimes some of the residents upload content that they don't have proper licensing for. Now, all the residents grant you a license to capture images of all their stuff. But... sometimes some of the residents didn't have a license to grant you a license. So then you capture those things in your images and publish it ... like anywhere you want. I think maybe there can be little problems.

  2. I suspect the OP has wandered away... probably because they had a single prim object.

    In any case when using inventory name to set texture it must be copy to set a non-inventory link number.   No-mod is not a problem.

  3. Estelle Pienaar wrote:

    It will all be good. I realized that the HUD only needs to perform the operation once, when it is attached.So it will be no lag disaster...    ;-)

    About the logic and because I made you wondering: The script does download the game progress from the server when the HUD is attachedd. There are 200
    game events that can be non-completed (=0) or not completed (=1). Yesterday I realised that the URL lenght for LSL-PHP-SQL communication is restricted. I is not long enough to communicate the player key and 400 characters of list content +commas.

    So for transmitting it to the server, I convert the list into a string without commas which is easy and fast in LSL. When receiving info from the server, it needs to be converted back into the list which is obviously more complicated.

    Last but not least you might say: "Wait there is not only 0 and 1, but also a 9 in your string." These numbers are leftovers from my tests with PHP where it would cut the string. It's easier to spot than counting all the zeros.


    Hmmm.... if it's all 1 or 0 then the 200 values could be mapped over a handful of integers.   Although setting and testing bits isn't trendy or anything.

  4. Qie Niangao wrote:

    Maybe a preference for having the inviter script set to the group to which it's inviting is to avoid inviting somebody to the very same group they currently have active, for which llSameGroup() is handy. There's another option now, however, using llGetAttachedList() of visitors and then getting OBJECT_GROUP on those attachments. Still, that only reveals their current active group (with rare exceptions), like llSameGroup(), so I'm not sure it's preferable to checking against a cache of recent invitees.


    Sure.  My goal was to show an easy way for one script to allow a selection of more than one group to join.  The OP wanted a greeting message with a drop down menu offering a choice of two groups to join.  Simple to IM (or llRegionSayTo) a greeting including the ability to click on two groups if you want to join them.  Having the greeter script decide what groups to offer or when to offer groups at all... that's not so simple.   

  5. There's a script in one of the libraries from Betlog Hax that I've modified slightly to support a list of group UUIDs.  No drop down menu although it could be added.  It works off of touch but the code could be dropped into a greeter welcome message.  One script that IMs it's target.

    //// Modified 22 Mar 2016 by Qwalyphi to support a list of group UUIDs (must be open enrollment)// BETLOG Hax//// AEST: 20080613 0704 [sLT:  20080612 1404]// For  Harleywood Guru request in SecondLife Hobos group chat//// Thanks to Punkaroo Snoring, and Pavig Lok for inadvertently pointing out something// i read in a RC release notes and totally didnt pay attention to. But which is really useful.//==========================================================// ---LICENCE START---// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/// ie: Attribution licence://   Give me credit by leaving it in the script I created.//   Supply my original script with your modified version.//   Refer to the wiki URL from which you copied this script.//      https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Group_invitation// ---LICENCE END---//==========================================================// SHARED CONFIGURATION//----------------------------------// CONFIGURATION//----------------------------------// CORE CODE//==========================================================default{   state_entry()    {        llSetText("group join offer EXAMPLE - touch to get the IM", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>,1.0);    }    touch_start(integer total_number)    {           list GroupList = ["19657888-576f-83e9-2580-7c3da7c0e4ca","5b435599-bb15-086a-f5ea-d03504737ee1"];        //                  Second Life Beta                        Advanced Creator Tools Notification        llSetColor(<1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);         //IM adds a delay.. indicate this visually        string msg = "\nJoin a group! Please click a group link in your history window (ctrl-H)";        integer lengthOfList = llGetListLength(GroupList);        integer index;        do        {            msg += "\n secondlife:///app/group/"+llList2String(GroupList,index)+"/about";        } while (++index < lengthOfList);        llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(0),msg);        llSetColor(<0.0, 1.0, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);        //IM adds a delay.. indicate this visually    }}//=========================================================

  6. Rolig Loon wrote:

    was introduced with server release last September. The LSL wiki is maintained by SL residents, primarily through the tireless volunteer efforts of Strife Onizuka, not by Linden Lab. It is not easy to keep a complex wiki up to date.  Strife deserves a lot of the credit for making it our most valuable scripting resource.


    I looked at the page to see if I could update/fix it.   After reading the discussion page it's clear I shouldn't touch it.  Could be it's the result of some wiki software issues.  The function does appear later in the "G" group list.

  7. I was not aware of those exceptions when attached while rezzed in-world or llGetAttachedList.  Thanks Qie.


    edit:  Hmmmm.... my usual path into the list of functions doesn't list llGetAttachedList.


    Found it though.

    It's always something.

  8. Nova Convair wrote:

    Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

    There is another, only slightly more complicated, possibility:
    • The avatar needs to activate the required group
    • The avatar needs to wear an attachment which will respond to chat from the "Orb"

    When the Orb detects an avatar it can llRegionSayTo the avatar on a channel the required attachment listens to.

    If the Orb receives a response from the attachment it can then use llGetObjectDetails to obtain the group UUID of the attachment.

    Check the attachment UUID for a match with the required group UUID.

    Yes, kind of passport. But it's not that easy - you need to add an activation/deactivation mechanism or you will not be able to kick someone out. So you end up with a whitelist server.

    An Orb owned by the land owner has authority to kick someone out.   That orb can chat to any AV on the channel the required attachment listens to.  An AVs attachments can listen to chat directed to the AV they are attached to.  So... I don't see any whitelist server here.

    edit to add:  An attachment's group is set to the active group of the AV it is attached to. 

    AV group UUID == Attachment group UUID.

  9. Nova Convair wrote:

    The only option a script has is: Check if the detected avatar wears the same group tag as the scripted object itself.

    So what you have in mind is not possible.

    - The avatars need to wear the required group tag.

    - To check for multiple groups you need to have one object per group for the check.

    - Only other possibility is to run a whitelist, but that means to ignore SL's groups and run your own system.


    There is another, only slightly more complicated, possibility:

    • The avatar needs to activate the required group
    • The avatar needs to wear an attachment which will respond to chat from the "Orb"

    When the Orb detects an avatar it can llRegionSayTo the avatar on a channel the required attachment listens to.

    If the Orb receives a response from the attachment it can then use llGetObjectDetails to obtain the group UUID of the attachment.

    Check the attachment UUID for a match with the required group UUID.

  10. I understand what you want.  Trees are designed to be viewed from many directions.  Except for particle trees which look the same from any direction.  Making a tree look invisible from 'behind' and still a nice three dimensional tree from 'in front' may not be possible.

  11. Thanks Rolig.  Interesting stuff.   But that's not what I'm doing.

    Maybe I'm not having an "experience" error at all.  So I better explain more.

    I have an experience script that uses llTeleportAgent.  Which works fine except for the throttling.  So I'm trying to detect in the script that I've been throttled.

    Which  gives me this:  Too many llTeleportAgent requests. Throttled until average falls.

    The throttling pops up a Script Warning/Error/Debug box... so I can see it happened.  I don't know how, in the script, to capture the error and deal with it there.  I can listen on the debug channel but can't hear my own error messages.

    I suppose I can just check the position after the attempt and assume I've been throttled if I'm not where I was going.

  12. Rolig Loon wrote:

    ...(BTW, Why would someone go to the trouble of creating a display name if she didn't want to be called by it?  In the very unlikely case that I ever create one -- like Goingita Loon -- I'd either wear it proudly or change it again.)

    People do the strangest things.  Who knows why.  Before display names people would put other stuff over their heads using group titles and floating text.  Sometimes it was something they wanted to be called but not necessarily. When display names arrived some people used that as an additional/alternative way to put other stuff over their heads.

  13. LOL, I say LOL.

    Is it important to know the display name of someone when kissing the nose of someone who isn't in the same region (or was in the region recently but has now departed)?  Perhaps.

    So I remind that there is available llRequestDisplayName.

    Joining in the nitpicking I'll mention that some, even though they have display names, have no wish to be referred to by them.

    Finally I suggest this display name:  Areso Arnott

  14. DJxPurity wrote:

    I am looking for a simple code that changes a prim between 0% transparency and 99% transparency using a chat command like /5 0 for not transparent and /5 99 for 99% transparency. I have searched high and low on the lsl library and it keeps bringing me to complicated scripts that I don't need or SetAlpha scripts. I don't want to have to change the transparency in the texture menu, it needs to be script based for my idea to work. 

    The thing is, I'm not looking for SetAlpha codes, because I don't want my prim to go 100% transparent because it'll ruin the concept of my idea. And that's literally all I want the script to do is change between those two transparency percentages on chat command. 

    Can someone help me out on this? Thanks. 

    I think what you are looking for is a SetAlpha script.   The setting is a float number in the range 0.0 to 1.0.   Which is like setting the transparency from 100% transparent to 0% transparent.  

    Hint: set alpha to 0.5 is 50% transparent.

    Addditional hints: 

    alpha set to 1.0    is   0    percent transparent

    alpha set to 0.01  is  99   percent transparent

    edited to give additional hints

    (1 - alpha setting) * 100 = percentage transparent

  15. I'll admit that I'm easily confused.


    78.6% acceptance for women (overall)

    71.8% acceptance for women with gender neutral profiles

    62.5% acceptance for women with gender identifiable profiles

    So.... is there a very high acceptance rate for women with profiles... idk...( identified as men? ) that results in the overall rate of 78.6%

  16. beethros Karas wrote:

    Grace Itano wrote:

    Does anyone know if there is a problem with voice on mainland?

    Decided to buy some mainland early December and all the voice settings on the land are as they should be to enable voice, but myself and my partner when we log into our mainland home, the voice is greyed out. We teleport somewhere else and the voice is fine.

    Why should this only be an issue on mainland?

    thanks for any feedback on this.

    Hello Grace.

    Make sure that the box named: "Restrict voice to this parcel" isn't checked.

    If that is good and you still have issues then make a relog. -Sometimes the system glitches and some things don't work. A relog is the "aspirin" for this case as it is for many other cases. If ta relog doesn't help, then

    It could be a
    parcel glitch
    and they will fix it in a "jiffy" as they say in USA


    Voice really should work on a parcel whether or not "Restict voice to this parcel" is checked.   So no need to make sure it is or isn't checked.

    I'll add that it could be a region glitch requiring a region restart.

    Sometimes disabling voice on the parcel a few minutes and then enabling it again will clear up a problem.

  17. vuall wrote:

    Does anyone knowof any destinations that have a working movie theatre?

    This one seems to work:

    (MST3K Movie Theater) Squeebee's Mystery Science Theater, This Island Earth (235, 156, 24) - Moderate

    It uses QuickTime movies - so you need QuickTime installed.  It's been years since I tried to watch movies in sl.  I think it's still true that with QuickTime multiple AV will see the movie in sync while Flash movies play independently for each AV.

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