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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. Just had a thought. Since all LL homes are on Moderate land, and adult content is allowed on Moderate land, can child avis safely own a Linden Home? Or do they have to wear an adult form before they tp home?
  2. Better idea, have entire G continents and entire M continents, totally separated from each other. Of course a lot of people are gonna be upset about having to move, but its a small price to pay for keeping adults and children safe from each other
  3. Thats the point though, owners of adult venues wont ask the the kid to change, they will simply AR them with a guaranteed ban before kicking them
  4. My infamous 50 prim tower on a 16 sqm parcel is on moderate land, but it butts up against a general sim. Im often nude there. If i see a kid on the general sim can I report them for being close to nudity? 😁
  5. G land is full of sex stuff too, don’t kid yourself. people buy G land because its cheap then put all their adult stuff in a skybox. Perhaps LL should do a sweep of all G sims, then ban everyone that has adult stuff rezzed. Hey its for thr kids, gotta keep them safe πŸ˜‚
  6. lol lets keep adults safe by banning child nudity? thats funny as heck 😁
  7. it will actually be death if that happens, death of second life πŸ˜‚
  8. I always sail the Blake Sea nude with my friends. There are General sims on the Blake Sea, we always stear clear of them so that WE don’t getARed πŸ˜‚
  9. Gees while I was reading and posting here I got logged out of Second Life and didn't even notice... guess I might as well head to bed πŸ˜‚
  10. That's very true, rl kids don't join second life and have a kid avatar. The create an adult avatar. The new rules will keep adults pretending to be kids out of A rated sims, but won't keep real life kids out of A rated sims. LOL way to go LL
  11. I didn't join until 2010 😁 As i said, any new rules, while not affecting me, might be the start of a trend that will squeeze all the life out of Second Life. Ahh, but don't worry, be happy
  12. You know, considering I never see a kid, and never interact with kids none of these new rules will have any impact on my Second Life. My only concern is that with more and more rules regarding what is not acceptable, Second Life will eventually end up as a place no one wants to be.
  13. It is what it is, kids have to suck it up and follow the rule, or risk getting ARed and banned
  14. If a store is on G land, i just won't go, G has far too many restrictions for my tastes.
  15. ewww you visit G rated sims, that's an AR waiting to happen. Better clean up your profile first, that will get you ARed on G land
  16. The guy I was responding to said he had a brothel on moderate land which is not allowed, advertised or not. You can pick up a hooker anywhere, that's entirely different
  17. If they are a full time rp child, its not fair to expect them to change. I guess they could meet in a park somewhere.
  18. So what happens when LL sanitizes all of Second Life, ken and barbi's everyone but graciously says you know, if you don't like the new rules you can just stay in that ghetto called Zindra with your anatomically correct avatars. I wonder, when they ken and barbie everyone, will all the barbies be restricted to the high foot form?
  19. fine, if you have rezz rights on the street, you can have sex on the street. πŸ˜‘
  20. Most sex huds rezz poseballs for which you need rezz rights, so no, I don't have that one However I do have a masturbation hud that I can use anywhere, even in the street. In fact there was this one time...
  21. I'm talking about Zindra, not estates. Estates don't even enter my thinking Of course i suppose you could have sex in a Zindra rezz zone πŸ˜‚
  22. Yes but she picked him up on adult land first. You can't have a brothel on moderate land, advertised or not
  23. Actually no you can't, you can't rezz in the street, but you could have sex on your front lawn, visible from the street πŸ˜‚
  24. You can't have hookers on moderate land, no matter how high up you place them
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