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Seven Overdrive

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Posts posted by Seven Overdrive

  1. I liked V1 too, but forced myself to use Firestorm and it didn't take long for me to get the hang of it.  The in-world support chat helped a lot with that.  (listening LL?)

    I searched the Jira as you suggested and every one I found was closed and marked as a duplicate of one created in 2007 that was similar but not quite an AO.  Seeing that it has been 5 years now, I guess I shouldn't hold my breath.   

  2. Cincia Singh wrote:

    Exactly! The average new person in SL has already had to do something they likely don't do very often or at all ... install new software (the viewer). Now that they've overcome that hurdle and gotten inworld where they just want to know how to do basic SL things someone comes along and tells them they're using bad/poor/crappy software and should download and install MORE software. And they're given a link to a site other than the official SL site. It's small wonder a significant percentage of new residents just throw up their arms and walk away from SL. The best solution would be for everyone to learn at least the basics of using the default SL viewer so they could answer the questions from new residents before they start suggesting additional downloads.




    I think LL should do a better job at providing support to new users for their viewer.  They would get far better results with new user retention if they did.

    Bringing back the in-world Live Help chat group would go a long way to achieving that goal.  Instant and official handholding for those first critical hours in SL.

  3. Faye Feldragonne wrote:

    But they can disable that account. They still know who that avatar is and the IP. So, their thinking is someone who gives idenity won't misbehave. Nah, real idenity didn't stop anyone from taking their ***** out.




    That's true.  Giving real identity won't stop people from misbehaving, but limiting the tools to those that have the most to lose until LL has a better understanding how this new toolset will be utilized within SL, seems like a smart move to me.

     This of course is all speculation as we have no idea what the criteria for acceptance into the Professional Creators Program will be yet.  Speculating is always fun, but often ends up being wrong.   

  4. Faye Feldragonne wrote:

    I'm not needing these types of tools at this moment. But curious as to why we have to sign up for these things.
    Don't they know who we are when we make accounts?
    They have all my information already. Interesting.

    They only know who you are if you have provided them some kind of billing info.  Many accounts are completely anonymous.

     I'm not exactly sure how limiting the tools for creators will prevent an end user from turning a benign creation into a tool of grief though.  It will be interesting to see what LL has in mind. 


    Edit:  One could argue that there could be a difference between a creation used for purposes other than what it was intended to be used for and one that was specifically made to disrupt a person's SL experience.  I'm on the fence about this until I know more about it.  

  5. I thought the point of these tools were so content creators could create more robust gaming environments within SL.  I just don't see everyone needing access to these tools unless they are creating those types of environments.  

    Maybe someone can get a better explanation about the creators program from Rod on his wall or one of the third party forums he seems to post at.  He is always welcome to post here in the official forums too.  :smileytongue:

  6. Chelsea Malibu wrote:

    I saw a very interesting effect that I have yet to be able to do and wanted to know if anyone else had seen this.  It was transparent glass with a reflection that when I moved my camera over at different angles, the slight prismatic reflection also changed.

    When I right clicked the object to see if I could find out more, there was no script in it and the object was set to Media.  When you don't move your camera, it does not change, only when you pan over it.

    I'll probably have to go back and beg the builder to tell me their secret but it was a wild affect for glass.




    I went and looked at the glass and I am almost sure it is just a gradient texture and glow applied to the glass prim.  The effect you are seeing when you move your camera is just the applied glow with full bright reacting with the texture at the bottom of the box, which might be set to full bright too. 

     The "prismatic" effect you mentioned is just the glow and full bright making artifacts appear on the texture used for the glass.  So when the camera moves, it almost looks like something dynamic is happening with the reflection.  

    Just my guess.  :smileyhappy:

    ETA:  I didn't notice the effect with the glass walls, except for the artifacts on the texture from the glow.    I only observed it on the platforms with the glass surfaces. 

    Edited again after I tried to recreate the effect.  Sorry for all the editing. lol

  7. Faye Feldragonne wrote:

    I heard they will not release some of these tools (not shown) to the general population. Anyone else know about this?




    Rodvik said in his report on the blog that there would be a special creators program for the new tools.  

  8. jwenting wrote:

    Ann Otoole wrote:

    It has 4gb ram and a geforce 220. It should run SL in high mode ok but shadows and ultra would have fps issues. The SL client pretty much caps at 1.5gb mem use before crashing anyway.


    you really need a 560ti or better to have all the bells and whistles. I am already planning an upgrade to a 590.

    I own a Dell XPS17 that has (on paper at least) superior specs to this one, and it will only run sl in medium graphics or everything turns into untextured pink blobs (i5, 6GB RAM, NVidia 550).

    Might be the drivers of course, but afaik I've the latest production release for those.





    I have a XPS17 too but with a little higher specs.  Does yours also have integrated intel graphics?  The first time I tried to run SL with my laptop it had defaulted to the Intel graphics card and I had to go into the NVidia control panel and set the preferred graphics processor to NVidia.  

    If you are running Windows 7 you can also right click the viewer shortcut and select 'Run with graphics processor' and choose Nvidia.

  9. In 2005 a friend dragged me to SL from The Sims Online.  I never went back to the Sims after that.    I paid my $9.95 for a lifetime basic account and shortly after upgraded to premium so I could get my small parcel of first land.  I really liked that the world was built by the residents and that is what has kept me coming back.  

    Oh and it is not a game. :smileytongue:

  10. Canoro Philipp wrote:

    you have to give Rod this one, is true that im mad about the decision to not go forward about Last Names, but im not gonna condemn the person, im gonna condemn the event.

    if i were a CEO maybe i would have done the same after the results that a lot of people got very angry with me after posting the results of the first roundtable. if i would select people for bringing that frontier feeling back, i would choose Jo Yardley and Marianne McCann between others.

    LL will never bring back the frontier feeling of SL as long as they continue to only see us as nameless customers just forking over cash to use their service.  

    The Lab  put up a huge wall between themselves and the Residents when SL had its explosive growth, and as a result, they just don't understand us anymore.  That was when the frontier feeling was lost and no amount of dashes in names or gamer achievement titles will bring that back.


    Last names were one of the last ties the community had to the frontier days of SL.  The only thing really left from those days now are prims.  

  11. I hope some of the many great ideas on how to make everyone at least a little bit happy about the names will be conveyed to him by those he chooses to speak to one on one.  I am one of those old, jaded residents that LL wishes would disappear, so I won't be counting on hearing from him. :smileylol:

  12. Pac Lorefield wrote:

    Does anyone else find it extremely rude and annoying when someone builds a platform right next to yours in the sky?  There is 4000 m of space to choose from!!!




    Yes it is extremely rude when people do that.  If you are on mainland then that sort of behavior comes with the neighborhood.  The only thing you can really do is move and hope you have a week or two before someone else decides to do it again.  If you are renting on a private estate, then you need to have a talk with the estate manager.  

    One last thought on the matter...   Perhaps your new neighbor's draw distance is set so low they have no idea they parked their platform right next to yours in the sky.  

  13. It is understandable for people to be upset.  Rodvik says they are working on it and then back tracks completely.  Then it is revealed that the two name system is still functioning, meaning that there is no reason why we cannot have access to them.  I would have been embarrassed if I were in his position.  I wonder if he was.

    So now we know that there is no reason why they couldn't have made last names optional for those that didn't want one, and still preserve the 2 name system for those that would want them.  Display names would still be an option for those wanting complete freedom with their names.  

  14. Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

    Do you feel that SL is changing so much that you don't know where you are. 

    No.  SL is evolving as it always has.  Change is difficult, but necessary for everything.  


    Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

    Do you feel it is becoming elitist controlled and push out others that don't agree.

    No.  It may sometimes feel that way when there is a changing of the guard in any organization.  


    Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

    Does the way SL treat you make you feel under valued and worthless. 

    SL treats me fine.  Now LL on the other hand still seems to be in a frantic grab for new users while forgetting they have thousands of loyal customers keeping them in business.  


    Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

    Did you invest to much and now feel you were wasting your time.

    I have invested a lot over the years, but recently reduced the amount I spend because I can no longer justify spending the amount required to truely enjoy SL the way I want to.  For me that requires more than a small parcel of land and crowded lagged out public sandboxes.  Dancing my virtual life away in clubs just doesn't keep me interested for long either.  If sim prices came down to something more reasonable for me, then I would gladly resume putting my money back into SL and spending more time in-world.

    Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

    Or are you addicted and still in love with SL.

    Addicted?  Maybe.  I was never in love with SL, but still see its potential to be so much more than what it has become.  I have always been a dreamer though.  


  15. Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

    In fairness, had posted this on a new world notes blog post about it back in November:

    The reasoning for getting rid of them in the first place was because a quite considerable amount of signups were being lost at the point of a new user choosing a last name.

    I forget the actual percentage, but it was enough to make that call.

    Also don't remember which Linden I heard those stats from, thinking either M or Amanda Linden who are no longer with the company. Thinking that the people who did this original research are no longer with LL.

    Hopefully they'll be looking at that previous data closely before bouncing back to re-fix what they saw needed fixing in the first place

    Still don't want to quote an exact percentage, but like I say it was an incredibly high number of signups lost. That's something not so easy to get past, no matter how much community spirit it generates.

    Majority of new users don't care and don't like it, by the numbers. There's only so much a more attractive wrapper around it can solve.




    I honestly do not understand (and really really want to) how they obtained this data that said people were abandoning signing up because of last names.  As I asked elsewhere, how was this data not skewed by current residents looking for a specific last name for an alt?  If LL did one of their secret surveys to obtain the data, then how did they track people down to send them the survey asking why they abandoned the sign-up process.  I mean... they didn't complete registration, right?

    Regardless of how they interpreted the data, things still have trended lower to the point they have now quit giving any quarterly reports (wondered how long it would take them to stop those anyway).  So apparently the focus on last names isn't giving the short term returns they were hoping for.  If SL was compelling enough for the lost sign-ups, they would have picked a name to join.  I mean if Johnny7827364 could do it, then why couldn't they?

    LL could have made last names optional (.resident if you declined to pick one) while preserving the old system and still add display names.  

  16. Chronometria wrote:

    Considering that there are still sites giving out last names i am pretty sickened by all of this (someone on tateru's blog confirmed this with a recently made surname AV). The system is there, it is working and can be simply turned back on.


    How can this in any way be good PR? All this hype, even grand sounding "watch this space" posts (several) and now "no, we wont do it".


    Two lindens are sacked, quarterly and annual reports are stopped, third party viewer issues are still simmering and now this. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny.

    That's hilarious.  I wonder if Rodvik was aware that the old naming system was still operational.  If he didn't know, then I guess someone at the Lab hated the old system enough to keep that little tidbit of information from him.  

  17. Your post pretty much sums it up.  Any data LL had concerning the abandoned sign-up attempts had to have included all of the name shoppers trying to create alts with a specific last name.  They have always downplayed, or flat out ignored,  the impact their users have on the data with the creation of alternate accounts.  There was no reason to get rid of the last names in the first place other than someone at the Lab decided that was what they wanted.  

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