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Argus Collingwood

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Posts posted by Argus Collingwood

  1. Arwen Serpente wrote:

    Argus, the point is they are receiving the items, but the Merchants aren't getting paid.

    Actually no they never got the item, never paid, never contacted us about this type of fail.  No MB email, no Xaction, nothing.. In all my Cart order history I have only had 3 total Queued orders. but I am going to eat chocolate anyway;)

  2. Darrius Gothly wrote:

    Arwen Serpente wrote:

    Bump. Keep this thread on top.


    Update on

    Please take a look at what's happening on this JIRA - Please set it to "Watch" because the issue is growing and since it deals with the Financial transaction integrity of the MP, it is a serious issue to all of us.

    Edited to add: This is no longer just a Direct Delivery issue. The reports are also from Magic Box users.

    ~ Support is directing people to go to the JIRA to request payment for stuck orders (I've had some paid, others are sitting there unpaid).

    ~ There are now orders stuck "Queued" where Support tells the Merchant to contact the Buyer to file a Support Ticket (even though the Merchant has already filed a Support Ticket).

    ~ The "Delivery Partially Failed" Message is now (in some cases) being tied to delivery of product + refund for the Buyer (so, essentially the Buyer is getting the item for free).  Support is directing the Merchant to contact the Buyer to request direct payment.

    I have one stuck in Queued, I filed a Support Ticket as instructed .. and got back this response:

    "I'm sorry that your customer did not receive their item from your establishment. I will be happy to assist you with this issue. Please have the customer submit a support ticket. Once they submit a support ticket, we can honor the request for you."

    To which I replied:

    "Your reply makes the assumption that this issue affects only the customer .. and that is not true. A "Queued" order is not delivered to the customer, but it also does not pay the Merchant, thus either one of us (Merchant or Customer) should be able to file a support ticket. In this particular case, because I speak with Brooke Linden routinely and am very familiar with the current problems on the SL Marketplace, I filed the ticket to help them identify orders that are failing with this symptom.

    Please forward the ticket to Brooke Linden and also Dakota Linden so that they may examine the order to help them fix the error, and then Dakota can push it through to completion.

    However, in the future, any time either the Merchant or the Customer files a support ticket for an order that is stuck at Queued, remember that the issue affects both and thus should be dealt with in the same fashion no matter who submits the ticket."

    I then forwarded the email to Brooke and got this response from her:

    "Thanks, Darrius. I've let the appropriate people know so we can improve this experience."

    Left hand, right hand ... not talking to each other? LOL

    When I get those orders I just throw it in a basket and deliver it to them as a gift. Saves trouble;)

  3. Couldbe Yue wrote:

    If one of my (non ll) technical sources is to be believed, and he's only going on what he can see from the front end and the timing of the break, it's unfixable and only creating a new listing will fix it along with a bulk delete of the affected item range to get rid of those corrupted listings - and even then that may not work without some manual intervention to clean up after.

    Looks like the problem area has been located however I wonder if doing the DD update introduces new errors in the data range that is affected? Has anyone noticed that their store was fine, updated and then had broken items in it?

  4. Czari Zenovka wrote:

    Couldbe Yue wrote:

    Czari Zenovka wrote:


    Anyway, I haven't received any official notifications like that from LL for a LONG time.  What do I need to do to sign up?

    go a little crazy and step into the parallel universe with me.  Let's face it, you'll never see an email like this from them but it is nice to dream, isn't it?

    Ever since this mess began I feel like I'm living in a parallel universe.  I've heard of that (parallel universes) but thought it was more "Area 51" stuff.  I'm beginning to believe.

    I've fallen in the rabbit hole...maybe I'll see you on the way down...*grins*


    We are in a Uni-code version of Area 14, I fear ;)

  5. Branda Ghost wrote:

    i got everything in the direct delivery and what a pain that is for me since i dont use v3 viewer omg that thing is so unuserfriendly now but since was all done and uploaded fixed relisted and all great hassle ts working ok

    You do have some missing images but good job moving it.

  6. Deja Letov wrote:

    No I just found out about it so I haven't had a chance. But Toy suggested above for me to send them a message but I can't do anything until I get home from work tonight.

    You can actually im/message them though their my.secondlife.com web profile. i/e. you can message me by going here https://my.secondlife.com/argus.collingwood  login and then pick im or message. Just backspace through my link and put their name in the url with a period between first and last name.

  7. Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

    Argus Collingwood wrote:

    Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

    Sera Lok wrote:

    i missed the thread. darnit. no popcorn for me.

    It's fuzzy, something about numerology and a women of forum merchants calendar project. I think you qualified.






    Never worry about theory as long as the machinery does what it's supposed to do.



    For the sheer pleasure of being quoted back Heinlein and in honor of women forum merchants everywhere (and survival guide wisdom) I'm changing my signature.



    Very fitting:D

  8. Andrea Sage wrote:

    Ok... so I noticed I hadnt had ANY marketplace sales the last couple of days... and I go and check on my MP store listings since I know LL has been having probs with the direct delivery.  Now I see why I am getting almost no sales... almost all of my products have pictures of OTHER vendors items, and MY product pictures are on OTHER vendors items.

    I have only migrated ONE item to DD as a test.  Oddly... its one of the few items that isnt messed up. 

    I anyone seeing this in their marketplace stores?  Its affecting about 75% of my items... definately NOT going to upload the rest of my store until this gets fixed.

    Thanks again LL for breaking something that worked perfectly... again.

    Yikes, so the items had looked fine until today? This means we are having a domino effect perhaps o.O  And the products are in the 14xxxxxx series. This can not be good. If things were this crazy before, why haven't more folks noticed?  Andrea, add your name and the product numbers to this JIRA please? https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4587?

  9. christine Dufour wrote:

    On second thought, I don't have time to contact 16 different vendors. I will contact SL for a refund.

    Thank you for your help.

    You actually just left terrible reviews and never contacted us.

  10. Pamela Galli wrote:

    Ooh smart -- #1473084 is my lowest in the 14xxxx set.


    So far the lowest number I have found in the series is 1402645, anyone got anything lower that is messed up?


    ETA found one lower but it is TMI o.O  and sort of funny ;) 1402618 NSFW

  11. Arwen Serpente wrote:

    laughs, thank you Argus, I may be able to make dresses, but my hovering skills leave something to be desired. No, there shouldn't be anything inbetween there.

    how did you do that?

    I wemt to your SLM store, sorted 96 items per page first then sorted by oldest date and they were on page 2;-)

  12. Arwen Serpente wrote:

    Let me do some homework to get a list (or at least partial) of my 14x range.

    Is there an easier way to do it than the "hover" method. Laughs, it's gonna take me forever to hover and copy!

    Edited to add:

    I did a quick look at the products I have in that range (2 groupings). They start at 1463585 and up (apparantly unaffected).

    Ok your listings jump from 1364484 [Angelfood] to 1463572 [braveheart] so on your sorted inventory listings [by date] if anything falls between those two, it might have an issue.

  13. Josh Susanto wrote:

    If anyone really wants something more definitive done about this issue, please tell me:

    To what calendar period does 14xxxxx correspond?

    Let me do some research but I am thinking between 8/31/2010 and 10/31/2010 If anyone having a borked listing could check the date in their inventory management area and report back, that would be great.

  14. Czari Zenovka wrote:

    Maybe it's a case of - Not all 140000 items are borked, but all the borked items are in the 140000 range.  It would be interesting to hear if anyone has a borked item *not* in this range.

    Also, one of my borked listings was linked to a MP store with a LOT of items.  While looking through that store I noticed tons of those listings were borked.  I sent an IM and notecard to the merchant to let her know in case she had not heard.  Her profile says she is not in SL much anymore and I have not heard anything back from her.  (I sent this last week.)  I am thinking there are many merchants who have borked listings, are losing sales, and have no idea whatsoever.

    My thoughts too most [if not all] issues of items appearing in others lists are of the 14xxxxxx range.

  15. Sera Lok wrote:

    Argus Collingwood wrote:


    I am still thinking the database may have errors in the 14xxxxx series of numbers.


    ETA : you put a number of the borked listing into SLM search like 1418428 then view it as a wrong listing then change that number to 1418429, 430,431 etc etc you can see all those series are borked. /me Points to error;)

    Would you please comment on the JIRA with that info? It certainly matches up with my items...

    Yep added my comment as posted above. ;)

  16. Pearl Vollmar wrote:

    I wrote that info on the jira. It would be interesting to know if the others affected also listed their products during that time.

    I am still thinking the database may have errors in the 14xxxxx series of numbers.


    ETA : you put a number of the borked listing into SLM search like 1418428 then view it as a wrong listing then change that number to 1418429, 430,431 etc etc you can see all those series are borked. /me Points to error;)


    OMG Bootgasm is a cluster in the 14xxxxx series. o.O

  17. Paula001 Goldschein wrote:

    Josh Susanto wrote:

    If Marketplace simply ceased to exist, those sales would be almost fully replaced by in-world sales.  Not quite, but near enough.  The difference surely wouldn't pay well for the time spent creating Marketplace listings.

    Not so.

    Much, if not most of the items on the SLM would be cost-prohibitive to sell in-world, and the demand for low-end and component level items would plummet.

    With the SLM, you can quickly find thousands of similar items, but if you had to track them down in-world to compare them, it would take so long that a lot of stuff, people just wouldn't even bother to look at, much less buy. 


    Mising image? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Couple-Raft-91-animations-Special-Price/1406470


    Might want to check your store and file a ticket.paulamissing.jpg


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