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Argus Collingwood

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Posts posted by Argus Collingwood


    Krishna Avora wrote:

    Thanks, Void. That was in the ballpark I was going for.

    What's used is a third party hosting service. It's paid for each month by the other individual. The site itself is by no means part or for an organization or company. It's a personally run website that I designed and have managed and operated. I'm both the systems administrator as well as the website designer. Yet the other individual feels its their website when they legally own the domain and pay for the server space each month. I disagree. I feel the website itself is mine, as I made it.

    It's a community website and I made it both for myself and the community, so it was to the benefit of the respective community.

    This is basically where I'm standing right now. Someone yelling at me it's THEIRS and wanting to do with it as they please, and me disagreeing because I've spent years of hard work managing, designing, tweaking, and working on it. I'm the grunt worker in the steam room, but it's to the benefit of the community participants and I've designed it to be a pleasant userfriendly interface for them. I guess I'm viewing it sort of like, my science project is in my friends house, therefore my friend considers it their science project. It makes no sense.

    I just want to figure out if I even have a dog to bark in saying "I made it, it's legally mine." They can keep their domain name and server for all I care. :smileyvery-happy:

    I feel your pain. It is your baby and since so much hard-work and creativity went into it, you feel a real ownership. As a person who has been a full-service host/design/maintain web person, I understand all the sides here. Was the other person involved right from the start? Did you find yourself saying I can do this part and the other person saying I can fund it? Do you have an email trail or any written agreements? Just because the other person only funded the project you must realize that without the money angle covered monthly, you would not have been able to do the site at all.  You should really consult some sort of legal person. Things like this are similar to marriages going bad. Best thing is, you can always do it again and fund it yourself:smileywink:



    NorthStar Magic wrote:

    Hello , A friend of mine got banned,..how do i petition to get his character reinstated,.I'm sure he didn't intentionally do what ever it was to get himself banned,...he has tried several times to get a reason for his situation and has never received any response or explanation,..Please help


    Your friend really needs to sort this out themselves with LL either by calling them [eeps support pages totally different] for Billing Issues 

    Contacting Linden Lab Billing

    If you have a non-technical issue with your account related to billing concerns, you can call the Linden Lab Billing team at the following toll-free numbers:

    • US/Canada: 800-294-1067
    • France: 0805-101-490
    • Germany: 0800-664-5510
    • Japan: 0066-33-132-830
    • Portugal: 800-814-450
    • Spain: 800-300-560
    • UK: 0800-048-4646

    Long distance (not free): 703-286-6277

    I can't find the Ticket Link or Live Chat. :smileysurprised:




    Deltango Vale wrote:

    There are some obvious mismatches between posters and their 'rank', which makes me question the entire ranking structure. Best to get rid of it. Just show our SL birthdate, post count etc..

    Good idea, especially since the SPAMMER is an Honored Resident :smileysurprised: good Grief Charlie Brown.:smileywink:



    Suspiria Finucane wrote:

    Last night some of us were watching Lillie Woodells perform at Pannies. Lillie commented how most people were in the back of a huge venue making it look even bigger. Some of us moved to the front of the stage as if we were groupies. Lillie decided to do an impromptu song and asked us to get on stage and dance after we were wise-cracking in the audience.

    Here's the result. I had to act fast cuz we didn't know what was going on until she started the song. I fired up the recorder and got some of it.

    To me, this is what friends do for each other. If you have an interesting story of you and your friends doing crazy things for a friend, please share it.

    PS I had to shoot this in the spur of the moment so I didn't get to use the right settings (music is really loud so turn down the volume) :smileyvery-happy:


    Woohoo.. drat I missed that one. I have no idea where I was either. :smileysurprised: I will come next time. Good Times ! Fun video too <33



    Finora Kuncoro wrote:

    Argus, that is wonderfully festive.  The slippers brought a happy smile on my face. 

    I'd be somewhat scared of a hot bulb in the wrong spot or the ever present danger of electrocuting myself but hey, one must take risks in the name of fashion

    I love this mashup at Christmas .. the bulbs are all LED so they don't get so hot:smileywink:



    Jaen Albatros wrote:

    Jaen Albatros stands at the prow of the great ship, hair (feathers) blowing back in the wind, one arm (wing) draped casually around WingedTraveller's shoulders (wings).

    Looking around at the happy forumites, some playing deck games, some chattering excitedly in groups, some talking seriously in a quiet corner, old friends and new, differences put aside/forgotten, banding together in this time of change, she smiles contentedly.

    Aahh, peace reigns at last!




    Or at least until the iceberg makes an appearance :smileywink:




    Darrius Gothly wrote:

    So please, when replying to a message/post, make sure to use the Quote button then edit the quoted text to JUST the part you are replying to. At the very least it will get your reply a much better reception and may spare you some time spent defending yourself.

    Good idea Darrius :smileywink:



    Giselle Melune wrote:

    Yep.. I've asked people but I think it would be a helpful feature to somehow add(if they could) so we're not always bothering everyone. Especially the people that make a big deal about the whole copying their "look" stuff, because that has certainly made people refuse to tell me when I ask.


    Does anyone know of a in-world group where you can ask where products are from by providing a photo?

    You could always post the photo here, we love to guess about this sort of thing:smileywink:



    kattatonia Wickentower wrote:

    I miss seeing it on the dashboard too.  I never would have joined in the forums if it were not for their presence on the dashboard.  And I know I am not the only one.  Consider that for every person who posts there are umpteen people who just lurk....  I know some of my sl friends that do not post in the forums commented to me about seeing my name on the dashboard.  And now that venue of communication is gone.:smileysad:

    On the Up side... I have not seen one S P A M thread yet [crosses appendages]:smileywink:


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