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Daffy Proto

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Everything posted by Daffy Proto

  1. first of all i want to thank everyone about this attempt was made to solve the problem. there is one of my clients which uses a same digistream with the same actual problem and still after working on the DG-X Boards i had no luck and the problem was remain but and all of a sudden (oops lol) seems digistreams are working in general. i made many tests with different digistreams and the issue return to normal....thank you everyone streamers i was testing and successfully work now: http://ohana.digistream.info:10288 , http://poppysplace.digistream.info:11436 , http://muddys.digistream.info:20398 thanks in advance and congratulations for the good work - daffy proto
  2. ok guys seems LL do rolling restarts and pass the new code on the second life main servers hopefully there will be more updates to the rest regions and finally the new code will work for all channels the DG-X Shoucast/Icecast boards by Daffy's Gadgetmania update the new code and is compatible now! if anyone got error from DG-X board and need immediately update there is update script on this location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Magic Bay/70/13/37 best regards Daffy Proto and thank you everyone for any of your precious help!
  3. ok seems the issue on with the statistics relay at the RC Magnum regions remain the same problem and get error..... but i was on sl beta at a region: DRTSIM-323 and did some few tests with this new HTTP_USER_AGENT code and seems is working fine : Status:200, ResponseBody:<HTML><meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"></head><body>7,1,23,1000,7,128,Alien Vampires - Humans=Cunts</body></html> but i still got error on some few streamers like: http://sl_live_radio.net-radio.org:8167 - SL Live Radio : "URL passed to llHTTPRequest is not valid" is this good news? do we have to wait for further information about updates on sl servers? because that HTTP_USER_AGENT is still not valid on sl? thanks in advance
  4. there can be many reasons for this issue....i figure out sometimes possible the material names,object names, source name etc. must be all named in english... im from greece so when i have a source file in greek characters gives me this Dae Parsing issue....if i rename everything in english then...problem solved!
  5. hi i have a vote system script (contest board) and i need some help how to split in 3 different rates for 20% 30% 50% money percentage in 3 winners (1st,2nd,3rd place)...i allready have a script but works for only one winner (CalculateWinner(integer prize).... any ideas how to change that? //contestants hnaddling scripts // link messages ----------------- integer DISPLAY_STRING = 204000; integer VOTING_TYPE = 301; integer STATE_CONTEST = 400; integer STATE_WAITING = 401; integer STATE_CLOSED = 402; integer STATE_WAITING_PERMS = 403; integer ADD_CONTESTANT = 501; integer SET_COMMAND_CHANNEL = 160; integer NEW_VOTE_MESSAGE = 200; integer ADD_VOTE_MESSAGE = 210; integer REMOVE_CONTESTANT = 502; integer VOTE_FOR_CONTESTANT = 503; integer MANAGE_CONTESTANT = 505; integer CONTESTANT_ADDED = 511; integer CONTESTANT_REMOVED = 512; integer CONTESTANT_WAS_VOTED = 513; integer RENDER_BOARD = 601; integer ANNOUNCE_WINNER = 602; integer WINNER_ANNOUNCED = 603; integer SHOW_STATS = 604; integer PERMS_GRANTED = 620; integer NEW_STATS = 630; integer SEND_STAT = 631; integer SHOW_STAT = 632; // ------------------------------- integer COMMAND_CHANNEL = 0; list CONTESTANT_KEY = []; list CONTESTANT_NAME = []; list CONTESTANT_VOTE = []; integer MAX_CONTESTANTS = 0; integer NEW_PAGE_NEEDED=FALSE; key TO_BE_REMOVED = NULL_KEY; string TO_BE_REMOVED_NAME = ""; integer COMMAND_HANDLE=0; ShowContestStats() { integer i; llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,NEW_STATS,"\nCONTEST STATISTICS======================================\nContestants:"+(string)(CONTESTANT_KEY!=[])+"\n",NULL_KEY); for(i=0;i<(CONTESTANT_KEY!=[]);i++) { llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,SEND_STAT,llList2String(CONTESTANT_NAME,i) + " has " + llList2String(CONTESTANT_VOTE,i) + " votes\n",NULL_KEY); } llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,SHOW_STAT,"",NULL_KEY); } CalculateWinner(integer prize) { integer i; integer votes; integer max=-1; list UUID=[]; for(i=0;i<(CONTESTANT_VOTE!=[]);i++) { votes=llList2Integer(CONTESTANT_VOTE,i); if(votes>0 && votes > max) { // new high score max = votes; // wipe the UUID list UUID=[]; UUID+=llList2Key(CONTESTANT_KEY,i); } else if(votes==max) { // a tied lead // add this person to the winner list UUID+=llList2Key(CONTESTANT_KEY,i); } } if((UUID!=[])==0) { llSay(0,"There were no votes placed, a winner cannot be announced!"); return; } llSay(0,"Congratulations!!!"); if((UUID!=[])>1) { integer split = prize / (UUID!=[]); llSay(0,"There are " + (string)(UUID!=[]) + " winners, that win " + (string)split + "L$ each!"); integer j; for(j=0;j<(UUID!=[]);j++) { llShout(0,llKey2Name(llList2Key(UUID,j)) + " is a winner!"); llGiveMoney(llList2Key(UUID,j),split); } }else{ llShout(0,llKey2Name(llList2Key(UUID,0)) + " is the winner!"); llGiveMoney(llList2Key(UUID,0),prize); } llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,WINNER_ANNOUNCED,"",NULL_KEY); } integer AddContestant(string contestantName, key contestantID) { // is contestant already enetered? if(llListFindList(CONTESTANT_KEY,[contestantID])!=-1) { llSay(0,contestantName + ", you are already entered into this contest!"); return FALSE; } // max reached already? if(MAX_CONTESTANTS>0 && (CONTESTANT_KEY!=[])==MAX_CONTESTANTS) { llSay(0,"Sorry " + contestantName + ", the maximum allowed number of contestants has been reached. You cannot enter."); return FALSE; } // New page needed? if((CONTESTANT_KEY!=[])>0 && (CONTESTANT_KEY!=[]) % 5 ==0) { NEW_PAGE_NEEDED=TRUE; }else{ NEW_PAGE_NEEDED=FALSE; } CONTESTANT_KEY += contestantID; CONTESTANT_NAME += llGetSubString(contestantName,0,19); CONTESTANT_VOTE += 0; return TRUE; } integer RemoveContestant() { // string name; integer index; index=llListFindList(CONTESTANT_KEY,[TO_BE_REMOVED]); // name=llList2String(CONTESTANT_NAME,index); if(index!=-1) { // remove contestant from the lists CONTESTANT_KEY = llDeleteSubList(CONTESTANT_KEY,index,index); CONTESTANT_NAME = llDeleteSubList(CONTESTANT_NAME,index,index); CONTESTANT_VOTE = llDeleteSubList(CONTESTANT_VOTE,index,index); llSay(0,"Contestant " + TO_BE_REMOVED_NAME + " has been removed from the contest."); TO_BE_REMOVED=NULL_KEY; return TRUE; } else { TO_BE_REMOVED=NULL_KEY; llSay(0,"Contestant " + TO_BE_REMOVED_NAME + " was not found, check the name spelling again."); return FALSE; } } integer VoteForContestant(key voterID, key contestantID) { // find the position in the contestant key list // and increase the value in the vote list at that position. integer index = llListFindList(CONTESTANT_KEY,[contestantID]); if(index!=-1) { integer value = llList2Integer(CONTESTANT_VOTE,index); value++; // replace the updated value into the list CONTESTANT_VOTE = llListReplaceList(CONTESTANT_VOTE,[value],index,index); llInstantMessage(voterID,"Thankyou, your vote for " + llKey2Name(contestantID) + " was registered."); } return TRUE; } default { state_entry() { } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { if(num==SET_COMMAND_CHANNEL) COMMAND_CHANNEL=(integer)str; if(num==STATE_CONTEST) state contest; if(num==STATE_WAITING) { // str has been set as an integer value where the value is the maximum number of entrants allowed. MAX_CONTESTANTS = (integer) str; state waiting; } if(num==STATE_CLOSED) state closed; if(num==STATE_WAITING_PERMS) { state waiting_perms; } } on_rez(integer param) { llResetScript(); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { llResetScript(); } } } state waiting_perms { state_entry() { if (llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_DEBIT) llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,PERMS_GRANTED,"",NULL_KEY); else { llOwnerSay("Requesting owner debit permissions..."); llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT); } } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if (perm & PERMISSION_DEBIT) { // We got permission to pay, start up llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,PERMS_GRANTED,"",NULL_KEY); }else{ llOwnerSay("*** You must grant debit permissions for this device to work ***"); llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT); } } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { if(num==STATE_WAITING) { // str has been set as an integer value where the value is the maximum number of entrants allowed. MAX_CONTESTANTS = (integer) str; state waiting; } } on_rez(integer param) { llResetScript(); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { llResetScript(); } } } state waiting { state_entry() { TO_BE_REMOVED=NULL_KEY; CONTESTANT_KEY = []; CONTESTANT_NAME = []; CONTESTANT_VOTE = []; llSay(0,"Contestant functions ready."); } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { if(num==STATE_CONTEST) state contest; if(num==STATE_CLOSED) state closed; if(num==SET_COMMAND_CHANNEL) COMMAND_CHANNEL=(integer)str; } on_rez(integer param) { llResetScript(); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { llResetScript(); } } } state contest { state_entry() { } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { if(num==STATE_WAITING) state waiting; if(num==STATE_CLOSED) state closed; if(num==ADD_CONTESTANT) { if(AddContestant(str,id)) llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,CONTESTANT_ADDED,(string)NEW_PAGE_NEEDED,id); } // sent from the main script when the host clicks on a contestant name if(num==MANAGE_CONTESTANT) { // str=HOST ID, id=CONTESTANT ID // popup a dialog for the host with options: // Remove contestant // Vote for contestant // get the name from the ID of the contestant: integer index = llListFindList(CONTESTANT_KEY,[id]); TO_BE_REMOVED_NAME = llList2String(CONTESTANT_NAME,index); TO_BE_REMOVED=id; COMMAND_HANDLE = llListen(COMMAND_CHANNEL,"",llGetObjectDesc(),""); llDialog((key)str,"Manage Contestant " + TO_BE_REMOVED_NAME,["REMOVE","VOTE FOR"],COMMAND_CHANNEL); } // sent from the Voters script... if(num==VOTE_FOR_CONTESTANT) { if(VoteForContestant(str,id)) llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,CONTESTANT_WAS_VOTED,str,id); } // str contains the page number to render if(num==RENDER_BOARD) { integer CURPAGE = (integer)str; integer i; for(i=0;i<5 ;i++) { if(i<(CONTESTANT_KEY!=[])) { // set the text for this row llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,DISPLAY_STRING,llList2String(CONTESTANT_NAME,i+(CURPAGE*5)),(string)(i+2)); // set the UUID of the contestant for this row llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,201+i,"",llList2Key(CONTESTANT_KEY,i+(CURPAGE*5))); } else { llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,DISPLAY_STRING,"",(string)(i+2)); // set the UUID of the contestant for this row llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,201+i,"",NULL_KEY); } } } if(num==ANNOUNCE_WINNER) { // str = integer value of prize if((CONTESTANT_KEY!=[])>0) { CalculateWinner((integer)str); } else { llSay(0,"There are no contestants, a winner cannot be announced."); } } if(num==SHOW_STATS) { ShowContestStats(); } } // COMMANDS FROM DIALOG CONTROL PANEL listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { llListenRemove(COMMAND_HANDLE); if(message=="REMOVE") { if(RemoveContestant()) { // back to main script llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,CONTESTANT_REMOVED,(string)(CONTESTANT_KEY!=[]),NULL_KEY); } } else if(message=="VOTE FOR") { // dispatch off to voting script llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,ADD_VOTE_MESSAGE,llGetObjectDesc(),TO_BE_REMOVED); } } on_rez(integer param) { llResetScript(); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { llResetScript(); } } } state closed { state_entry() { } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { if(num==STATE_CONTEST) state contest; if(num==STATE_WAITING) state waiting; } on_rez(integer param) { llResetScript(); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { llResetScript(); } } }
  6. i had the same problem 2 days ago about to change my mail and i notice my password was more than 16 characters which is this was the problem....your account can accept a password more than 16 characters but if you try to change mail it can't allow you...so i suggest check your password if is less than 16 characters with NO special symbols (ASCII)...you can also change and set new password with 16 characters.
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