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Cerise Sorbet

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Posts posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. If you have a regular greeter that uses llInstantMessage or llRegionSayTo, you can just stick your URL in the welcome text. That will be a single click for people who choose it to be that way, and line of two of chat is way less annoying than a dialog.

    • Like 1
  2. The closest things are the vehicle packs on Amazon, some include L$. The stuff is sent to an SL avatar using a form of direct delivery, it is not a physical item like a gift card. It's also a really bad L$ buy compatred to Lindex.

  3. It's a little more complicated than that. Higher graphics settings make a difference too. There is an LoD setting in the advanced part of the graphics settings, and that in turn ties to the RenderVolumeLoD debug setting.

    A good plan is to crank down your graphics to fairly low (most SL users aren't running on gaming hardware) and make sure you stuff can look reasonable with RenderVolumeLoD at 1 or so. If you rely on people only seeing the highest LoD, there is going to be disappointment, those lower detail models do matter.

  4. Sure, you could wear a rigged mesh body around your regular avatar, set it glowy and translucent and it should mostly work. There are some little quirks. Transparency on the hairbase or skin (eyelashes usually have some) can leave weird artifacts showing on a rigged mesh with transparency, so use solid textures for skin, system hair, etc. Alpha wearables don't seem to have this problem. Try to keep the mesh in  a simple form too, because transparency and glow on a rigged object can interfere with each other, if the faces overlap.

  5. Are these network connections in Windows performance monitor? That looks pretty normal, really.

    If you are on a region that has neighbotrs on the map, your viewer will connect to the nearby ones. That's how we can see and interact with objects in them, walk into them, and so on.

    If you are standing in an island sim with no neighbors, there won't be so many connections.

    If you have been flying or teleporting around, you can end up connected to many more regions, it takes several seconds for the old connections to time out and close.

    You will also see connections, quite likely many, many of them, when the viewer fetches textures, sounds, meshes and other objects, and there will be some for music streams etc.

    A set of processes called SLPlugin can appear too for web pages, videos etc.

  6. What did you use for the lower detail levels at upload? That distance is roughly when you would switch to a lower one. You can preview those in this panel at upload time. For something like lettering, you probably aren't going to get satisfactory results if you let the viewer generate them automatically.


  7. Catherine Cotton wrote:

    Cerise Sorbet wrote:

    LL doesn't have the BVH files. The viewer converts them to a format that only SL uses, and it's a lossy conversion. That, the limited skeleton support, and the reliance on built-in viewer motions, make these assets really unappealing for reuse in other environments.

    That is correct but if they are claiming all assets now fall under the new tos,  doesn't that infact make the animation LL property within SL;  to include the original bvh file.  After all they are claiming that with mesh, textures, sounds, art, and so on.  In theroy LL themselves could file a DCMA against creators after they upload these assets if they find the assets on other sites.  Since they evoked "agent" status for all creators.

    I am not assuming anything here, I am openly asking, because the tos left me with more questions than answers.

    The BVH version of the animation never becomes an asset in SL. It is never uploaded in the first place, all the grid ever sees is a simplified derived version. On the rest, I'm just going to say that a contract interpreted in a vacuum is a misinterpreted contract, and leave it at that.


  8. RamblinRick Burns wrote:

    Come on this is rediculous just answer the fricking ??

    You didn't ask a question. You know this thread is from 2011, right? What surviving viewer still has this, and doesn't have a preference to switch it off?

    Many people today use Firestorm, are you using that? For some reason that must have made sense to somebody, they resurrected this beast. On that viewer, you can use the FSShowServerVersionChangeNotice debug setting to switch it off. There is probably a checkbox for it buried in the FS preferences somewhere too.

  9. You should see those in the gesture editor's "Animation to play" menu already, called Smile and BigSmile. All the facial expressions are built into the viewer, user-made animations can include those but not create new ones.

    If you want to use them in a script, see the internal animations wiki page. All the ones noted as "facial expression" in the right-hand column are available.

  10. We have that one:

    celery NOT peas NOT carrots

    The 'NOT' has to be all caps.

    There is one limiitation, there has to be something before the first NOT. To search in your own shop, you can use your avatar or shop name as the first term, since all of your products should match that.

  11. This is silly old bug with attachments, small changes get ignored until you do something like select the attachment. (It can happen with big link sets that aren't attached too, same workaround applies.)

    You can force an update by adding a PRIM_TEXT change to that llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast call. It's OK for the text to be blank or spaces, but you should vary the color or alpha setting each time to make sure that the dummy text update isn't optimized out by servers or viewers.

    • Like 2
  12. Performance will be different for every hardware/viewer combination, so as usual, take anything that claims to be a performance comparison with a lump of salt.

    I noticed that on my system, Singularity is set to pick lower default graphics settings than other viewers, so initially the FPS does appear to be higher. The apparent advantage disappears, and it runs pretty much identically to other viewers, once I make the settings match.

  13. To make this work right on the LL avatar, you really need both an appropriate skin and shape. I really like the Dolly&Doll sets for the d'awww factor.

    (I used to hesitate on recommending these because they are modular with several tattoo layer adjustments, but I've found them easy to deal with since Sunshine finally rolled out.)

  14. Leslie Trihey wrote:

    There is ways to track avatars across the grid unfortunatly, my friend used to track me down all the time and he didn't have my map rights, might be an inworld thing might be a bad SL client.

    This used to be possible. The IM message format has location information built in, and until a few years ago, it used to be correctly filled in for both avatars and objects. After some viewers began to exploit it, LL removed the location information on the server side for avatar messages. (It is still present for objects, that's how offline IMs can report an object's SLurl.)

  15. Qie Niangao wrote:

    Yeah, maybe. In fact, I'm pretty sure that the rule used to be worded much more simply, that you couldn't charge
    more for something in Marketplace than in-world. (That may even have been way back in the SLX days, I'm not sure now.) So indeed the wording change to the current "inflated" may have been to convey "do what you want within reason." For that matter, a merchant could probably do completely
    reasonable things, too, with no consequence, Marketplace being such a thoroughgoing hell hole and all.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that I think the "legally challengable" on antitrust grounds is... unlikely. I'm thinking of the agreements credit card companies impose on merchants (at least in North America) as an example of just how much is permitted.

    Yes, the price difference thing went back to SLX. Back tghen they wre actually OK with small inworld discounts, so that the inworld price would be the same as you would get from SLX after commission. Back then, the purpose was clear, it was to keep SLX from becoming a free advertising medium for inworld products with no commissions coming back in. These days, it's only one LL property "competing" against another, and the rule probably mostly survives only because of the "but we've always done it this way" mentality.

  16. Anaktay wrote:

    Tell me about it. How is it that iPhones and Androids have several different SL apps to choose from but Windows phones have none at all? I have a Windows 8 phone and have been searching high and low for an SL app. Let me know if you ever find anything.

    It's because of this. MS will have to find a way to break into the phone market in a much bigger way, before more app writers will feel like it's worth their time.


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