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Dogboat Taurog

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Posts posted by Dogboat Taurog

  1. Knowl Paine wrote:

    "I'm here to play games with you". That would be an interesting way to approach other Residents. It wouldn't be my first choice. 

    If a Resident enjoys playing games and believes SL is a game, then it is games you will have when interacting with that Resident.

    I believe games can be played and are played in SL. The magic of Second Life is "it's your SL".   



     a taxi is a car but a car isn't a taxi.




  2. Charolotte Caxton wrote:

    Oh no, not at all. I understood you were further adding to the discussion of time. I was agreeing with you. I apologise if I made it seem like I wasn't. I was saying, yes, it is relative, right? When we are speaking about time of course when I ask someone, what time are we meeting for dinner? It is understood that we will be agreeing on the current local time. Then there are those that are obsessive on having every single clock in their space synchronized down to the last millisecond. Then of course we have cultural differences, belief differences, geological differences, etc. So yes, time is indeed relative and quite fascinating, right? I thought it was even more interesting when factors like gravity, orbit and such were added to the consideration of time. I never even considered anything like that! It's amazing how much time affects us in ways we didnt even realize.

    erm, right.

  3. Ceka Cianci wrote:

    Second life is a type of virtual world..

    The others are types of virtual worlds as well..

    They all have certain things in common that make them virtual worlds..

    A lot call it a virtual internet..

    The way LL designed it ..It sure looks and acts like one..

    So maybe it is a virtual internet and not just a virtual world..




    the internet is quite real.

    SL is a virtual world.


  4. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote:

    I have to vote SL is a game... for me.  I understand the arguments everyone has put forth here for both sides, but the way I approach it is as a game.  For me, there is a goal or quest each time I log in.  I 'level up' by learning something new.  I learned how to get around - walk, tp, fly - Level 1.  I learn how to make purchases, dress, find decent skins/shapes - level 2.  I figure out how the poseballs, various HUDs, dancing work - level 3.  I join an rp group and learn another way to communicate and play well with others - level 4.  If I ever get the hang of editing clothing or shoes, I may get to level 5.  Building is on my list of things to learn - maybe I will get to level 6 one day.  The game continues...

    It is like those books you could read as a kid - the 'create your own adventure' books.  I considered those books games AND entertainment.   You have some control over the next step, but no control over other people's responses.  To me a game implies some sort of challenge or reaching a goal.  Sometimes they are personal challenges sometimes you face it with a group and I do not always win the game.  I log in again the next day and 'play' again.  I know that is is really a place to challenge myself, but I still consider it a game.

    real life is the same though.

    people get hurt in SL and real life, its not a game to have your emotions trampled on, unless you see that as a game of course.

    a goal is predefined in games, football, Wow, tiddlywinks,  whatever.

    you could argue that working was a game,reading a book, watching a film, they have goals too.

    so by your definition they are also games.

    its really so wrong to call SL a game, you can play tiny empires within SL but you can't play SL itself.

  5. Gadget Portal wrote:

    If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a virtual world and not a game?

    SL may not have "objectives" like most games, but barring that, it's got a whole lot in common with online games. As a matter of fact, everything I've done with my computer, from special hardware to setup to even special input and audio devices for games, directly translates to making SL easier to use. Calling it a game is not a stretch of the imagination or some "disorder" or something else.

    Like it or not, it's a virtual environment with 3D controlled characters, just like World of Warcraft or City of Heroes or Guild Wars or Call of Duty. World of Warcraft and Call of Duty are VERY different, but people call them both "video games". SL falls under that same broad definition.

    Second Life however, adds a whole lot more options than other games, on a significantly more mature level, which is why people tend to say it's not a video game, it's something else.

    how is SL like a game?

    thats the same as saying life is a game, when for some it clearly isnt.

    your opinion is shortsighted im afraid.






  6. Storm Clarence wrote:

    Dogboat Taurog wrote:

    SL is a virtual world and thats all there is to it.

    SL is in-house and TP developed software running on dedicated LL hardware resource.  The user interface allows you to 'manipulate' your in-world experience ergo it is whatever one wants it to be.  

    That's all there is to it.

    Lots and lots of 1's and 0's.

    my answer was less wordy and more concise.:matte-motes-yawn:

  7. om Piers wrote:

    The 'is it a game' question has been asked before as someone pointed out, but as time moves forward, i enjoy seeing a new set of answers. It still seems split about the same.
    Must say, the relative civility in this thread is a good sign no matter what! Thanks Keli!

    People will approach SL as they choose, as a game or a life or a hobby or ..., because they can. There is no mechanism to force people to view or use SL in a particular way.

    For me, it is a form of entertainment, a way to pass the time, to have a good conversation from time to time, to learn something interesting from someone across one pond or another.


    SL is a virtual world and thats all there is to it.

  8. Venus Petrov wrote:

    Marigold Devin wrote:

    Dogboat Taurog wrote:

    Ceka Cianci wrote:

    it's one big sand box with a bunch of smaller sandboxes where everyone around the world can meet and play in.

     one really needs to understand the meaning of "play" and "game".

    SL is a social network for me.

    augmented reality, and thats all.

    for those that "play" SL i suggest they explore themselves and find out exactly why they havent grown up properly and where their deficiencies lie.

    michael jackson springs to mind.


    "grown up properly"?


    There is nothing at all wrong with letting your hair down once in a while, letting the inner child come out.

    I've seen plenty of grown-ups in real life have a sneaky play on the swings when they thought no one was watching.

    I think I "play in" SL rather than "play" it though.


    It was not that long ago when I fell backwards into the snow and made a snow angel with a 1/2 dozen bemused relatives watching.

    ah but thats the key to it.

    you knew you were being watched.

    thats playing the fool.

    nothing wrong with that i might add.





  9. Ceka Cianci wrote:

    Dogboat Taurog wrote:


    Ceka Cianci wrote:

    Dogboat Taurog wrote:

    Ceka Cianci wrote:

    it's one big sand box with a bunch of smaller sandboxes where everyone around the world can meet and play in.

     one really needs to understand the meaning of "play" and "game".

    SL is a social network for me.

    augmented reality, and thats all.

    for those that "play" SL i suggest they explore themselves and find out exactly why they havent grown up properly and where their deficiencies lie.

    michael jackson springs to mind.


    Oh nice try with the whole profiling atttempt on the word play  LOL

    here you go mr literal man hehehe



    surely literacy is the key to good communication, perhaps some people dont understand english.


    sorry my metaphor buzzed past you like it did..

    second life grid...one big sandbox

    sims..little sanboxes




    better? silly wabbit

    this is the problem when you create your own metaphors, only you understand what you are talking about.

    there are reasons for having words, and that is so we can all communicate better.

    metaphors are pointless without reference.

     building isn't playing.

    scripting isnt playing.

    design isn't playing.

    you need to understand what "play" means,  then perhaps you can communicate more effectively on the subject of "play".



    Ceka Cianci wrote:

    Dogboat Taurog wrote:

    Ceka Cianci wrote:

    it's one big sand box with a bunch of smaller sandboxes where everyone around the world can meet and play in.

     one really needs to understand the meaning of "play" and "game".

    SL is a social network for me.

    augmented reality, and thats all.

    for those that "play" SL i suggest they explore themselves and find out exactly why they havent grown up properly and where their deficiencies lie.

    michael jackson springs to mind.


    Oh nice try with the whole profiling atttempt on the word play  LOL

    here you go mr literal man hehehe


    surely literacy is the key to good communication, perhaps some people dont understand english.


  11. Marigold Devin wrote:

    Dogboat Taurog wrote:

    Ceka Cianci wrote:

    it's one big sand box with a bunch of smaller sandboxes where everyone around the world can meet and play in.

     one really needs to understand the meaning of "play" and "game".

    SL is a social network for me.

    augmented reality, and thats all.

    for those that "play" SL i suggest they explore themselves and find out exactly why they havent grown up properly and where their deficiencies lie.

    michael jackson springs to mind.


    "grown up properly"?


    There is nothing at all wrong with letting your hair down once in a while, letting the inner child come out.

    I've seen plenty of grown-ups in real life have a sneaky play on the swings when they thought no one was watching.

    I think I "play in" SL rather than "play" it though.


    once in a while maybe, but any adult on the swings on their own is cause for concern.

    there are plenty of ways of letting your hair down which don't involve regression.




  12. Ceka Cianci wrote:

    it's one big sand box with a bunch of smaller sandboxes where everyone around the world can meet and play in.

     one really needs to understand the meaning of "play" and "game".

    SL is a social network for me.

    augmented reality, and thats all.

    for those that "play" SL i suggest they explore themselves and find out exactly why they havent grown up properly and where their deficiencies lie.

    michael jackson springs to mind.


  13. Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

    I often wonder why people abandon their land instead of finding some premium resident and selling it for $L0.  That's what I  would do if I couldn't sell my land.  I mean what are you loosing?  Give away free to LL or give it someone who would use it.

    2 years ago my business partner had 12 sims, she sold a few but couldnt even sell some for the transfer fees, hence half were abandoned.

    land wasnt wanted then and its worse now.

  14. Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

    Dogboat Taurog wrote:

    Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

    Dogboat Taurog wrote:

    mesh is the latest mind bogglingly stupid idea which will alienate many with slower pcs.

    some may say "upgrade your pc"



    If LL had gone with mesh import rather than prims from the very beginning, people with mid- and low-end PCs would be a lot better off nowadays. Mesh can't possibly be worse than prim hair that consists of hundreds of cut tori or necklaces that are made up of a few hundred tiny sculpties.

    I'm not very fond of mesh myself, but for different reasons. The one thing you can't hold against mesh is performance. If it's widely used to replace existing prim and sculpt prim content, we will see a much better performance thanks to a greatly reduced polygon count .

    perfect meshes maybe, but you know thats not going to happen.

    too many monkeys out there.

    It takes both a deliberate effort and the mindset of a griefer to come up with a mesh that does the same to a graphics card what a cut, tortured, twisted and hollowed torus prim does

    we will see.

  15. Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

    Dogboat Taurog wrote:

    mesh is the latest mind bogglingly stupid idea which will alienate many with slower pcs.

    some may say "upgrade your pc"



    If LL had gone with mesh import rather than prims from the very beginning, people with mid- and low-end PCs would be a lot better off nowadays. Mesh can't possibly be worse than prim hair that consists of hundreds of cut tori or necklaces that are made up of a few hundred tiny sculpties.

    I'm not very fond of mesh myself, but for different reasons. The one thing you can't hold against mesh is performance. If it's widely used to replace existing prim and sculpt prim content, we will see a much better performance thanks to a greatly reduced polygon count .

    perfect meshes maybe, but you know thats not going to happen.

    too many monkeys out there.

  16. Ciaran Laval wrote:

    DarkMoon Lilliehook wrote:

    Friendly greetings...

    A warning to all of you out there:

    While requesting support from a UK company in SL that produces items for businesses in SL  I had to wait over a month to get a reply which was incomplete and unprofessional. They state tickets get answered within 2-5 days.

    After putting in another question to their support ticket system and waiting for over a week i wanted to check on the ticket and had to find myself suspendet from their website.

    This company gets over 15000 L$s each month from me for a subscription to a webbased group system. This is one of the worst support i ever received. Acting like this is totally unprofessional and i see no other choice than warning all of you about their services.

    1. The original guy has merged the company with another guy and has taken a back seat.

    2. They made support low priority for those not paying for support several months ago.


    maybe these threads should be joined.

  17. TriJin Bade wrote:

    Did some quick stats today and this it what I found:

    Regions in Second Life: As at 18 Jul 2011

    Total number of regions: 31218

    Full regions marked for sale: 7046

    Homesteads marked for sale: 1301

    Mainland regions for sale: 6502

    Auctioned regions: 36

    Therefore, out of 31218 regions, 14885 are for sale.

    That's about HALF of Second Life.

    This is ignoring all the individual small parcels for sale on regions.

    Eye opening, isn't it !


    its really not suprising.

    there's empty land everywhere, just perhaps LL might think of reducing tiers, but they will probably remain defiant till the end.

    they have made epic mistakes during their years, nothing is actually any better than it was 3 years ago.

    mesh is the latest mind bogglingly stupid idea which will alienate many with slower pcs.

    some may say "upgrade your pc"

    i say i dont want to, mines perfectly good for most things and if i cant use SL then theres plenty more in the sea which doesnt demand high spec pcs.



  18. Venus Petrov wrote:

    Wow, Awesome.  You nearly replicated a posting style from a former prolific youtube poster ('cept you had one line of text).

    Cute song!

    when i lived in west london there was an amazing fish and chip shop run by some chinese.

    a friend and i went in, he said cod and chips please, and i said i'll have the same with a can of coke.

    the chinese guy looked at me and said

    its not the bruddy same is it?

    true story.

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